"No!! No!! Spare my life!! Giles!! I'll give you as much money as you want!!"

After changing and changing, Changsheng returned to his weak body that had been used for 50 years, and the former owner of this body was estimated to have disappeared in the dust of history.

And Changsheng is now going to find him too.

After 50 years of imprisonment, if Giles did not kill him with his own hands, how could he stop, even if he killed him, he would not be able to return 50 years of time.

With a punch, Changsheng spat out a mouthful of blood, lost a few teeth, crooked his mouth, and was also woken up, his legs were gone, his life could no longer be gone, and he immediately begged for mercy with money.

The more he said this, the more angry Giles would become, straddling in front of Changsheng, and every word he said was a punch.

"I know where all your money is."

"Even if you die, I publicized the auction house as mine, and no one has an opinion, thanks to your lack of heirs."

"Also, how can you, who steal other people's bodies, be entitled to have an heir!!"

"Dead !!"

The dead word exited, and Giles' fist rained down on the immortal life.

With that murderous look, Ace and Bai Yun seemed to be able to see densely packed killing words in the space around him.

Blood splattered and flowed out, and Giles blasted the immortal head abruptly, dying no more.

Seeing the princess scream, she immediately turned her back and did not dare to look again.

Karma was also frightened, although he was born into a gangster family, he really did not see such a head being blown up, red and yellow things intertwined, that is, terrifying and disgusting.

Getting up, Giles kicked the immortal corpse into the shadows.

Bai Yun, who watched from beginning to end, just wanted to say that it was ruthless enough.

However, if he was locked up for 50 years, Bai Yun would only feel that this was not enough.

"So, let's go."

Bai Yun asked.

Giles' hands were still dripping blood, but not his blood.

"If you want to go, go, no one will stop you."

"Well, goodbye then."

"Hopefully, for the rest of the time, you'll find yourself, Mr. Giles."

Bai Yun replied, and then turned away with Ace.

David had already taken the princess to the corridor.

Seeing this, Karma immediately followed, not forgetting to carry his henchman, but he was also a good leader, but he was not very smart.


Soon, Giles was left alone in the room.

"Giles... Sir...,"

Giles muttered what White Luck called him.

For 50 years, those who participated in the auction also called him that, but that was not his real self, only Bai Yun's phrase was called the real himself.

Go for it.

A tear dripped on the ground.

Giles couldn't hold back after all, crying with joy.

After being locked up for 50 years, he is not crazy and has a strong consciousness.

"Hahahaha, Mr. Giles!!"

Laughing with tears in his eyes, Giles turned and punched, shattering the huge portrait of immortal life on the wall, along with an entire wall.

Behind the wall, iron cages were held by people of various races, such as Terrans, Fish-Terrans, Longhand Tribes, and so on.

Giles threw the key to his waist to them, "You are free." "

As the largest auction hall on the auction island, coupled with the character of Changsheng, how can it not do the population auction thing.

It's just that he has to set up a torii as a bitch, only in secret, but those who know him know that he is doing this.

Giles is also counting atonement, because many people here are immortals who control their bodies to grasp them.

The people who were imprisoned did not believe it at first, thinking that there was some kind of torture for them, until someone opened the cage, one and three, three and three.

The space inside the wall instantly stirred, the sound of unlocking, the clanging of steel clashing, and the sound of crying continuously.

And Giles sat on the couch, with his back to them, drinking tea in silence.

Everyone who ran past him looked back to see if he would catch up.

Some had the courage to attack him, and Giles did not hide at all, but under the armed color, he was not injured, so he sat like this, and was beaten by them.

Until they saw the headless body of the immortal life, they silently withdrew their fists and left without looking back.

And Giles, still sitting on the sofa, drinking tea.


Bai Yun, Ace and the others walked in the corridor, all thinking back to what happened just now, it was really impermanent.

Say what kind of destiny of the Emerald Heart, who knows that this kind of thing will happen.

However, it is a fact that the Emerald Heart was finally taken away, and the princess and Karma have no opinion to take it in vain, have no opinion, and dare not have an opinion.

Suddenly, there was a sound of mighty footsteps behind me.

Karma was taken aback.

"It won't be some chasers!! Immortal remnants of the party!!"

"I protect you, Second Young Master."

Karma's henchman immediately said, and Kama gave him a blank look.

"If you still want me to support you, what are you going to protect me?!"

"It's really useless!!"

The henchman was said to bow his head and be ashamed.

The princess was also worried about whether it was a chaser, and her eyes showed the meaning of Bai Yun.

But seeing Bai Yun shook his head, "Those footsteps are anxious and flustered, without the slightest fighting intent and killing intent.

"Those are not chasing us, they are looking for an exit, looking for the light."

Well.... The princess and Karma couldn't understand until the people behind caught up.

I saw that they were all a group of people dressed in rags and their faces were covered with dust.

When they saw Bai Yun and them, they also stopped, thinking that Bai Yun was the staff of the auction house and hostile people.

Bai Yun didn't say much and gave way to the aisle.

"The front is the auction stage, and when you get there, there is a door directly opposite, and there is the exit."

Hearing Bai Yun's words, these people looked at each other, but it was always good not to fight, and immediately ran through Bai Yun and them.

"These people are..."

said Ace, who knew what was going on.

"With the character of the immortal dog thing, how can it not be possible to conduct a population auction with the highest income?"

"You should know this, Karma of the old customer."

Bai Yun added.

"I: I know, but I've never been to the population auction, let alone participate in this, and I rarely come to this auction house.

Karma immediately explained, having been completely pinched by Bai Yun.

Bai Yun returned with a smile, the truth is not so, it doesn't matter to him.

Keep walking.

Bai Yun and the others came to the photo gallery, and saw that the photos on it were all taken off and stepped on thinly, and they didn't need to think about it, they knew that they were made by those who were arrested.

Push open the door.

The setting sun shines on the face.

In vain, they only saw some people crying at the door.

The people passing by in front of them looked strange and did not care at all.

Bai Yun sighed in his heart.

This is what the world looks like.

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