Knowing that Usopp and Baiyun were kidnapped by the French family, Luffy was so excited that he swooped away.

Nami couldn't stop shouting.

No way, Nami didn't have time to find Luffy.

In Barry's mouth, he learned that the location of the Frenchy family's shipbreaking factory was on the coast northeast of the rocky bay where they were moored.

Nami herself rushed towards it on a swordfish blue, which is the power given by money.


Riding a swordfish on the water, Nami is still a little sassy, and when passing through the backstreet shopping street, I saw many people watching on land, and there was a person lying on the ground, blocked by the crowd, Nami only saw half of the head of the person on the ground, but also instantly recognized, that is, Usopp.

Nami immediately braked ashore.


When he came to the front through the crowd, he really saw Usopp lying on the ground, but fortunately there were no injuries on his body and no blood stains.


Nami immediately crouched down, pulled Usopp over, and slapped him in the face, trying to reboot Usopp.

Quite useful, Usopp slowly opened his eyes, "Na... Nami, Nami!!"

"No, the money was stolen by those called the French family!!"

"And Bai Yun (Forest Kamen, Usopp was so panicked that he forgot to call it Forest Kamen), what about Bai Yun?"

"I also want to ask you, Bai Yun, why are you lying here?"

Nami asked rhetorically.

Usopp then told Nami what had just happened.




"What are you going to do!! Put us down!!"

His mouth was covered, and Usopp bit the man directly.

"Knowingly asked! Robbery!!"

Zambai replied.

"Why did you move us away for money? Aren't you tired? Bai

Yun's words woke up the dreamer.

"Yes!! Throw both of them here!!"

The captain spoke, and the others immediately did the same, throwing Usopp and Forest Kamen Baiyun down.

Usopp was solid and grounded with his face.

Forest Kamen White Luck in the air a spin and steady landing.

Zanbai can see that the hand of the forest mask Bai Yun is good, but it seems that Bai Yun does not want to fight, so he hurries up.

"Stop me!!"

Bai Yun doesn't want to fight, doesn't mean Usopp doesn't want to fight.

Usopp got up, took out his slingshot and pointed it at them.

"Give me back the money!!"

"That's the money we use to repair the ship, very, very important!!"

"With this money, the Melly can be repaired!! How can I let you snatch it!!"

This is one of the few heartfelt angers that Usopp has.

It was not easy to see such a clear anger on his face, which showed the importance of the Melly to him.

When these words came out, Zan Bai understood that this fight must be fought, but before he took out his weapon, the forest mask behind Usopp gave Usopp a knife in the neck, caught off guard, Usopp rolled his eyes, fainted, and fell straight down.


At this point, it was Usopp who knew, but he didn't think about it, and he didn't believe that Bai Yun knocked him out, thinking that Bai Yun fainted with him.

And the next development is something that Usopp does not know.

They saw that the forest mask Bai Yun had knocked Usopp unconscious with his own hands, and question marks appeared in his head.


Forest Kamen Hakuyun flashed past them, and after the figure stopped, two boxes of money returned to him.

With his back to them, he turned his face sideways and said.

"You want all this money, right?"

"Take me to your boss."

"I'll give it to you."

Praise is even more puzzled, will it be given to us? Two hundred million Bailey said give it ?!

After hesitating, Zaobai chose to lead the way.

Well, it was beaten up by the forest mask Bai Yun before he was satisfied to lead the way.

It was the right decision not to reveal where his "crystal" was, so Zambai planned to snatch it back and be killed by five.

He can only obediently lead the way, as for why he leads the way, firstly, he is reluctant to give 200 million Bailey, and secondly, he believes that his boss can avenge himself.


Bai Yun knew that Franky was taking 200 million Baileys and went to buy the wood used to build the Thousand Miles of Sunshine, the treasure tree Adam.

Franky wanted to build a dream ship, and finally after getting to know Luffy and their qualities, he willingly made the Thousand Miles of Sunshine for them and became part of the Straw Hat Pirates.

It's just that the process of getting on board is a little... Pervert....

Giving the money to Franky is not a bad decision, and it is possible that Treasure Tree Adam will be bought by others because of slowness.

But now Usopp is still trying to repair the Melly, there is no way, Bai Yun can only take such a method, since he is not beaten half to death, he can also let Franky buy the treasure tree Adam.

As for Luffy, they come back for revenge after knowing that the money was stolen, and Bai Yun just tells French.

"There is a price to take this money."

Inside the French house, Bai Yun said to Franky in the first sentence.


At this time, French is also wearing a mask, which is a conversation between two mask men.

"Who are you?"

Mixed Franky's tone.

"Big brother, he beat us!"

"Then he said he would give us the money! That's a full 200 million Bailey, it must be deceiving people!"

Zambay immediately complained, and when he said this, Forest Masquerade White Luck threw two boxes of money to French.

"You really give !!"

Zanbai was so surprised that his eyes almost widened on the forest mask Bai Yun.

I didn't expect that the forest mask white luck was really given, that was 200 million Bailey! 200 million!! So generous! You're dead!!

"You're going to use this money to fulfill your own ideals, right?"

"I'm a wish elf!!"

"My mission is to help others achieve their dreams!!"

Forest Kamen Hakuyun turned around, grabbed his cloak to cover himself, and acted.

"What? What wish elf?"

"And such people?"

"Then you are giving me 200 million, or give me a bottle of unclean Coke."

French wanted more.

Forest Masquerade Baiyun said, "You don't have to drink an inexhaustible Coke, if I have it, I will give it to you?"

"Two hundred million is enough."

"In the end, you just have to remember that there is a price to pay for this money."

"Well, goodbye!"

After speaking, the forest mask white luck cloak flicked, turned into a bullet and flew out, in the eyes of Franky, it was like disappearing out of thin air.


Everyone was taken aback, including French.

"There is a price."

"ん~スーパー" (I don't know if I can recognize Japanese listening books?) It is Franky's mantra: um~super~~level means)

"We Franky family are not afraid of any cost!!"

"These 5 million Baileys are for you to party!"

French generously offered 5 million Baileys to worship them, and instantly got cheers from the younger brothers.

And he and the Cube sisters took the rest of the money to buy the treasure tree Adam.

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