This side of the steppe.

Luffy and Pheasant's heads-up.

However, after a few moves, Luffy had many frostbite injuries on his body, and the ground spread out to Bai Yun's feet for more than ten meters, all of which were frozen to the point of freezing.

But even though Luffy was so cold, he still gritted his teeth and stood up to the pheasant.

"Whoosh!! Woo !!"

Luffy gasped.

Bai Yun on the side crossed his hands and grabbed his arms, watching the battle in front of him, but his hands were so hard that his nails were embedded in his arms, because Bai Yun controlled himself not to make a move.

Luffy also said, let him not shoot, this is still singled out!!


"You're such a weirdo."

Looking at Luffy, who insisted on it even though the winning rate was slim, the pheasant said that he did not understand.

Is just this time enough to pay for Nicole Robin's life?

Thinking of the giant lieutenant general, the green pheasant couldn't figure out how attractive Nicole Robin really was.


Luffy rushed forward again.

The pheasant didn't react and let Luffy kick himself away.

Pheasants fly.

I saw Luffy inhale violently into a rubber balloon and then twist his body, and release the air in his body downward and fly up, using a rubber machine gun while his body rotated.

"Rubber rubber Tempest!!"

It was this move that knocked out Klockdar's move, but it was instantly broken by the green pheasant.

With a rain of fists, the pheasant found a gap, a hug.

"Frozen Hour."

Luffy's whole body instantly froze and turned into an ice sculpture.

was in the air, but the pheasant did not throw him down, but flew down and put Luffy on the ground, and Luffy, who was frozen into an ice sculpture, still maintained a punching posture.


The green pheasant sat cross-legged in front of Luffy and touched his head.

“.... It's over, I'm fooled. "

Since I promised you to single out, then after I win, this battle is over!! That's what it means, right?

"If I do it to anyone else, I'm breaking the rules, aren't I, Captain Straw Hat!!"

Speaking of this, thinking of another possibility, the green pheasant couldn't help but smile.

"Or maybe you really think you can win me."

"Even if the old man wants to attack us partners, Luffy will also fight."

"That's him."

Bai Yun dodged and blocked in front of Luffy.

The green pheasant sits, he stands, but there are not many high pheasants.

"It's arrogant."

"So, do you still want to fight?"

The pheasant replied with a rhetorical question.

"As you just said, this battle is over."

Bai Yun calmly replied.

"However, I am really curious about your true strength."

"So many abilities, and... That ever-changing bracelet. The

green pheasant held his face with one hand, looking leisurely.

"The old man still loves us."

"Even you didn't tell me about my fruit ability?"

Bai Yun replied and pulled Karp again.

The green pheasant was silent, you are pressing me by Lieutenant General Nakapu.

"I was really hesitant to arrest you before."

"After all, you're a... A dangerous person who can cut off one arm of Blackbeard. "

The words of the green pheasant did not shock Bai Yun too much, with the Navy's intelligence system, sooner or later it will know that Blackbeard has broken his arm, after all, there is a special identity as a traitor to the Whitebeard Pirates, and the matter of the four emperors, the Navy will pay attention to.

For the green pheasant's words, Bai Yuntou skimmed to the side, looked up obliquely, and pouted.

"What? What Blackbeard, I don't know. "

Green Pheasant:"....."

"But how, the battle is over, I won't break the rules."

"Kicking Luffy the Straw Hat here now, it's a breeze."

"It's just that I owe you a favor."

"In this way, Alabastan's crusade against crocodiles, we will write it off."

"Also, the smoker's stupid thing... Forget it, don't say it. The

green pheasant got up and patted the ash on his body, and said while standing up beside him.

"Let me remind you again."

"In the future, you will definitely be very troubled by Nicole Robin, this woman."

"She was born a witch, you can't deal with it."

"To let that woman on board is to get into trouble in itself."

Every time he heard this kind of remark, Bai Yun only felt funny.


"If she did something murderous and set on fire, the witch would be appropriate."

"No one is born with anything."

"It's just someone else's slander, or forced out."

"What basis do you have to say she's a natural witch?"

"Just because she... Is it a survivor of O'Hara!!"

O'Hara exited, and the pheasant's eyes narrowed.

"Did she even tell you that?"

Bai Yun did not answer.

"If you even know this and let her on the boat, then this straw hat boy is really daring."

"Her existence is itself a big trouble that many parties pay attention to."

"Later, you will know why she is a witch."

After that, the green pheasant turned around and planned to leave.

Bai Yun meditated in his heart, bold? That's not enough.

"Next time we meet, what is your strength, I think I will explore to the end."

"Long hair, white luck."

"The witch and the mysterious Rapunzel... What a horrible combination. Leaving

this sentence, the green pheasant left completely.

Bai Yun can't help but complain, terrible? You've turned into a yellow ape, aren't you, everything is terrible.


"Luffy, white luck!!"

When Solon and Sanji ran back, they only saw Bai Yun walking back with Luffy on his back, and the ice on Luffy's body had melted.

The two rushed to Bai Yun and were relieved to see Luffy breathing steadily.

"What happened?"

Solon asked.

The green pheasant didn't leave, Luffy wasn't frozen, this is Solon's doubt, of course, it's not easy to ask directly.

Bai Yun briefly talked about the battle just now, and naturally did not mention his conversation with the green pheasant.

"I let the doppelganger use the ability to burn the fruit and slowly help Luffy thaw, it's no big deal anymore."

"That's good."

When Yamaji heard this, he lit a cigarette with confidence.

Solon gestured for Shiro not to carry him.

Bai Yun shook his head.

"I didn't fight, it's okay."

Solon bowed his head, and the three walked back towards the Melly.

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