Bai Yun's side successfully blended into the enemy camp, and he was as comfortable as returning to his own home.

And Nami, on her side, just decided to turn around to find Bai Yun to return to the chart, when she bumped into something at a corner intersection.

A butt fell to the ground, this day, Nami is already annoying enough.

"Ah!! Why are you so unlucky today!!"

Raise his head and look at the two people who knocked him down.

And the two happened to be Luffy and Solon, who had just landed on the island.


"Ah, finally met someone."

Luffy's first reaction when he saw Nami was this sentence.

Solon nodded slightly in agreement, knowing that he would not let the three guys go, causing them to circle around the town a few times.

"Well, and a puppy."

Luffy noticed that there was a puppy behind Nami, and Luffy praised it directly and went to see the puppy.

Solon only glanced at Nami and did not bend down to help her, he thought that it shouldn't be so weak, this is to help?

Sure enough, it's a straight man, thanks to being handsome.

He stood up and patted the dust, at this time, Nami felt that Bai Yun was more gentleman, although he was the same bastard.

"Woman, do you know what's going on in this town?"

"Why didn't one person?"

Solon asked, wrapping his arms around him.

If the world of white luck is put on hold, from the beginning with this attitude, as this woman is called, Solon promises to become the next man in other people.

Nami was angry, but the curse words were stuck in her lips, and she suddenly found that Bai Yun said that he still had two human partners.

These two have never met, wouldn't it be them?

Preferably, damn Bai Yun snatched my charts, then let their two partners go to the water and take the opportunity to snatch the charts back themselves.

"Oh, it hurts!!"

"You..." "

Who are you!!

?" At the same time, three voices sounded together.

The first is the sound that Luffy made when he was bitten by his hand by the puppy Xiuxiu.

The second was Nami, who just wanted to speak, but was forced down by the other two voices.

And the third is the mayor who just came to feed the puppy Xiuxiu.

"No bullying, Xiuxiu!"

The mayor rushed between Luffy and Xiuxiu and separated the two.

Xiuxiu saw that the food was coming, and let go of Luffy's hand.


Luffy clamed questioningly, who bullied whom!!

"Uncle, who are you again?"

"I am the mayor of this town, this seaside town, which we built with our own hands fifteen years ago, our home!!"

"It's a pity that now it's occupied by pirates."

The mayor of the town was very excited, this town contained their hard work, it was built by the efforts of everyone, and he regarded it as wealth, their wealth.

Although no one asked him about the town, it was completely his own feelings.


Luffy reacted to the mayor expressing his feelings, picking his nostrils with his little finger.

I don't know why, the mayor of the town felt a little angry, but he didn't say anything, but squatted down to feed Xiuxiu.

"You said that the people of this town went to the shelter to avoid the pirates, what about this dog?"

"Why don't you go and risk it out to feed?"

Solon also came over at this time and asked puzzled.

"Xiuxiu is to protect this pet food store behind its owner."

"His owner is an old friend of mine, so let me take care of him on his behalf."

"Let you come, his own shop and why didn't the dog come by himself?"

Nami also came over, and after listening to the mayor's words, she felt that Xiuxiu's owner was a little selfish for a while.

"No, three months ago, Xiuxiu's master he... Sick and dead.

"I think Xiuxiu should feel it too."

"But it is a stubborn guard in front of the store and does not leave, and its injuries are caused by fighting with pirates."

"Just because he and the owner agreed to guard the house well, it stubbornly could not even take his life."

"Ah, it's amazing, then I won't blame you for biting me, Xiuxiu."

After listening to the mayor's story, Luffy showed a mouthful of white teeth, and felt that Xiuxiu was amazing.

But in the next second, Luffy and Solon's eyes changed and shouted together.

"Be careful!!"

Solon jumped back and grabbed Nami by the way.

And Luffy pressed the old mayor down.

A huge figure crashed through the pet food store and passed above their heads.

Nami dropped her ass again.

Luffy got up and looked over with Solon.

The person who came was really the tamer of the Bucky Pirates, Moltke riding the lion Ritchie.

"What are you, weird hood guy!!"

Luffy shouted.

"It's hair!! What a hood!!"

Moltke instantly fried his hair and replied, a guy who doesn't understand fashion.

And Xiuxiu was stunned when he looked at the pet food store that was knocked through a big hole and looked like it was about to collapse, and the store he had guarded for so long was destroyed in an instant.

"Roronoa Solon!"

"I'm here to take your dog's head!"

"Also, you thief mother-in-law, return the treasure, hahaha, I didn't expect to be betrayed by my little brother, he has now joined our Bucky Pirates!!"

Moltke taunted Solon and Nami.

Hearing Moltke talk about her little brother, Nami remembered Bai Yun, this guy actually joined the !! of the Bucky Pirates

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