Fate does not go wrong, but it plays tricks.

The person who fell from the sky became Bai Yun, and Bai Yun was not as innocent as Luffy.

Nami's eyes lit up, and just when she thought that there was a big wrongful seed that could be blamed, Bai Yun spoke first.

"Big sister!"

"I'm coming to pick you up, big sister!"

After speaking, he snatched the great navigation chart in Nami's hand at once.

That hand speed shocked Nami, who was a thief cat.

It's not over, after Bai Yun snatched the chart, he pulled out his legs and ran.

"Big sister!"

"So it's organized! Thief mother-in-law!!"

Nami looked at Bai Yun's back, and behind it, Bucky's little brothers came viciously.

Looking at the shadow on the ground, Nami swallowed her spit, and immediately ran away like pulling out her legs.

The big man who could be the leader immediately grabbed the back collar of her fate.

"Still want to escape!!"

"Stinky mother-in-law!!"

The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and the big man's fist raised and smashed down, and Nami could only close her eyes in despair.

Seeing that the fist was about to smash into Nami's face.

Just listen, "Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Three gunshots rang out, Nami fell weightlessly to the ground, and when she opened her eyes, she saw three big men covering their hands, and the other two lying on the ground with their legs covered and wailing.

The eyes were full of puzzlement and shock, as well as fear.

"Oh, my eldest sister, why are you so embarrassed."

"Shall I help you?"

Bai Yun walked back, bending down and extending his palm to Nami.

Nami turned to look at him and shot at him in the waist and in his hand, not seeing the shadow of the gun.


"No need!"

Recovering, Nami slapped Bai Yun's hand away and stood up on her own.

Bai Yun smiled, did not care, and straightened up.


"Who the hell are you!"

"Who's your big sister! Give me back the charts!"

Nami directly reached out to grab the chart on Bai Yun's hand, and Bai Yun flashed, and Nami almost fell.

"You bastard..."

Nami just wanted to scold, but Bai Yun handed the chart to her.

"My name is Bai Yun."

"If you want to give it to you, why use robbery, I can't understand it anyway."

Nami was slightly stunned and forcefully took the chart back.

"Even if you still know each other."


You fired those three shots just now?"

"Why don't you see a gun on you."

After putting away the chart, Nami remembered the gunfire just now.

In addition to her and the three Bucky's men, there is only one person left here, who else can he have?

Bai Yun did not answer, but stared at the sky, the target appeared, and raising his hand was an instant shot.

The big bird that carried him here instantly fell from the sky and fell not far from the two.

"You're the one waiting."

"Dare to come back!"

Bai Yun looked at Big Bird's corpse and cursed.

Nami, on the other hand, watched the gun in Bai Yun's hand appear and disappear, rubbed her eyes, and wondered if she was wrong.

"Let's go, find a place to cook, I'm a little hungry."

By the time Nami reacted, Bai Yun had already dragged Big Bird's body over.

"Ahhh... Good.."



Looking at Bai Yun's back, Nami didn't expect him to really cook.

While still guessing his identity, Bai Yun turned around and put a pot of soup on the table, untied his apron and sat down.

Scooping up the bowl of soup, Nami smiled and just wanted to pick it up, but Bai Yun drank it herself.

So embarrassed that the smile on her face and the movement of her hand froze.


indignantly scooped himself a bowl.

Well? It's delicious.

After tasting it, it was Nami's first feeling.

"Ahem, I haven't introduced myself yet."

"My name is Nami, and I am a thief who specializes in stealing pirates."

"The town is occupied by the pirate clown Bucky, and people go to the shelter, so no one is visible now."

"And this great chart of the route was stolen by me from Bucky."

"My goal is to save up 100 million Baileys and buy a town."

"Only by going to the great voyage and stealing more treasures of the sea thief can you have a chance to collect 100 million Bailey."

"You have such a powerful marksmanship, think about it, the two of us work together to make a lot of money."

"After it's done... Two eight, I eight you two After all, you don't know how to sail, I will, I will make more efforts, take more money, no problem. After

drinking half a bowl of soup, Nami put the bowl down and introduced herself that she wanted to have a free thug.

After speaking, he picked up the bowl and continued to drink the soup, saying that he was thirsty when he said more, waiting for Bai Yun's answer.

Bai Yun smiled secretly in his heart, two or eight points, do you think I look like a big wrongdoer? Miss Nami.

"A thief who specializes in stealing pirates."

"Should I be scared then?"

Bai Yun replied, 108,000 miles away from the answer Nami wanted.

"What do you mean?"

"Because I'm a pirate too."

Bai Yun replied calmly.

Nami's eyes widened uncontrollably.

"It turns out that you are also a pirate!!"

"Then forget everything I just said!"

"Pirates are all the same, you fucking guys!"

Bai Yun calmly finished the soup, looked up at Nami, and said with a smiling expression.

"Don't talk too much, Miss Nami."

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