After determining the order of appearance, the two teams met at the starting point, and the roller roller race officially began.



"Don't think you can be proud if you win."

"This roller roller race is the strongest event of our Foxy Pirates."

Foxy let out a harsh word.

At this time, the leopard man seemed to smell something and rubbed towards Luffy.

"What are you doing?"

Luffy pushed the leopard man's face and didn't let him get closer, but the leopard man kept coming over like that idiot.

"Jiki Gida is sensitive to smelling things, I guess you ate something."

Foxy explained.

"I guess it's the cheese of the uncle's family."

Usopp said with a smile.

"Whatever it is, get out of here."

The white luck bracelet turned into a flintlock gun, and was pointed at by the black muzzle, and Jiki Jida exploded, silently turned and left.

"Thank you, Bai Yun, this person is really rude."

Luffy thanked him.

Bai Yun put away the gun, "After all, it's a partner in the ass head." (Luffy they call the split groove head, Bai Yun is more accustomed to calling this cargo butt head) "

Not surprisingly, this ass head made Foxy lie on the ground again.


"Then the first duel is, Miss Polchi and Montenos D White Luck!"

Baiyun and Polchi stand to the starting point.

Polchi winked at Bai Yun.

"Babbling~ Little brother can let me."

Bai Yun didn't react, but the little white in his hand glared at Polchi and hissed.

"Babbling~ it's terrible!!"

"The little brother has no taste in raising snakes as pets."

Polchi hugged herself contrivedly.

Seeing that Xiaobai really wanted to give her a tail.

"Don't say it, or I won't be able to stop him."

Bai Yun replied, before Polchi understood what this meant, the whistle had already been blown, and Bai Yun slid out with a swoop.

Polchi was caught off guard and immediately chased after him.



Compared with speed, in addition to the top strength of the figures, Bai Yun has not been afraid of anyone, under the silent step and air pressurization, Bai Yun won this game in two and a half minutes, or the back of his hand on his body leisurely.

"With super fast speed, Montenos D White Luck won this round for the Straw Hat Pirates!!

"White luck!! White luck!! "

Cheers from Luffy, Usopp, Choba.

Bai Yun accepted it gladly, and shouted along with him, "Bai Yun!! White luck!!

However, Luffy was soon caught by Solon and went back to practice pulleying.

"It's really shameful, but I also managed to win a game."

Nami sighed.

Robin kept smiling, "yes, yes. Compared

to the happiness here, on the Foxy side, Polch stomped his foot in anger.

"Babble!! me off!!

"No way, this white luck is too hateful."

"But the second game is Polchi, you do best, Ferverfer."

Foxy said with a treacherous expression.

"Oh, it will be the boss, I want to take revenge."


The second game featured Nami and Square.

"Such a big one, and he's so slow, it's weird."

Nami thought, but there was no result, the whistle had already been blown, at this time, regardless of three seven twenty-one, first seize the opportunity and then say.

Nami immediately slid out.

The square body does not move, and the pulleys under the feet move automatically like instruments, but they bear the weight they should not bear at their age, so the speed is very slow.

"What's going on?"

Usopp was puzzled.

"Hahaha, he's so slow."

Luffy scoffed.

Solon gave him a knife handle, "You are not qualified to say he !!"

At the moment, Luffy can't even stand up.

"There are quirks."

Yamaji thinks the same way as Nami.

And Nami can't figure it out, so she doesn't care, brainless rush is right.

But when Nami came back from Rao's lap, Polchi, who was sitting on square shoulders, moved.


" "Do you think we can win so slowly?"

"Of course there is a way."

"Pollen hypnotic !!"

I saw a bouquet of flowers appear at the top of the baton in Polchi's hand, and the pollen dispersed towards Nami below.

"Furfferfer !!"

And just when Foxy was about to be proud, Bai Yun did not hesitate to go out of bounds, dodged to the side, and the bracelet turned into a huge fan.

"Wind Escape Great Storm!!" Just

like that, all the pollen flew to the Foxy side.

"What a !!"

Foxy opened their mouths wide in surprise, just right, all into their mouths.

"Babble!! Boss!!"

Polchi panicked, but he didn't expect to let himself be recruited.

"Nami, go fast."

"Sister Robin, Usopp, you cover her!!"

Only those who participated were eligible to sit on the defensive contestants, and now Bai Yun himself was out of bounds to calculate the out, Luffy was still learning to "control his legs", and indeed only Usopp and Robin covered Nami


Robin nodded and sprang into action, without a hint of mud and water.

Usopp, follow her, "Come on!!" Nami!!"

Without Foxi's troublemaking, coupled with Bai Yun fanning off the field, even if other contestants made trouble, Nami won the round.

"That's cool!!"

Nami crossed the finish line with open hands to greet her victory.

But what came was the broken thoughts of the Foxy Pirates in the audience.

"Despicable woman! If it weren't for the long hair to transport them in vain, how could they win.

"Exactly! It is!!"

In the face of these words, Nami did not care at all.

"yes! Oh, yes! I won by them. "

Right, Sister Robin~

" "Hmph (chuckles), Miss Navigator herself is also very powerful."


"Uh..." It

wasn't until the end of the second game that Foxy and they slowly woke up, but they saw their sluggish appearance.

Foxy's eyes lit up suddenly.

"Furfferfer !!"

"You still lost!!"


Polki stopped talking.

Bai Yun shook his head slightly.

"yes, we won again."

"Furfver, you guys... Win?"

Foxy suspected he had misheard.

Bai Yun couldn't hold back his laughter anymore.

"Yes, we won! Hahahaha!!"

The tricked Foxy was deeply shocked and fell to the ground again.

"They tricked me..."

Polch didn't have the confidence to persuade Foxi, they had already lost two games in a row.

After a while, Foxy himself is resurrected, he is easy to emo and easy to cheer up.

"It's okay, the next game is Giki Gida playing, no one can beat his speed."

And then....

"Out, Jiki Jida actually went out of bounds on his own!!"

Bai Yun carried the top of the tree with the long cucumber that Luffy ate, like a cat stick, and Jiki Jida directly followed him out of bounds, he was the scorer of this game, and he was out of bounds, which proved that the whole game was lost.

Foxy's expression at this time: ('꒪д꒪').

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