Bai Yun said that he was "holding" Robin, and this was a bone-breaking, and Spandam was not in the mood to doubt, just wanted to run for his life.


The rest of you smashed the Straw Hat Boy in this Justice Island, and the worse they die, the better!!"

"Luki, come with us, protect me no matter what happens!" Hear no!!"

Spandam will call Luckey, not because he doubts white luck, purely because he is afraid of death.

With that, Spandam turned back to his office and waved his hand to summon the elephant, which ran and turned into a sword.

It seems to have changed, but it has actually changed back to itself.

Not an elephant that eats what turns into the fruit of a sword.

Instead, he ate the sword of the elephant fruit, the sword of the elephant.

Holding the Elephant Sword, Spandam's Dao power reaches an astonishing 109, and the Elephant Sword accounts for 100.

"Okay, let's go to the gate of justice."

"If you have the ability, catch up, Straw Hats!!"

Bai Yun said: Then I really have the ability.


The picture is transferred to the main entrance of the Justice Tower, although the door is now dilapidated.

And the Rocketman, which flew twice, could not hold up to scrapping after all.

The overturned Rocketman lies inside the Justice Tower, covered in rubble.

Franky was in the front, although he was created by the front of the Rocketman, but it happened that his front was steel, and he was not hit by rubble, but he was the cleanest, and saw the Cocoa Granny family sliding out of the cab in front of him, and immediately ran over.

"Mother-in-law Coco, little ones?"

"Why are you here?"

"And drove such a dangerous Rocketman over!!"

"But thanks to you I was saved."

"Hey! Mother-in-law!! Cheer up!!"

"Please, don't die!!"

"Don't die!!"

Just when Frankie was about to cry again, Granny Kokoro rubbed them down, and suffered the biggest injury.


The pirate world is generally undead, otherwise it is a big thing, of course, limited to named and surnamed characters.

Frankie didn't want something to happen to Coco's mother-in-law, but he couldn't help but complain.

"Is it just a nosebleed? That's an exaggeration!!"

That's when Luffy emerged from the rubble, "Great, come here!!"

"Monster mother-in-law, thank you!!"

"Hey, you guys get up quickly! What is this little thing!!"

Luffy thanked him first, then shouted as he looked at the group behind him who was also buried in the rubble.

Inside the rubble, several trembling arms stretched out.

"Whew... Don't put us and you: You bastard rubber man on par!!"

“... Here's it: How... Probably...

""No !!problem at all"

Everyone jerked out of the rubble pile and protested to Luffy with their hands raised.

Forest Masquerade White Luck slowly fell from the sky.

"However, Luffy is right, you guys are not quite spirited."

"You're not qualified to say that!!"

Everyone turned into a shark face and shouted, you kid flew over, how can you experience this feeling!!

Franky said, "You guys are a bunch of weirdos.

Luffy saw that everyone had come out, and the forest mask Bai Yun dared to come, so he began to act, not giving him any time to rest, although he didn't need to.

"There are stairs over there! Go find Robin!!"

However, I saw an owl attached to the wall.

The owl came out to explain the matter of the key to the Hailou stone handcuffs, except for Luqi, all five of them CP9 had a key to open the Hailou stone handcuffs, of course, there was really only one.

If you don't have the key, it's useless to save Robin.

And Robin is now sent to the Gate of Justice, and there is no time to delay, Nami thinks of a good way, go to Robin first, and then come back to get the key.

Smart is smart, just too anxious, just say it.

The owl said that if they did so, then the five of them would throw the key into the sea, promising to do so.

After saying the rules of the game, the owl left.

Everyone understands, but Luffy wants to run up, catch up with Robin, and save her.

Solon and Usoppe pulled his face and kept him first.

"It seems that we have to follow the rules to save Sister Robin."

"Well, Super Straw Hat Pirates, a fun game."

Forest Masquerade Bai Yun said.

"Luki and Sister Robin, and the body together, let Luffy go find them."

Sanji nodded, "Luffy, you're in charge of beating up that damn pigeon bastard." "

In addition to Luffy, there are seven of us here, and after getting the keys from five CP9s, we will go to find Luffy and the main body Baiyun."

"Yes, ontology, I promise, everyone can find the key, he will not let Sister Robin through the door of justice."

Forest Kamen Hakuyun took over Yamaji's words.

Frankie was confused.

"What ontology me, what are you talking about, wishing elf, how familiar you are with the Straw Hat Kid?"

"I know you very well, Big Iron Man."

Hearing this title, Frankie's eyes widened, "You are a long-haired male !!"

"Yes, you are very smart, big iron man, simply too smart."

Forest Kamen Bai Yun replied, sincerely praising it.

But Frankie was still puzzled.

"No, no, then who is that long-haired man who is with Nicole Robin now?"

"And you, why do you call yourself a wishing elf?"

"The first problem is just a little doppelgänger ability."

"The second question, this is a point of my own... Small hobbies. Forest

Masquerade Bai Yun answered one by one.

Frankie opened his mouth, and it seemed that there was still a problem, and Forest Kamen White Luck interrupted him.

"What's there, finally, besides, now, it matters to get the key."

Frankie's words were choked back, and it was true.

"Then everyone, come on!!"

"Oh roar!!"

Everyone is full of fighting spirit.

Solonson began Luffy, and Luffy ran out in an instant like a sharp arrow, being in the front.

Everyone followed closely and went to find the CP9s hidden in the tower.

Except for Mother-in-law Coco, they didn't go, but the forest mask didn't go either.

"Well, aren't you leaving?"

Granny Cocoro asked.

Forest Kamen Bai Yun looked at everyone's departing backs and replied.

"Against those five, the others will do, I trust them."

"I'm going to put on a good show."

"Everyone is desperately trying to save Sister Robin, how can I watch Robin enter the door of justice."

After answering, Forest Kamen Hakuyun went directly out of the big hole that was knocked out by the Rocketman.

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