Ate a closed-door soup.

Blue Sauce could only return to the mouth of the bay with a group of crew members, and looking at the ship that had been embraced in flames, Blue Sauce recalled what the king said when he called him.

It turned out that everything was a set given to him by the king.

"Wang Baegg, you remember for me!!"

Anger welled up in his heart, and Lan Chan's words were still cruel.

But the kingdom of people is now sitting on the sofa drinking black tea, how comfortable and comfortable, but he himself is deeply caught in the fire, whether he can get out of trouble is still one thing.

And man, the bottomless pit of desire in the heart cannot be filled.

Deep in the fire, Lan Chan's thoughts are not how to escape, but how to make a comeback.

Money is needed for a comeback, who has the money?

Ace: Their treasure is money.

And fate is often like this, if he doesn't turn back to find Ace and Luffy, then he can still live.


"Phew: Call.. The fire is so big, I don't know if the uncles in the garbage mountain escaped smoothly. "

Even though he was in the middle of the fire, Luffy was still worried about others, he really, I cried to death.

But Ace felt stupid, "What's the situation, are you still in the mood to care about others!!"

"Damn, I don't even know where it is."

The flames burned something to ashes, and with the billowing smoke, Ace couldn't tell the way.

To make matters worse, Lan Chan's appearance appeared in front of them again at this time, blocking the way.

"Hey! Stinky imp, who allowed you to escape!"

"Blue sauce!"

"How could the arsonist still stay here, shouldn't he have fled a long time ago?"

Luffy wondered that Lan Sauce was still in the fire, and it was clear that the person who set the fire did not escape.

"Shut up, stinky boy!"

Blue sauce was originally unhappy, and now Luffy said so, even more unhappy.

"Catch them!"

"Aren't we partners working together? If you want to die, you will die together..."

"Before you say where the treasure is hidden, tell us before it is destroyed by the fire, and leave you with your lives."

Ace was shocked, "My life is gone, and I still think about the treasure!"

"So are you willing to say it?"

"If you don't take it, you're going to waste it, aren't you?"

Lan Chan's said.

Ace was silent, but the treasure had been transferred to the mountains by them, and now he felt that Bai Yun was very prescient.

But Lan Chan, unaware that they had transferred the treasure, could be exploited.

"Well, I'll tell you!"

Ace said with a calm face, telling Lan Chan.

But the so-called magic is one foot high and the road is one foot high, oh no, from their standpoint, it should be said that the road is one foot high and the devil is one foot high.


"What are you doing! Didn't you tell you the place?!"

Ace told the hidden treasure, but instead of letting go of Luffy, the people of Blue Sauce caught Ace with him.

"Who knows if you're panicking, you have to follow."

Lan Sauce replied.

Ace is very angry, follow you to send to death!

"No kidding, when you find it, there will be nowhere to escape, go to your own!"

"Don't me off!!"

Lan Chan, who pulled out a gun and aimed it at Ace, her face darkened.

"Even if I have to rely on the treasure of the imp, I swear that I must make a comeback, and then find that damn king, those damn nobles to take revenge."

"It's the same with that brother of yours, they treat everyone else as rubbish."

"Staying with you, I just feel a sense of superiority, otherwise you think that his family will go to the garbage mountain to play with you goods!?"

"Saab didn't think so!!"

Ace yelled loudly that Saab and their friendship were not allowed to be vilified.

"Don't be silly!"

"He doesn't look down on you at all in his heart and is secretly laughing at you!!"

Lan Chan, like loudly, was laid this way, now in his eyes, the nobles of the world are the same color.

Ace glared angrily at Lan Chan, his forehead bursting with green tendons.

"You are not allowed to denigrate Saab !! again"

"Yes! Saab just wants to be free!!"

Luffy in the back couldn't listen anymore, and bit the arm of the pirate who locked his throat.

The pirate let go of Luffy in pain, but angrily pulled out the long knife behind his back.

Luffy resisted across the water pipe, but how could the water pipe without any blessing block the blade.

The water pipe was split in two, and the blade slashed across Luffy's right forehead, blood splattering out.

Seeing that the next knife was about to cut Luffy's body, Ace instantly unconsciously burst out with a tyrant-colored domineering.


"Overlord color!"

Coming to the mouth of the bay, but from above, you can only see smoke, Bai Yun just wanted to use the ability to see and smell the reproduction, he sensed this overlord color, and immediately flew in the direction of this momentum explosion.


As a descendant of Roger, Ace's talent must not be weak, otherwise it would not be possible to become a supernova of the first generation.

The overlord is domineering, and he has a good ability to clean up the minions, and only Lan Sauce is still standing on the field.

In the hell with the general scene, Lan Chan, watching his subordinates lie down in an instant, foaming at the mouth.

I thought that Ace was a ghost, and he kicked Ace down, stepped on his body, and the muzzle collided with him.

The seriously injured Luffy on the other side gritted his teeth, but couldn't get up.



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