Yudi Klockdar was also proud to talk to Luffy and Vivi about their plans, but they didn't know that his plan that had been planned for so long was ruined by Bai Yun, a person with a script, at the beginning.

But the doppelganger here is suffocated, and you can't laugh.

Here's the way it is.

Bai Yun himself took Kosha and 700,000 rebels to "find the truth." "

On the side of the Royal Army of Arubana, the king is gone, and Gacca knows that the rebels are coming, and he can only gather the Royal Army first to prepare for defense.

On the rainy side, Luffy and they were locked up in a stone cage in the sea tower, and the key was swallowed by the banana crocodile, but fortunately, Sanji and Choiba were still outside.



"Uh-huh!!! It's going to die!!"

"Thank you, Sauron."

Time passed, and water poured into the room.

Vivi went out to find help.

Luffy was left here, and they could only wait for help.

"Water to your knees!"

"The water is up to the knees!!"

Luffy and Usopp shouted in panic.

Bai Yun's body was light, and he stood on one foot on Solon's outstretched palm.

Solon suddenly caught a glimpse of the bracelet on Bai Yun's hand missing. (The doppelganger did not have a bracelet)

raised his head to look at Bai Yun, remembering that he was not panicked at all, and just now he was holding back a smile, is this guy prepared?

"Bastard, crocodile! Here you go! Bite us!!"

Nami suddenly shouted.

"What are you doing? Nami.

Usopp asked puzzled, "Are you still provoking the crocodile at this time?"

"Anger those guys and let them crush this iron cage!"

Nami replied.

Luffy and Usopp suddenly realized.

"Yes." ×2

"The little crocodile will bite you Captain Usopp if he has the ability!"

"Come on, bastard banana."

Bai Yun shook his head slightly, if this banana crocodile can bite the sea lou stone, then the number one beast in the pirate world will be it.

"Here it comes! Nami shouted.

I saw the banana crocodile open its mouth and bite, and the mouth was higher than the cage.

One bite, well, directly give it a mouthful of teeth broken, tears came out.

If it weren't for its short hands, I am afraid that it would have to cover its mouth with its hands.

"No, this iron cage is too hard."

Nami looked down and said with a slight disappointment.

"Vivi, you're coming back soon."

Usopp shouted, a sense of "You come back soon, I can't bear it alone."

"You're not in a hurry, bong."

Bai Yun looked at Smog and said.

Smogg sat on the platform, his hands folded, the water hadn't reached there yet, but it was fast.

And did not bother with the title of "smoking gun" in vain.

"Do you know what the purpose of the crocodile is?"

"The woman next to him is a guy who has been chasing by the world government for 20 years and has a bounty of more than 70 million."

"What, 70 million."

Luffy and they were attracted by Smogg's voice, and Usopp was startled to hear Robin's bounty.

"The two of them joining together is definitely more than just [subverting the kingdom]."

"If left unchecked, it could affect the whole world."

To this, Bai Yun's reaction was, "Oh.

"Then that's what you, as a navy, should investigate."

And Luffy, "What are you talking about, as long as you hit that guy, there won't be so much trouble."

Smogg puffed out a puff of smoke, "Really?"

Then Luffy collapsed.

The water has already spilled to the waist.

Solon grabbed him.

Dragging Bai Yun with one hand and Luffy with the other, this "home" had to be dispersed without Solon.

And at this moment, a voice floated in from outside.

"Please don't make a noise when eating!"

"Etiquette chain kick!!"

I saw Yamaji kick the huge banana crocodile in the abdomen, and kicked it up abruptly.

The banana crocodile flew up, rolled his eyes directly, and the building stones that ate into his stomach were kicked out abruptly.


The situation outside just now.

Yamaji grabbed the head of the billionaire and asked him to say the lines.

Nothing was forced, it was all voluntary.

After luring Klockdar out, he let Chopa transform into human form to lead Klockdar further.

With a turn, Joba directly changed back to his original form, and walked behind Klockdar in a mopping suit.

This is the end of not seeing the domineering.



Sanji put down his foot, put one hand in his pocket, and took the cigarette with the other and pointed it at Luffy and them.

"Hey, long wait."

Bai Yun smiled, thinking that this made you pretend, but it was really handsome, and he got glasses.

"Prince !!"

Luffy and Usopp shouted excitedly.

Nami breathed a sigh of relief, "Great.

"Go find the key, don't stand silly!!"

Solon shouted through gritted teeth.

Sanji didn't hear a word, dancing with his hands, "Hahaha, is Miss Nami going to fall in love with me~"

The backs of Nami and Solon revealed speechlessness.

"Yes, yes, open the door."

Nami replied perfunctorily.

And Klockdar reacted and was transferred away from the mountain, and immediately rushed back.

But he had two hands to prepare, and the key he threw down was fake.

You can come back and open the door.


I saw Mr.3 floating on the surface of the water, with a note on his body (very unreasonable, the capable person is floating on the water, and Oda's statement is that this is a magical floating paper (ಡωಡ)


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