After drinking the wine, the relationship between Ace, Saab, Bai Yun and Luffy became closer.

Time still passes, as always, and does not stop.

The four spent another day together.

A log cabin belonging to the four of them was built in the trees.

Water fight in the bathroom.

and Da Dan their activities of grabbing meat to eat.

Go to Marcino's tavern for a banquet and get the new clothes Marcino made for them.

Survival in the forest, challenge of the beast.

The biggest "beast" belongs to Karp who came to visit in the middle.

That day, the four of them returned to the Da Dan House with bags on their heads, and I didn't know if they thought they were cosplay gourd babies.

Day by day, Bai Yun was very happy, never so happy.

But it also means that the day of Draco's arrival is also approaching day by day.


Finally, one day, fate couldn't get used to the happy life of the four of them, and broke this peace.

Under Bai Yun's advice, Saab, Ace, and Luffy did not go to the town to carry out the "saving money" activity during this time.

But the Kolbo Hills are still the territory of the Goya kings, right there, and they can't leave.

If you don't go out, others will come to you.

Saab's noble father led the people of the Blue Sauce Pirates to stop Ace, Luffy, and Roya, who were collecting herbs for Baiyun on the mountain road.

Because it's bloody.

Bai Yun happened to have a high fever one day.

Saab and the three of them were blocked by his father precisely because they were picking herbs for Bai Yun.

Bai Yun couldn't help but sigh, fate! Can you be more clever?


"So suddenly I had a fever! Small children are trouble.

Da Dan complained, but while complaining, he helped Bai Yun change the towel on his forehead.

"I'm sorry... Dada.

"You're in trouble."

Bai Yun's lips turned white, and he felt that his head weighed a thousand pounds, and the whole person was muddy.

"Stop talking, white boy, sleep for a while, don't die in my house."

"Ace, they went to collect herbs for you, but if they can't pick them, they go to the town to grab some."

"You sleep first, I guess they will come back when you wake up"

Da Dan took a cigarette, he was concerned about Bai Yun, but this mouth was hard.

Bai Yun glanced at the clock on the wall, and it was 6:10 p.m.

Nodded and closed his eyes, in three days, Draco would come, and he had to heal before then.


A close-up of a genie in time pushing the hands on the clock to spin rapidly.

Bai Yun slowly opened his eyes and felt that a century had passed.

Look at the clock, 6:05 p.m.

"Has time turned back?"

Obviously impossible, Bai Yun slept for a day.

And although Da Dan had a poisonous mouth, he still loved Bai Yun and sat cross-legged next to Bai Yun and dozed off.

Bai Yun looked around, only the other mountain thieves, did not notice Luffy's figure, and realized that something was wrong.

"It wouldn't be so coincidental!"

Bai Yun directly reached out and copied Dadan's physique, as a mountain thief, Dadan's physique is still okay.

Reproduce the physique of others, not to say that injuries and illnesses are immediately good.

It is to suffer this injury and this disease with the physique of this person.

Therefore, Bai Yun is now using 60% of his physique to get a high fever, although he also feels that his head is heavy, but it is much better than his own physique.

"White boy! Why are you !!"

Da Dan was woken up by the sound of Bai Yun, and saw Luo Ya, who was still feverish, put on his coat and ran out.

Bai Yun stopped, reacted, he was too panicked to panic, now there was still a little time before the evening.

"Dadan, hurry up and let everyone set off to save Ace and Luffy! They were kidnapped by pirates! In that harbor in Garbage Mountain!"

After that, Bai Yun did not wait for them and ran out first.

Leaving Da Dan stunned in place, the cigarette in his mouth fell to the ground, and immediately shouted after reacting,

"Quick!" Fast! the guys! Keep up with the white boy!!"


As Bai Yun guessed, here Blue Sauce used Luffy and Ace to remove the fire oil and bomb from the burning garbage mountain, and then unloaded the grind and killed the donkey.


"Burn the garbage mountain!"

"Then hurry up and tell the uncles under the garbage mountain!"

Ace and Luffy were shocked to hear what Lan Sauce said.

"Don't shout so loudly, it will be heard by the people of the garbage mountain."

"King Goya has promised me that only if the garbage mountain successfully burns, he will give me the status of a nobleman."

"It's stupid to think that I wasted such a big mind for a noble status, and that Saab brother you called gave up his noble identity to go to the garbage mountain!"

Saab and Blue Sauce are typical city people who want to go out and people outside the city who want to go in.

"Now that you know the plan, I can't leave you going."

"One last thing to ask you, where did you hide the treasure?"

Blue Sauce crouched down with a gloomy face and asked Ace and Luffy that he wanted not only the status of the nobles, but also Ace their treasure.

But I'm afraid I didn't get anything in the end.


And Bai Yun dragged the sick body to the garbage mountain, but the sun had already set and night came.

Looking at those homeless people lying on the ground and losing interest in life, Bai Yun still couldn't bear to say.

"Tonight, those nobles in Gaozhen are going to burn the garbage mountain!"

"Run now!"

Bai Yun shouted, but none of those present cared, leaving the garbage mountain, where can they go?

Good words are hard to persuade damn ghosts!

But Bai Yun didn't have time to persuade them anymore.

From the fence of the border town, a shell was fired and landed on the outer edge of the garbage mountain, and with a bang, the fire oil and bombs buried under the garbage were ignited, and the chain reaction exploded.

The flames burned on the outer edge of the garbage mountain, forming a wall of fire and burning inside.

The night was instantly illuminated by the firelight like day, and the night sky turned red.

The king of Goya wanted to burn more than just the mountains of garbage, and in his eyes, the untouchables on these mountains of garbage were also a stain on the kingdom of Goya.

Well, people always wake up to the end, and the residents of those garbage mountains can't lie down, and they all get up and run for their lives!

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