"Wait, what do you call your gemstone?!!!?"

The wandering uncle who was originally worried about Ai Baiyun and the jadeite gem on Ace's body heard Baiyun say that the real name of this jadeite gemstone was Jadeite Heart.

After losing the heart of the most precious jade of the ancient capital jadeite capital, the face of the uncle changed in an instant, and the eyes and expressions that he wanted instantly turned into disgust and fear, you stay away from me!!

"It's called the Emerald Heart."

"What's wrong, uncle?"

Ace repeated with a simple look.

Ai Baiyun saw that something was wrong, but he didn't say it, and listened to what the uncle said first.

"Yes, Emerald Heart, what's wrong, uncle?"

The wandering uncle squeezed back, obviously behind him was the wall, as if he wanted to squeeze the wall out.

"You two brats actually brought the legendary Evil Heart of Emerald, which will devour people's souls!! It's really desperate, not afraid of death!!!

"You must know that the heart of jade is an article that jadeite uses for sacrifice."

"Legend has it that the inhabitants of Jade Capital all love jade gemstones to the point of obsession."

"The land, buildings, trees and other things in the capital are made of jadeite."

"Legend has it that in ancient times, a group of people accidentally entered the Jade Capital, and the residents of the Jade Capital welcomed them very well and held a banquet, but at night, under the moonlight, the group found that the bodies of the residents of the Jade Capital were all made of Jade!! Under the moonlight, the transparent green-glowing body is simply terrifying!!"

"And jadeite will become a thing of the past, and it is also because they go to the outside world to promote the evil idea of the benefits of jadeite body, so they are united by various countries to destroy it."

"It is said that the lord of the city held up his emerald heart under the moonlight and cursed the kings of the nations who came."

"The Emerald Capital will never dissipate!"

"Wait for the soul to be banned forever!!"

"After this incident, within a month, all the kings of the countries died violently, without a trace of external injuries on their bodies, just like the lord of the Jade Capital City said, the soul was sealed, and it will never be able to live beyond life!"

The wandering uncle is a living old man with a lot of knowledge, and tells the story of the ancient capital Jade Capital for Ai Baiyun and Ace.

And Ace and Ai Baiyun's reaction.

"That city lord is really a man, a strong man, and he can be regarded as one person who avenges the whole city."

"Although the residents of their Jade Capital are also wrong in promoting what jade body is, this does not prevent this city lord from being a strong man."

This is Ace's answer.

"The whole capital city is jadeite! That's a lot of money!"

This is Ai Baiyun's answer.

This uncle can't do it at all.

"Are you two boys reacting right?!"

Ai Baiyun clasped his hands to his chest, and then again, "History is written by the victors. "

Ancient things, uncle also heard, unless uncle you... It is an immortal person.

"Are you?"

Ai Baiyun suddenly threw a question, and the uncle was shaken for a moment and immediately replied, "Immortality? It's better to say it's luck than a curse. "

Old man, I don't have this 'luck'."

"No, it's this far! What do you kid say? What history is written by the victors?"

Ai Baiyun replied, "Uncle, you are not immortal, that is to say, the story of the Jade Capital is also heard, right."


"Then, in the story, the residents of Jade Capital went out to promote the Jade Body, and I don't know if this thing is true."

"You said that they love jadeite to the point of obsession, how can they take the initiative to publicize it to others, you know how much jadeite it takes to make a jadeite body? Not to mention whether it is enough, even if they have, they like it so much, they are willing to give it to others?

" "Then again, those kings who took the initiative to stand up and go out to wipe out the jade capital, did they really come forward for free, or for the capital city that was all made of jadeite, that is an inestimable great wealth."

"It was cult propaganda that was extinguished."

"Or see the wealth uprising and slander the riches."

"We, as descendants, just listen."

"Although this emerald heart does have the function of transforming the soul."

"Bai Yun, you have a point! Worthy of you.

"If Jade is really slandered, then the city lord, I will admire him."

Ace replied.

The wandering uncle touched his beard, "Hmm... I can't imagine that your kid has such a big opinion at a young age, yes, there is also this possibility.

"We are also just a small stone in the Great Wave of History, if it is not the descendants of the Jade Capital, why bother to delve into the truth and fake."

"Hmm... Wait, what did you just say? This emerald heart really has the function of transforming the soul!!!."

The uncle's eyes were frightened, and he really printed his body on the wall behind him.

Ai Baiyun couldn't help but complain in his heart, your girl's reflex arc is too long.

"Yes, we just came..." Ai

Baiyun's emerald heart face that pulled Ace's neck became grim.

Ace was pulled so that he could only stretch his neck to cooperate with Ai Baiyun.

"!! The old man has been wandering for half his life, there is nothing, and this soul is useless!! Spare me!!"

The wandering uncle really thought that he had met the descendants of the Jade Capital, and he was so frightened that he hurriedly begged for mercy.


Then what came into the ears was the laughter of Ace and Ai Baiyun.


"What do you mean!? Is this your ritual before you suck your soul?"



!! You two bastard boys!! Playing old man again, I'm there!! I don't know about Elder Zun, right!!

Ai Baiyun calmed his breath that laughed hard and became urgent.

"Haha... Sir, thank you for the fun, if there is nothing to do, we will go first. Ace

agreed, he wanted to go to Food Town.


The wandering uncle stopped the two.

"Although I really coveted you guys just now... Emerald Heart, but now it's you give it to me and I don't want it!"

"Moreover, although it was intentional at the beginning, the old man is still capable!"

"I dare to say that on this Destiny Crystal Island, the old man, my divination ability is ranked second, and no one dares to say that I am ranked first!!"

"Oh ↗, uncle turned out to be a master of the world."

Ai Baiyun replied, looking at the uncle's own dirty, but the crystal ball was spotless, maybe he was really a divination master.

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