
The scuffle in front of Dock No. 1 is a scuffle between the five major shipworkers and the Straw Hat Pirates, because Luffy and they were blamed, not all, Robin and Bai Yun did participate in the assassination of the iceberg, but Bai Yun was not recognized wearing a mask.

Franky this time, no one offended him, but obediently watched, but watch the play with caution.

After the shell that Daruston hit the forest Kamen Hakuyun was dodged, he hit Franky directly.

Dairoth informed Dawfranchi's temper and said that it was bad, and that this was to anger a mad bull, and he would not give up without bumping into it.



"Really, a pitifully small cannonball!!"

The smoke cleared, and Franky's face was black, black on the physical layer, blackened by the explosion.

But the expression is a smile showing a mouthful of white teeth, his smile is not a good thing, a perverted smile, life and death are unpredictable.

"Frankie, I didn't mean to!!"

"This matter has nothing to do with you, don't make trouble!!"

Dyrostone tried to convince a pervert.


French is 200 pounds of iron, and 199 pounds is a backbone.

"It doesn't matter if I care what you do, if you up, then I'll have to pay you back!!"

"Assembly complete!!"

I saw French raise his hands, revealing the hole (70mm caliber) that contained the bottom of his palm.

"However, I didn't fire a shell, but an air cannon."

"It's faster than it can be faster than the wind!!"

"Wind comes ~ cannon !!"

When the wind broke out, everyone's alarm bells sounded.

And the forest mask Hakuyun has long been repeated, turned into a bullet to get rid of Luki, came here to kick Barry, took Luffy away, told Solon to retreat, and then joined the four of Nami.

At this time, the position of the four of them, the wind cannon can no longer be blown up.

I saw that Franky's arm bulged and expanded, and the powerful air bullet fired from the hole was very fast, almost instantaneously, but because the alarm bell sounded, Barry still dodged.

The wind bombarded a lucky huge sailing ship behind it that was being repaired, and it seemed that this huge sailing ship could not be repaired.

Although no injuries were inflicted, the impact of the wind cannon explosion blew those spectators upside down, and Nami would have to turn over if it weren't for Bai Yun and Solon pulling her.

Barry, too, although they dodged a frontal shot, the wind caused by the outbreak blew them into wood or the ground.

"What kind of person is this guy, who can fire cannons with his hands!"

Looking at the dock full of wood chips, Nami couldn't help but sigh at Franky's strength.

"He is a modified person, you should treat him as my bracelet in human form, and the body can be turned into a weapon."


Nami didn't understand.

"Don't say that pervert."

"Solon, you take Nami back first, we will meet at the hotel, pay attention to those who search, and when they are gone, then go back."

Bai Yun arranged, and Solon nodded.

"What about you and Luffy?"

Nami asked.

"I think Luffy is puzzled now, why Barry they said it was Robin's assassination of the iceberg."

Bai Yun replied.

Luffy nodded silently.

"Then I will accompany you to the party."


It's the iceberg himself."

"Okay, then we'll go now!"

Luffy understood and immediately pulled away the forest mask.

Solon Nami: "...."

Let's go too, wait for them to come back, and then discuss countermeasures, what is this!" This time, I have to let Bai Yun, the bastard, tell everything he knows!!"

Nami felt physically and mentally exhausted and had a lot of chaos.

Solon didn't speak, but nodded in agreement, motioning for Nami to go first, and he followed behind.


"That's it, there's the iceberg's room."

Bai Yun took Luffy to a roof and pointed to the front room and told Luffy that it was the iceberg's room.

"You're so familiar, Bai Yun, oh no, now I want to call you Forest Kamen? Oh no, or a wishing elf?!"

Luffy's CPU almost burned.

"It's okay, you can call it whatever you want."

Forest Kamen Bai Yun replied, it was really difficult for Luffy to have his brain bend when he called his name.

As for the familiar question, Bai Yun did not answer, otherwise he told Luffy that he and Robin had come once, and they would not be able to assassinate the iceberg.

"Let's go, let's go find the iceberg."

Bai Yun said, and Luffy crawled behind Bai Yun familiarly, looking like Bai Yun was carrying a backpack.

Bai Yun was also used to it, flying into the air, flying to the opposite house, and directly kicked the glass of the window into it.

"What happened?!"

"It's Straw Hat Kid!!"

"What!! He still dares to come, what a daredevil in broad daylight!!"

"Grab him!!"

"On the second floor, now run in the direction of the third floor!!"

The wanted criminal was so blatant, the boatmen in the house and the reporters outside the house did not expect ah, and the scene immediately became chaotic.

Chaotic, Bai Yun hurriedly took the road to the iceberg's room and rushed, just about to push open the door, Kalifa came out first.

"You guys!"

"Go inside, Mr. Iceberg is inside."

Luffy also thought that Kalifa would get angry, but he didn't expect Kalifa to let them in directly, and Bai Yun knew that it was an iceberg signal.

"Then thank you, Miss Secretary."

After that, Bai Yun took Luffy into the room.

Kalifa was outside to deal with the boatmen who came.



Bai Yun and Luffy entered the room, Iceberg had already sat up on the bed, but the moment he saw the two, he was suddenly frightened.

Luffy was puzzled, "What's wrong?"

"It's okay, seeing this person wearing a mask, I thought he was coming to assassinate me again... Shouldn't it?"

Iceberg's expression returned to normal and said.

Bai Yun gestured for Luffy to come down and replied.

"Well, it's really not, I'm a wishing elf,"

"But I can satisfy you if you need it."

Iceberg was silent for a few seconds, wondering if he had misheard.

"Then you don't have to."

"Let's get back to business, you guys have something to find me?"

"That's right, I'm here to find out the truth!!"

Luffy immediately replied.

"The truth?"

"I did see Nicole Robin last night, she's your partner?"

"That's the way it is."


Luffy still didn't want to believe it.

Iceberg pulled out his pistol directly from behind the pillow, "Don't quibble, I also asked you to come in to ask you for something." "

Is this your attitude of asking for someone? You get on your knees, I beg you something?

Bai Yun silently complained in his heart.

But the reality is serious.

"Now, let me see Nicole Robin again."

"Can't do it, because I don't know where she is now?"

Luffy replied crisply.

Iceberg looked at his expression, could see that he was not lying, sighed and put the muzzle down.

"Let's go, believe it or not, the person I saw last night was indeed Nicole Robin!"

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