"Bai Yun is right."

"Don't do useless work, don't leave me alone."

Robin followed Bai Yun's words and said, she naturally didn't want to see Sanji and Usopp hurt.

Although Usopp has already suffered from her "open back", Sanji has also suffered from Bai Yun's legs....

And Bai Yun was panting, wearing the handcuffs of Hailou Stone was already weak, and now he is still "exercising vigorously", it is strange if he is not tired, this feeling reminds him that he did not master the armed color and the Kapu physique replicate the weak and sickly physique before giving back.

Don't look at him seems to be very strong, with the handcuffs of Hailou Stone can block Kaku and Bruno's feet, but in fact, Bai Yun is used to this sense of powerlessness, especially when he was a child in Beckman's devil training.

Although I can still stand now, I am too tired to do it.

"Whew... Call... Go back, Sanji, Usopp.

"Then, join Luffy and kill them again!!"

"Don't say it!! White luck!!"

Robin spoke, Bai Yun is not an arch fire! I'll let them leave it alone, you pour well, let them all come.

"Get out of here quickly."

Robin turned and took the initiative to walk inside the air door.


It was Usopp's voice.

"Don't worry, Robin, you'll be fine, just like Bai Yun said."

"Pirates cannot leave the pirate group without the permission of the captain."

"You're going to..."

"Trust Luffy!!

." Believe Luffy, four words stuck in Robin's heart, but now at this point, if you don't go, you can't go.

Robin silently turned and walked into the air door, Bruno's eyes signaled Bai Yun, Bai Yun walked in very calmly, Bruno was finally responsible for closing the door.

Sanji and Usopp could only watch them leave before their eyes.

"Abominable !!"

Sanji kicked and smashed the seat next to him, another victim after the phone bug.

Usopp was relatively calmer, or as he said, believed Luffy, and Luffy was on his way behind.


Only two sea trains remained, continuing to travel on the sea.

It was really the Straw Hat Pirates who went there and dismantled it there.

Or rather, the protagonist group is like this.

Soon after, the light appeared ahead, and the train finally reached the front of Justice Island.

Looking at the silhouette of Justice Island in front of him, Lu Qi couldn't help but sigh.

"I can already see it, it's coming soon."

"It's really nostalgic, after all, it's been five years since I left."

"[The City That Never Sleeps] Justice Island."

Justice Island, a place without night, is called the "City That Never Sleeps".


One carriage.

Robin and White Luck "return", but with one more French.

"Really? Iceberg that bastard is alive!!"

"Hmm, what did I lie to you for, it's thanks to Robin not shooting, and I personally rescued him from the fire, not to mention this, do you have a Coke, bring me a bottle, I'm tired to death."

Bai Yun replied, is really tired, now come to a fat house happy water is really good.

Franky was immediately relieved when he heard Bai Yun's affirmation.

"Phew, stupid iceberg, I heard that he was killed, it turns out that he is still alive, it's great."

"Coke, in my belly, but now I'm handcuffed, you... Also, then your mouth open?"

French shows off his abs.

With the mouth....

Bai Yun said, "Forget it, Sister Robin, you help me get a bottle."

Robin glanced at Bai Yun, then at Frankie's stomach, choosing to ignore it.

Frankie saw Robin's eyes, and now it was his turn to persuade.

"The long-haired man said that you didn't shoot and kill the iceberg, that proves that you are still a good person, and the iceberg guy who didn't get killed by a few shots should be."

"However, I have the [design drawing] of the ancient weapon, and you can [awaken] the weapon."

"It seems that I am the most useless."

Bai Yun interjected.

"Don't bother, long-haired man."

"Now that the two of us have been arrested, the world government has collected the two keys to the resurrection of weapons."

"When this power becomes a reality, of course, the world government will take him to the Ultimate Pirate Era, and ancient weapons are such a terrifying thing."

"My master risked his life to protect this blueprint, of course he doesn't want to see this result, I won't obediently comply."

"However, there is no point in running away with me, and you must also return to the straw hat kid as soon as possible."

“... Oh, and you, long-haired man.

Bai Yun returned to Franky with a polite smile.

Robin lowered his head, and the more he thought about it, the more sad he became.

"It's impossible, I continue to be with them, it will only hurt them."

Frankie retorted.

"It's not you who hurt them! People in the world government say that your existence is a sin.

"But no matter what kind of murder weapon, existence itself is not a sin!!"

"Being is not a sin in itself."

"I love that quote."

"The big iron man is right, Sister Robin."

Big Iron Man?? Frankie was stunned for a moment, is this a description of him?

Bai Yun said that he is a person, "hatred" will be reported on the spot, the long-haired man is shouting smoothly, then I don't call you a big iron man too much.

"There is no sin in existence itself."

"It is a sin that no one is qualified to define the existence of others."

"Just like the ancient weapon, it is so dangerous and has the risk of destroying the world, how many people want to get it, but no one feels that its existence is a sin."

"Including the people who created it."

"You think differently, aren't you the same as ancient weapons?"

"Your existence could destroy the world."

"Then why do they want to get ancient weapons so much, but want you to die?"

"Because they're in the CPU: Belch... dna... Belch... Be PUA you.

"It's about grabbing your pain points to exert mental control over you, making you feel like a sinner, making you feel that you are not qualified to have a partner and have happiness."

"Go to the special one!! It's all shit!!"

Bai luck directly burst into foul language.

Here let's talk about the third ability of white luck, luck.

Luck cannot be defined, but after becoming an ability, the luck of white luck becomes a visible number.

According to the numbers, the highest luck of a person is 100 points, which is the ultimate luck.

This is something that ordinary people refresh every day, and so does Bai Yun.

But Bai Yun's ability is to give him 100 more points, plus 1 point a day.

And if you don't swear words, it will exist permanently, and it will accumulate a little bit a day, up to 100.

That said, white luck is 100 more points, that is, if one day, white luck is the ultimate 100 points, then add the accumulated 100 points.

200 points, that is super lucky, is the luck that Hades can pass by without injury.

But there is good luck and bad luck.

Point differentiation.

1 point is the normal state, and the more is the lucky superposition.

Then the negative number -1 is ordinary bad luck, the more negative, the more unlucky, until -100, it is the ultimate bad luck.

Bai Yun's luck ability is mentioned here.

If the luck of white luck on this day is -100 extreme unlucky, but has the ability to add 100 points, if added, it will become 0, ordinary form, unlucky or lucky, it all depends on fate.

But there is also a side effect, that is, because of swearing, the accumulated 100 extra luck points for 100 days are instantly zeroed, if you continue to swear, it is a little bit of white luck The day itself is lucky.

If the day is lucky, it's okay, if it's unlucky, it's even more unlucky.

So the system said, don't swear and beware of bad luck.

Back to business, Bai Yun did not care about the extra luck points being emptied, and continued.

"To put it simply, they just threatened you with force."

"Sister Robin, you are entitled to happiness, you are entitled to have partners, you are entitled to live!"

"I don't care what you think now, remember that."

"You are entitled to live."

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