"Six Kings Gun!!"

Luffy and Solon were thrown out and flew into the distance.

Forest Kamen Bai Yun still wants to run with the iceberg, and Lu Qi shaves and flashes behind it is a move of the Six Kings Gun, which is a preparation for the death hand.

The Six Kings Gun hit the back of the forest mask Baiyun solidly, and the huge impact passed through the body of the forest mask Baiyun and smashed into the gate in front, and the gate was instantly torn apart and bombarded into pieces.

Forest Kamen Bai Yun leaned forward and fell down facing the ground.

The second injury, Iceberg only felt that his shoulder hurt to death.

And the forest mask Bai Yun was lying on the ground, but there was no movement, and it seemed to be gone.

Luki lifted his leopard man form and came over to crouch down to break the forest mask back from the ground.

Reaching for the mask on his face, Luki was still curious about the identity of the forest mask Bai Yun.

Then before the hand touched the mask, in the blink of an eye, the forest mask disappeared, leaving only a mask and a cloak on the ground.

The iceberg lay on the ground and looked sideways, his eyes wide in surprise.

Luki raised his eyebrows, this is the same as when they first met!

He knew that the forest mask white luck could change back, and he pointed at the cloak continuously, but there was no change, the cloak was still a cloak, but now there were many more holes.


Carifa reminded them that they were going to find French.

Lucy was silent for a while, got up and took the hat that Kalifa handed her, put it on, gave the iceberg a kick, and turned to leave.

Iceberg: .......

Soon, all four of CP9 left, leaving only icebergs in the room.

The body hurt and almost fell apart, looking at the cloak and mask on the ground.

Iceberg thought that the forest mask was dead, and silently expressed his apologies in his heart.

The surrounding temperature continued to rise, the flames burned, and the iceberg was desperate at the moment.

"Will my life die here after all..." "

It hurts me... That: leopard people. With

another click, the forest mask white luck reappeared, lying on the cloak and sticking to the mask.

Covering his waist, Forest Kamen Bai Yun stood up, his expression painful, and Lu Qi hit him not lightly.

And the iceberg, seeing the forest mask white luck appear again, the eyes widened again, the main thing is.

"You: You you... Long hair white luck!!"

Even though his body hurt, Iceberg voiced his surprise.

"Call me, don't keep mentioning that title."

"Shhh, my waist, I was almost killed by that leopard man."

"Can you get up?"

Forest Kamen Hakuyun asked.

The iceberg tried twice, obviously not working.

Forest Kamen Bai Yun sighed, just trying to bend down to bring the iceberg up.

Around the corner ahead, Cape Choba, who had transformed into a deer form, smashed the rubble that was blocking the way, and came to the door of the corridor here, and of course Nami.

"White luck!!"

When Qioba saw Bai Yun, he immediately rushed over, Nami followed, and behind, the fire had already burned.

"Bai Yun, are you all right?"

"What about Luffy and Solon?"

Choiba and Nami asked one by one.

What Bai Yun wants to say is, "Qioba, doesn't your tail hurt?

Choiba was stunned for a moment and looked at his tail, where there was a pinch of flame burning.


"My tail !!"

Qioba spun around in a hurry, but extinguished the flames.

Forest Kamen Bai Yun reached out and grabbed Choba, making him stop spinning.

"Is it better? Choba?"

Choba's eyes were ringing.

"It feels a little dizzy."

Forest Kamen Bai Yun nodded, "Well, listen to me, don't faint." Choba

: "???"

Then Forest Masquerade Bai Yun lifted the iceberg and put it on Choba's back.

"Let's talk about what goes out."

"No more nonsense, not burned, we have also become smoked meat."

After that, Forest Masquerade ran away, out of the room, and ran towards the end of the corridor.

Choiba and Nami followed.

At the end, on the left is a staircase that constantly rises from smoke, and naturally you can't walk.

"Where to go?"

Nami asked.

Forest Kamen uses action instead of answering, drawing a gun and shooting twice at the glass window at the end.

However, without waiting for Nami to react, a princess hugged her and picked her up.

Bai Yun, a person who inspires the princess to finish hugging all the members of the Straw Hat Pirates.

Well, Franky and Fat Blue had to think about it.

And just now I couldn't hold the iceberg, now I can hold Nami.

Bai Yun said: What? I don't know what you're talking about....


"Choba, jump!!"

Forest Kamen Bai Yun shouted, Choiba was also obedient, and jumped out with an iceberg.

Bai Yun hugged Nami and followed.

Outside, the boatmen piled up in the open space of the villa saw the figures of the three of them, of course, they were surprised.

"What is that ?!!"

"Deer and the Kamen Thief?"

Forest Kamen Bai Yun really dresses like a strange thief.

Half-face mask plus cape.

The sharp-eyed face of Nami and Iceberg was instantly exclaimed.

"Mr. Iceberg and Straw Hat Kid's accomplice on their hands!!"

Forest masquerade white luck and choiba land.

The boatman immediately dodged, the deer's jumping ability is strong, and the third floor is nothing, for Qioba.

Needless to say, the forest mask white luck, will fly everything to save trouble.

"Mr. Iceberg! Mr. Iceberg!!"

The boatmen immediately gathered around.

Choiba shouted directly.

"Get out of the way!! He's hurting badly now!!"

The boatmen were surprised that while Joba could speak, they also heard the iceberg speak weakly.

"Do as they say."

When the iceberg said so, the boatmen dispersed.

Choiba put the iceberg on the ground.

The iceberg struggled to signal the forest mask white luck.

The forest mask was puzzled and poked his head over.

"Ba... Barry...,"

Iceberg said.

Forest Kamen Bai Yun's eyes widened, "Lying down... Almost forgot about him!!"

Forest Kamen Bai Yun flew up again, returned to the villa, and found Barry's figure through sighting.

He was nailed to the ground by Luqi, unable to move, and the temperature came from his back, steaming him like a bun.

Forest Kamen Shiro came over and helped him pull up the iron ring.

At this time, Barry's lips were white and extremely weak, but he still cared about the iceberg.

"Mr. Iceberg, he..."

interrupted Forest Masquerade Hakuyun.

"Don't kill my hands."

"He's out, no... It's right to be alive. "

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