In the back street of the council hall, the battle between Nami and Ms. Erji continues.

However, it is only right to say that Nami and Bai Yun fought with Ms. Erji.

Bai Yun stopped Ms. Two Fingers.

Nami hurriedly blew out many cold bubbles and hot bubbles, and the hot bubbles contained the rising moisture, collided with the falling cold bubbles, and quickly condensed into a cloud.

And at this time, Bai Yun flew directly past Nami, brought a gust of wind, slammed the wall, fell and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, and the long stick in his hand was directly taken off.

"White luck!"

Nami shouted.

"You still care about yourself!"

Ms. reached out and smashed it over.

Nami stepped back, but still took a step slower, and the soles of her feet were smashed.

"What is it?"

Ms. Erji looked at Xiao Yun flying by, puzzled.

Nami endured the pain, stood up and rotated the weather stick, constantly using bubbles to make the cloud grow bigger.

"Not dead yet!"

"Spiked mace!"

Ms. reached out with two fingers, and Nami raised the weather stick grid, but her arm was still stabbed, and she fell to the ground under the impact.

"How's that, ready to die?"

Ms. Two fingers are more talking.

Nami smiled sideways, "You are." After

speaking, he directly waved the electric bubble, and then immediately turned around and hugged his head and lay down.

Electric bubbles flew from the side, Ms. two fingers puzzled.

It's okay, no need to understand.

The electric bubble merges into the cloud, giving the cloud electric energy, turning into a dark cloud, and the powerful lightning strike instantly splits down.

"Heavenly thunder!!"


AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADirectly below, the lightning completely hit Ms. Two's finger.

At this time, even if Ms. does not use ability, her hair is hedgehog-type.

Opening his mouth and spitting smoke rings, Ms. Two Fingers reacted, gritted his teeth, was teased several times, became angry, and punched Nami in the face.


But to hear Nami's voice coming from behind her, it was a mirage again.


"The air temperature and wind are stable today."

"With high pressure, the weather will be very clear."

"But mirages and cyclones will occur in a small number of areas, so take precautions."

After that, Nami spliced the three weather sticks into a T-shape and aimed them at Ms. Two.

"Can you still fight?"

"It's been hurting since just now, that left foot."

"Actually, you're almost unable to stand."

Ms. Two fingers rushed directly over.

Nami didn't expect that she could still move after being struck by lightning.

But the arrow was on the string, it had to be sent, and it could not be hidden.

"Spicey sea urchin!"

Ms. Two-finger hair straightened into spikes.

Nami gritted her teeth and directly raised her left foot to step on, which was instantly penetrated.

Bai Yunguan felt pain when he looked at it.

Ms. pushed Nami back with two fingers, and stopped when she was exhausted.

"This injury is nothing to me."

"After meeting Vivi, and the things she pressed on, even if my legs were penetrated, what was it!"

"Go and die!"

"Tornado climate!!"

Nami pulled out her left foot and pressed the button, only to see a toy bird flying out of each end behind the weather stick, like a kind of chiming clock.

Seeing these two birds, Nami instantly wanted to die.

But without thinking, the two birds rotated and wrapped around Ms.'s second finger.

"What, what!"

Then the front end of the weather rod will begin to accelerate and rotate, and even the second finger of Ms. will begin to rotate.


Finally, this section of the weather rod at the front end was shot out by a strong centrifugal force together with the entangled Ms. two fingers.

After flying out and smashing more than a dozen cargo boxes, Ms. stopped with two fingers and could not get up again.

Battle of the back streets of the council hall.

Nami vs Ms. Two fingers.

Nami wins.


Nami slumped on the ground, unable to react.

Bai Yun stumbled over and helped her up, "Amazing, Miss Nami, you won a cadre."

"I won? I won! Ha ha.. Yes! "

It hurts."

There was a huge pain in the soles of the feet, and Nami and Bai Yun stood with each other's arms.

And suddenly, the second finger of the Ms. in front actually got up, but failed to stand up, reached out and threw out two spikes.

Bai Yun immediately let go of Nami and stretched out his fingers to accurately clamp the spikes.

"The battle is over."

"Also engaged in sneak attacks, can't afford to play, little spicy chicken."

With both hands thrown out, two spikes flew back, not on Ms.'s second finger, but on the building above her head, and then exploded instantly, Ms.'s second finger was crushed under the rubble, which completely lost its combat power.

Bai Yun clapped his hands, but there was a murderous aura behind him.

"You didn't say that! Don't you have the ability!!"

"Dare you pretend!!"

"White luck !!!!"

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