"My name is Gaimon."

"I was stuck in a box, and I lived alone on this isolated island for 20 years, do you know?!"

Last time, Bai Yun, Luffy they met a strange man stuck in a box on an isolated island, and after his self-introduction, it turned out to be called Gaimon.

Bai Yun said that he really can't remember, people know, the name, no impression.


"What a man survived on an isolated island for 20 years !!"

Nami expressed shock.

Luffy, it's Luffy after all.

"Like a fool."

Bai Yun nodded in agreement, although it was really pitiful, but he really looked like a fool.

"Bastard! I'm going to kill you!!."

Gamon opened his mouth and shouted, two unsympathetic bastards.

"Alas, for more than 20 years, hair and beard have become so thick that even eyebrows have grown together."

Gamon sighed, more than 20 years to say that it is not alone is false, finally met Luffy them, some words automatically said.

Luffy flashed to Gaimon's side, stepping on the edge of the box and grabbing Gaimon's head with both hands to pull him out of the box.

It was also out of good intentions, but Gaimon was so painful that he almost burst into tears.

"It hurts! Hurt! Hurt!!

"Stop! Stop it!!

Guymon shouted.

Unable to pull it out, Luffy gave up.

"It's too hard."

Gaimon breathed a sigh of relief, "Alas! In 20 years, my bones have grown with the box, don't say it, if the box is gone, I will have to follow.

"Anyway, how did you get to this island?"

Nami asked.

"You said you were pirates?"

Gamon didn't know if that counted as an answer.

"Well, there is also a partner, watching the ship."

Bai Yun nodded back.


"I was also a pirate before, I really miss the days before, and it hurts a lot to look for treasure on the sea without worry."

"Do you have a treasure map?"

Gamon thought that Luffy was also going to sea for the treasure, so he asked him if he had a treasure map.

"I have charts of great routes."

"I want to get 'ONE PIECE'."

Luffy spoke calmly about his goal.

Guymon also expressed shock like others who heard it.

Luffy showed the chart to Gaimon.

"Which is the 'Great Route'?"

"Huh, uncle, you don't know?"

"Because I can't read charts at all, hahaha."

"Hahaha, that's right!"

Nami and Bai Yun shook their heads, is this what the two pirates should say?

Nami stepped forward and took the chart over and explained to the two of them the distribution of the pirate world.

"There are two ocean worlds in this world."

"The continent that divides the sea in two is called the Red Earth Continent."

"From its town, the route that circles the world vertically towards the Red Earth Continent is called the 'Great Route'."

"That's right."

After Nami finished explaining, Luffy sighed, and Bai Yun had the right to suspect that Luffy didn't understand at all.

And Gaimon as a pirate is a senior, although not a senior worth learning.

He said that he had seen people returning from the great voyage before, and they were as lost as if they had lost their souls.

Tell Luffy not to underestimate the Great Passage, after all, it is known as the Pirate Graveyard.

But Luffy is still optimistic, the appearance of things is used to solve it, and there will always be a way to solve it.


"So, then again, what does this have to do with you staying on the island, uncle?"

Bai Yun pulled the topic back.

"It's kind of related."

"I was also a pirate 20 years ago and came to this island with my friends."

"After searching for three days but not finding any treasure, when I finally left, I found a hill that we had not been to, so I asked my companions to board the boat and wait for me."

"I climbed up with waste, and sure enough, there were 5 treasure chests on top."

"But fate made me slip under my feet, made me fall from above, and the whole let was stuck in the box underneath, and when I woke up, my partner was gone."

Gaimon told his story, not knowing whether it was bad luck or luck.

Falling off the hillside did not die, but was stuck in a box, such a card is 20 years.


For the sensitivity of money, Nami immediately offered to help Gaimon get the treasure chest.

Once at the bottom of the hill, Bai Yun and Luffy directly extended their arms with the rubber fruit ability to instantly go up to the top.

Bai Yun had already remembered what it was.

Looking at the five treasure chests, he did not move, still standing on the edge of the cliff.

Luffy excitedly opened the box, one by one, the excitement was polished again and again, but he still smiled and walked to the edge of the cliff.

"There are treasure chests, and there are 5 more, hahaha."

Luffy shouted with a smile.

Gaimon and Nami excitedly ask him to throw the box down, but Luffy uncharacteristically refuses.

"I don't!"

"What! What do you mean! Luffy! In vain, you take care of him!

Nami shouted, the treasure is in front of you, there is a reason not to take it down.

And Gaimon shed tears.

"Sure enough."

"You two brats are good people."

"I guessed it, but I just don't want to admit it."

"Those 5 boxes, it's empty!!"

When the last words were shouted, Gaimon was already in tears.

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