"Until death."

To the question of when Brooke was going to make trouble, Luffy replied with a firm look in his eyes.

Standing up and putting your hands on your knees was Luffy's warm-up move.

"Robin is in the back room, right?"

"Get out of the way!! Bull!!"

Bruno certainly couldn't get out of the way, "You don't seem to realize that this is a world-class crime." "

Luffy doesn't understand, what are you talking to you about this.

"What the hell are you trying to say?"

"The World Government has a huge organization with more than 170 countries in all the seas of the world."

"And if you dare to attack the island under the government flag, it means that you will be the enemy of all the allied countries!!"

"The world government will stop at nothing to kill you and behead you for public display."

"Dozens of people, you guys are too self-sufficient!!"

Luffy said that if you say it, you will listen to it and count me as losing.

"I'll let you, get out of the way!!"

"Whether I let it or not."

"From the moment you stepped into the Isle of Justice, you have no future to speak of."

"It's useless to fight, our [Six Styles], in Carrera Company, you have also seen it, your combat effectiveness is not comparable to us."

Luffy raised his hand and slapped his fists together, "That's right, but it's different now."

"I don't think I'm going to lose at all!!"

After that, Luffy launched a charge.

Bruno was very disdainful, sighed, and used the "invincible" one, "Piece of iron!!"

"Rubber rubber boomerang!!"

Luffy extended his fist back, then rotated his arm, rolled his arm into a twisted shape, and waited for Bruno's body to instantly hit him in the abdomen.

With a bang, Bruno splattered blood in his mouth, his figure stepped back, bent down, and bowed directly.

I was shocked, what was going on? In Carrera, Luffy is not this powerful.

Luffy ignored his doubts and continued to attack.

"Rubber rubber machine gun!!"

Facing the seemingly dense fist, Bruno immediately used the shaving, and his figure flashed to Luffy's right.

However, he was captured by Luffy, and when his figure stopped, Luffy turned and punched.

Right in Bruno's jaw, he smashed him into a bulge on the edge of the roof, smashing it to pieces.

"What world, government, I don't care."

"We just want to take Robin back.... And Bai Yun!!"

Bruno straightened up and looked at Luffy, he didn't know how Luffy had become so strong in one night.

Bai Yun: It's simple, spiritual power and the protagonist's aura, and of course, the comprehension of new moves.

"I underestimate you."


Stepping left and right in the forward air, Bruno approached Luffy.

Luffy was just about to make a move.

Bruno kicked sideways, "Arashi foot !!"


Luffy bent down to dodge, Bruno stepped down, and Luffy immediately stepped back to dodge.

And Bruno's attack is not over.

"Iron Wheel!"

Bruno put his whole body in a state of "iron block", using his feet as wheels, rotating vertically and at high speed against Luffy and constantly crashing into Luffy, and the power of not stepping on it can smash the ground.

Luffy kept retreating to avoid Bruno's move, and Bruno simply threw his last kick directly to the ground.

"Open the door"

and see a hole in the shape of his figure appear on the ground, and then close it again.

Luffy steadied himself, "Eh, opened the door on the ground?"

And just when Luffy was curious, Bruno opened the door again, grabbed Luffy's foot to open the door, and stuck his foot in the two small doors on the ground.


"Why is there such a small door!!"

Luffy complained.

Bruno emerged from the swaggering air in front of him.

"Could it be that you did it, you are a Devil Fruit powerhouse?"

Luffy's brain finally reacted, it wasn't easy.

"I'm the one who opens the door to fruit."

"I can turn anything I touch into a door."

"Revolving door!!"

Bruno explained as he hit the eye part of Luffy's face, twisting Luffy's face, causing Luffy's eyes to spin like a revolving door.

"Ah! What happened?"

"How are my eyes spinning!!"

"Which side is the front?!"

"Stop it!!"

Luffy panicked a little.

This is exactly what Bruno wanted, and he shot straight at Luffy, "Arashi foot!!"

"If a wish appears!!"

At the same time, another voice appeared, and a figure quickly appeared between Bruno and Luffy, and a raised leg kicked Bruno's Arashi foot into the air.

"Then I will appear, and I will be the wishing elf."

Forest masquerade white transport also.

"It's you again!!"

Bruno said with a frown.

"That's right, that's me!"


After answering, Forest Kamen Bai Yun came directly to an American household, pulled out the gun and hit Bruno's abdomen without hesitation.

Bruno turned on the iron, and even if he did, at such a close distance, the impact of the bullet still hit him and withdrew.

"Eh! White... No, I have to say..."

Luffy forgot what to call this White Luck in front of him, whether it was a forest mask or a wishing elf, or just called White Luck.

Three options, which is too difficult for Luffy.

"Wishing Elf."

Bai Yun reminded, helping Luffy stop closing the rotating "eye door" by the way.

"Yes, wishing elves!!"

"Eh, it's closed, the door on the face."

Luffy smashed the ground with force and lifted his feet from the ground.

"Of course, if you can turn it on, you can turn it off."

"So, are you going to go together?"

"You think too highly of yourself."

Forest Kamen Hakuyun replied, and then asked Luffy again.

"Learn that trick, right, Luffy."

Forest masquerade Bai Yun said, naturally refers to the second gear.

Luffy smiled back, "Of course.

"Ever since I lost to the pheasant, I've been thinking that if I can't become stronger in the future journey, then I can't protect my partner."

"Some partners are not great, but I want to become stronger with them, and if I can't get stronger, then I will lose them!!"

As he spoke, Luffy's eyes sharpened, and he began to stride, his fist pressed to the ground, ready to breathe into his body.

Forest mask Bai Yun suddenly spoke.

"Very good!"

"Very determined."

"Then, no need to try, I believe you have mastered it."

"Don't waste your strength on this cow, that leopard is your ultimate opponent."

"This cow, leave it to me to deal with."

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