"Not good!!"

After learning about Luffy's latest bounty, Ikalem knew that something was wrong, and quickly felt that the room went to inform Luffy about them.

But he pushed it open, and there was an empty row of boat shops, leaving only Vivi and Karu by the window.


Just now, when Ikarem and Gaka were looking at the bounty list.

Inside the room, a soldier delivered a phone bug.

"Phone bug, who is the other party?"

Luffy asked.

"It's a guy called [Little Basin]."

The soldier replied, then dropped the phone bug on Luffy's ship and exited.

"Who is [the small basin]? Does anyone know anyone?

Nami asked.

"But he said it was everyone's friend."

"Yamaji, you take it, I guess you'll like it."

Bai Yun said with a smile.

"I'll like it? What kind of big sister!"

Yamaji immediately got up from the sofa, picked up the earpiece with a smile on his face, and before he could speak, a noise came from the opposite side.

"Hey! Feed!! Whahahaha, it's a slave..."

Slave! Home!!"

When a familiar voice came out, Sanji instantly changed his face, hung up the phone with a look of disgust, and then turned around and shouted at Bai Yun.

"Loved overdone!! You like it, Bai Yun!!"

Bai Yun couldn't help but smile, "I just estimate, and we can indeed get to know him best." Bai

Yun's voice fell, the phone worm rang again, and Luffy answered.

"Hey, you're that shemale, what are you looking for us for?"

Xiao Feng's voice came from the earpiece, "This is not the voice of the straw hat boy, you are so powerful, the slave family is about to cry happily."

"By the way, don't call the slave family [Mr.2] Oh, if the radio waves are intercepted by the Navy, it will be troublesome."

"You don't type anymore."

Choiba complained.

"To the point."

Solon also got up and came to Luffy's side.

"Point, ah, yes, your ship, the slave family drove away!"

As soon as these words came out, except for Bai Yun and Wei Wei, the others immediately turned into shark faces.

"What are you kidding!!"

"You bastard, where are you now!!"

The back of Yamaji's head felt like he was cursing.

"On your ship, listen to me, listen to me."

"Aren't we friends?"

Xiao Feng told Luffy that he drove the Melly to help them, otherwise the ship would be escorted by the navy.

"Upper Santa Dora River."

Luffy put down the earpiece.

"Can he believe it?"

Vivi asked, after all, it was one of the people who had been delusional about ruining her country.

"We did have been friends for a while."

Luffy replied.

"I see you will be friends with him when you meet him again."

Spit from Solon, look at people really accurately.

"He is only one person, he should not dare to lie to us."

"And where our ship is, no matter what, we have to take a look, don't we."

Bai Yun analyzed.

"Well, Bai Yun is right! Let's start collecting our luggage.

Luffy said, and everyone immediately began to collect their luggage.

Vivi watched silently, and when they put it away, she spoke.

"Everyone... What should I do?"

Nami walked up to Vivi and grabbed her hand, "Listen, Vivi, we give you 12 hours to think about it, after we captured the boat on the Santa Dora River, we came out of the port of the Santa Dora River and went to the port of the rape flower to the east port, it was almost 12 noon, but I was afraid that I could not moor." Nami

didn't say anything on the surface, but secretly arranged everything.

"If you want to continue your trip with us, you will only have a momentary chance to board the ship, when we will warmly welcome you to join the ranks of pirates."

Nami smiled and let go of Vivi's hand.

"We invited you because you are a princess."

Usopp said.

"You must come, Vivi."

Luffy shouted, but Nami contradicted him.

"Don't do this, Luffy."

"What, don't you want Vivi to come too?"

"Of course not, it's up to her to decide."

Nami replied.

Vivi barely squeezed out a smile.

Solon fell down the rope, "Well, the rope is strong, you can come down."

Then Luffy and they went down one by one, and finally only Bai Yun and Vivi were left.

Bai Yun came to the window, and Vivi was by her side.

"Don't be so entangled, Your Royal Highness."

"To be honest, King Kobra is still in good health, even if you are not there, the impact on this country is not too great."

"But the country is now in a period of post-rebellion repair, can you bear to leave?"

"Moreover, as the sole heir of the kingdom, the future empress, you should learn how to govern a country, but in terms of governing the country, we people can not help to learn."

"Bai Yun, are you okay?"

Luffy shouted.

"Okay, here it comes."

Bai Yun replied, and then said with a smile at Wei Wei.

"Then about the ending of the story of the gray princess leading the seven little giants to fight the snake essence and the scorpion spirit."

"Will I tell you tomorrow, or will I look forward to meeting you in the future?"

"You decide for yourself, Vivi."

"But no matter what the final result is, you remember, we are already partners, I think so, and everyone thinks so."


After that, Bai Yun jumped directly down, what kind of rope will fly.

And Vivi slowly sat down on the chair, looking at Luffy's distant back, until she couldn't see it and didn't want to leave the chair.


Vivi turned to Ikalem, sitting on the chair, her feet up and hugging, feeling weak and lonely.

"Princess Vivi.."

"What about Luffy? Where did they go?"

Ikalem asked.

Vivi turned to look at him, "What's wrong, Ikarim, they are pirates, of course they went to sea." "

Out... Sea? Also, it's better to leave early and take advantage of the night.

"Kalu, come and send them this newspaper and the bounty slip."

Ikalem beckoned Karu over.

Vivi said, "It's useless, Ikalem.

"Why, at least let them know where they are."

Ikalem was puzzled.

"I've already asked the Running Duck troops to send them off, and Karu can't catch up no matter how fast he runs."

"And it's the same or not, even if they know, they will smile happily, and nothing will change."

Vivi got up and walked over and pushed Ikalem out.

"Okay, you don't have to worry about them, go out, I'm going to sleep, and I'll get up early tomorrow, right."

"Ah, but... Yes, tomorrow the public will address the national people. "

Ikalem exited the room, but it always felt a little wrong.

Vivi she was too calm.

This horrible Ikalem stared at the ceiling all night, "Something is wrong, something is wrong..."

and Vivi couldn't sleep.

"It's so quiet, Karu, I haven't had such a quiet night in a long time."

"No cooks desperately filling the fridge."

"There are no swordsmen who exercise every night."

"There is no navigator who throws pillows when he is sleepy."

"There are no stories that everyone hears seriously... Bai Yun...

""None of them..."


At this time, the Straw Hat Pirates were riding six running ducks to the upper reaches of the Santa Dora River.

Choiba lay on Solon's head, just right.

"Well, it's so comfortable."

Solon sighed as he felt the wind blowing.

"Yes, I want to say goodbye to the Land of Sand, and this battle led by me."

Such "faceless" words, no need to guess that it was said by Usopp, after saying this, he turned his head to look at Luffy who was pulling the rope in one hand and constantly nibbling on the (Alabastan-style) big bone and flesh in the other.

"You haven't eaten enough, Luffy."

"Uh-huh, Alabastan's cuisine is so delicious, Yamaji, let's eat it next time."

Luffy nodded back, even if he was in a hurry, he couldn't forget to cook, although he had just cooked a hundred meals a few hours ago.

"Well, I thought so too, so I asked Tira Getan for a menu and mixed the sauce."

Sanji replied, without Luffy saying that Yamaji would also take action on his own when it came to cooking.

There was chatting here, while Nami was silent.

Bai Yun understood that a large group of old men on the ship finally had a little sister, but they didn't know whether to take her with them and whether she would come.

Of course, this is a small part of the reason.

Moreover, she did not know, the little sister left, and a big sister came.

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