"I'm not convinced!!"

For Kaku's Dao power is 2200 points, Bai Yun's Dao power is 2181 points, both more than him, Gabra looks up to the sky and roars I am not convinced.

"Kaku, and you long-haired, sissy-looking Navy undercover agent!!"

"Hand clasping is just a level of testing physical skills!!"

"I have to add the power of the Devil Fruit when I practice, it is impossible to lose to you."

"You remembered it for me."

Of course, Bai Yun will not sit and be scolded, "Got it, 2180 points." "

Obviously I said I knew, but I didn't call it a name, only called Daoli Points, and that was called a mockery."

"You bastard!!"

Gabra gritted his teeth.

Kaku said flatly, "Oh, whatever you want, I don't care."

"That's right, the words of the vicious dog, it's better to listen to less."

Luki spoke.

Gabra was originally angry, and now he is even more angry, "Bastard, who do you call a vicious dog!!" You weird cat!!"

The two of them fought each other, and the shadows on the ground were projected into the shadows of leopards and wolves of beasts.

"It's a good feeling."

Bai Yun said, pouring himself a cup of tea, it was really pleasant.

Spandam could hear this sarcastically, but he didn't dare to open his mouth to stop them, and either of them slapped his head, and he was gone.

"Hey, you two stop."

Kalifa stopped.

Kaku was puzzled, "Why is Gabra so angry today?"

"The soldiers on the island are talking about it, and yesterday Gabra was dumped by Catherine in the cafeteria."

The owl said that if there is gossip, his mouth will not be closed, even if there is a zipper on the mouth.

"No wonder."

Bruno looked like that.

And the words of the owl also instantly pulled Gabra back.

"What?! How would they know?!"

The owl is a little weak-hearted.

"What I said, just snap..."

"You bastard!! What the hell is the zipper on your mouth for!!"

"Well, after finally meeting and arguing, after cultivating the six styles, you are all supermen whose Dao power has surpassed 500."

Spandham came out to fight, after all, they really can't let them fight, moreover, Bai Yun is still there, and the fight is simply a joke.

"The Dao power of the chief is [nine]."

The owl dismantled again.

"Bastard!! I'm a sir, so it doesn't matter!! What's more, I still have a hidden sword!!"

"I knew before, sir, that you were weak."

Kalifa mending knife.

"Hey! Can you speak tactfully, Kalifa. "

You're sexual harassment."

"I'm just answering your question!"

"That's sexual harassment of you."

Spandam was gone.

Snuggling jumped out again.

"Kalifa, you're so rude!!"

"Sir, this... This... I'm going to commit suicide by seppuku !!"

"Seppuku! Pieces of iron!!"

Snuggle up the metal Zen staff and turn it to his stomach, while pulling out the iron.

Really, even if I want to die, I don't dare.

"Death... I can't die, it's because the mother of the Spirit of Heaven won't let me die. "

Snuggling is very disappointing.

Gabra couldn't stand his fake embarrassment, "You'd better die quickly!!"

Looking at this group, all kinds of "level bosses", Bai Yun found it interesting. "

If you don't dislike it, I can help you as the wrong person."

Bai Yun said.

The wrong person is the person who helped kill the person after the person committed suicide by seppuku and reduce the suffering of the party.

Snuggling said, "Yo yo!! No need, since suicide is unsuccessful, it is the blessing of the mother, do not commit suicide, do not commit suicide. "

Bai Yun returned with a smile, you better be, and, Bai Yun remembers, the mother of this goods introduced, it seems to be alive, really with filial piety.

"Okay, okay."

"Anyway, you have worked hard for the past five years, wait a minute, I have something to give you, now let me see the [hope] of the world."

Spandam took out two devil fruits, if it wasn't for acting, Bai Yun wanted to snatch them away directly, but realized that it was not a powerful fruit, or the overall situation was important.

And the [Hope] of the world of Spandham's mouth naturally refers to Robin and French, the two keys to unlock ancient weapons.


The door opens and Robin and French are taken to Spandam's office by two soldiers.

The two soldiers did not follow in, but closed the door and stood guard on both sides.

And in front of Robin and Franky is not a lounge area with two sofas and a table.

Behind the lounge area.

Conversation area in the office.

Directly across from Robin and French is Spandam's desk, where Spandam sits directly and to the right of the table is an elephant.

In front of the table, there are seven separate sofas on the left and right sides, and seven CP9 people sit respectively.

Bai Yun was still sitting on the sofa in the lounge area, and Robin glanced over, only the back of his head.


"That's so cool!!"

Spandam watched the two laugh, followed by some nonsense.

To say that Franky is still alive, and Robin is finally caught, how noble it is that what they are doing now is for the world.

"The guys who stand in our way should all be killed!! It's for peace!!"

"And that fishman!! Not obediently handing over what we need is an obstacle to justice! Deserve to be executed!!"

Spandam is naturally referring to Franky and the master of icebergs, shipbuilder Tom the Fishman.

Franky naturally couldn't listen, "Mr. Tom gave up his life protection design to avoid falling into the hands of people like you!!"

French swooped in and bit Spandam's head, he was just tied hands and feet, and his legs were missing.

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