After ten years, the system finally reappeared, telling Bai Yun that his third ability was: "luck change".

Every day you get an extra bit of good luck, and it's permanent, the same as a person's luck full point is 100 points.

These 100 points can turn the bad luck of white luck into good luck, and good luck directly adds luck.

But it's really the same as the system says....

"Then why am I still so unlucky? Three trips to sea, three accidents? You call this good luck?"

"100 days full luck? It's been ten years, why not 100 days?"

"How can this be explained?"

Bai Yun asked the soul question, if it was really such a superimposed good luck?

Since he went to sea, he has not felt lucky.


Luffy on their side.

"I am the leader of the sea pirate group in my village-Usopp!!"

"Everyone calls me Captain Usopp!!"

Usopp bites the bullet and meets Luffy, Solon and Nami.

The Honmei skill was used: "nonsense".

"I advise you to abandon this village."

"My 80 million subordinates will not stand idly by."

Crossing his waist, Usopp looked "what I said is true".


Nami immediately debunked him.

80 million people?

Can you guess 80 million people in your village?

"Ah, wear it!!"

As soon as it was debunked, Usopp panicked.

Nami was speechless and sweated, "That's an admission of no." "

Ah! I'm not fighting myself!!"

"What a smart woman."

Usopp said in a panic, let's just say, is there a possibility, it's not Nami who is smart, but you too...

"Hahaha, you're really interesting."

Luffy looked at the panicked Usopp, and after knowing that Bai Yun was okay, he returned to his original appearance and smiled heartlessly.


Oh~ (Advanced transition sound effects)

A small restaurant in the village.

"What! Find a partner!?"

Usopp listened to Luffy's words and realized that he had misunderstood them, Luffy and they were not here to rob the village.

And Luffy's words have two meanings, looking for a partner, one is to find white luck, and the other is to find a new partner.

"It turns out that you came to find a partner and a big ship."

"Is there a partner who was hit by the wave to our village?"

"I haven't heard of that."

"But there are big ships there, I know it."

Usopp raised his finger and shook it.

"There is a mansion of a super rich man in this village."

"The owner of the mansion is a very poor maiden..."


"You seem to have something on your mind, miss?"

Chloe, who was still disguised as a sheep, asked Koya respectfully.

"I.... I want to see Usopp. Keya

hesitated for a while, did not hide it, and replied directly.

"Miss, with all due respect..."

Since it is "IMHO", then don't say it.

"I know what you're going to say, Crohartle, it's okay, no need to say it."

"What happened to the girl Melli rescued from the beach?"

Very good, Bai Yun was treated as a girl again.

Keya only saw that he glanced at Bai Yun upstairs downstairs, and it was normal to admit that he was wrong, Chloe had gone to see Bai Yun, and at this juncture, his plan could not allow accidents.

But seeing that Bai Yun was just a "little white face", and he was unconscious, he didn't put it in his eyes.

But later, it was this "little white face" that shattered his plan.

"I've already seen it with the doctor."

"It's not a big deal, just pass out and wake up."

Chloe replied, still respectfully.

"That's good..."

The picture returns to Luffy and them.

But only Luffy was left in the hotel, and Usopp was gone.

And his three very righteous "crew", just the three children, rushed directly into the hotel, wanting to "save" their Captain Usopp.

"Eh! Captain Usopp is gone?"


"Did you give Captain Usopp to..." The

three children immediately showed terrified expressions.

Solon came up with a bad taste, "yes, we ate him!"


The three were startled, but their eyes were looking at Nami.

"What do you think I do!"

The three were startled again, "Grandma Wolf !!

." .......

"It's time?"

The three children eased up, and Nami told them that Usopp had said this and left by herself.

"Oh, Captain he said that it should be time to go to the mansion boy."

Under the narration of the three children, it turned out that Usopp went to chat with Koya, although the content of the chat was all Usopp lying, but Keya also cheered up.

"Speaking of mansions, I also saw the sheep uncle of the mansion this morning saving a sister by the sea."

The one of the three children, named Onion, suddenly asked something other than the topic.

But that's where things matter.


"You said the sheep saved a sister by the sea?"

"That should be white luck!"

"Hahahaha! That's decided! Let's go to the mansion and find Bai Yun and the big ship!"

Now that he knew where Bai Yun was, and it happened to be where they could borrow a boat, Luffy decided to go to the mansion.

On Bai Yun's side, the system hung Bai Yun for three seconds and slowly said the reason....

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