"And, there's a more powerful Dark Fruit that you haven't seen!!"

"Rotation Hegemony !!"

When Blackbeard was confidently speaking, Ai Baiyun's voice came from behind, and Blackbeard was so frightened that he immediately turned to look, but did not see anyone.

Looking up, Bai Yun spun down from the sky, and the long knife in his hand was charging to slash down the hegemonic country.

Slashing the black hole can not be absorbed, Blackbeard now lacks a hand, can only lift the black hole on the hand, armed color hardening punch upward, against Ai Baiyun's blade.

With a loud bang, the ground cracked under Blackbeard's feet.



Ace crossed his two index fingers to form a cross, and then shot a cross-shaped light from his finger to aim at Blackbeard, and then spewed out a huge cross-flame along the cross-shaped light and shot towards Blackbeard.

Blackbeard felt the attack from behind, his eyes couldn't help but widen, and his fist forcefully shook Ai Baiyun away.

I wanted to avoid it, but unfortunately it was late!

The cross fire was printed on his back, and then burned violently so that Blackbeard rolled on the ground again.

Seeing this, Ai Baiyun took the knife and slashed.

The blade enlarged in Blackbeard's eyes, and when it was about to split, the bullet struck, hitting the blade, and the power was so great that Ai Baiyun's long knife escaped.

Naturally, it was the bullet that Oka fired.

The four also rushed over.

At the same time that the Oka bullet flew the long knife in Ai Baiyun's hand, Lafitte, who had wings on his back, arrived first, and the crutch sword in his hand stabbed Ai Baiyun straight to the top of his skull.

"Death torture!!"

Ai Baiyun saw the alarm bell ringing wildly, and the soles of his feet erupted in the air, and he retreated backwards.

Lafitte stabbed his sword into the air and landed on the ground in front of Blackbeard's head.

Blackbeard was scared half to death.

"Be careful!! Lafitte !!"

"Hehe, Captain, aren't you okay."

Lafitte kept that smiling smile on everyone's face.

"Thief hahaha, who said I'm okay? It hurts me.

"However, even if it hurts, it is worth it to get chips, thief hahaha!!

." Ai Baiyun and Ace converge.

The Blackbeard Pirates converge.

The two waves of people confronted each other again, and Ai Baiyun also understood that it was impossible for him to stop four people alone, but if he divided one or two more, Ace would be in trouble if he wanted to leave, and Blackbeard's suction was the most troublesome for those who wanted to escape.

So, the best thing to do right now is... Drag time !!

Ai Baiyun sent a consciousness connection to the essence of the capital of seven waters.

Here, Bai Yun, who went to find Solon, received it instantly, and quickly went to Destiny Crystal Island.

Since he planned to drag out the time, then Ai Baiyun began to act.

First closed his eyes and sighed, then opened his eyes, and the jealousy and anxiety in his eyes turned into contempt and ridicule.

Blackbeard, who originally wanted to make a move, stopped after noticing this look.

"Long time no see, Blackbeard."

Ai Baiyun spoke, looking very crumbly.

This tone, Blackbeard is very annoying.

"White luck?"

"That's not right! This is your doppelganger! Naturally it's you!!"

"You're trying to lie to me, aren't you!"

"Is it difficult to do such a thing as transferring consciousness to the avatar?"

"As you said, it was originally a person."

Ai Baiyun replied.

"It's so powerful, Bai Yun."

Ace believed first.

Ai Baiyun raised his waist.

"Naturally, how powerful I am."

The two of them look like this, Blackbeard can't stand it.

"Enough!! You two don't exist when I don't exist!?"

"White luck! What if your ontological consciousness comes!?"

"Can your strength reach it?!"

"Even if you can! I won't run away today!!"

"Fight you to death, I live! Thief hahahaha!! This is the pirate!!."

Ai Baiyun has to admit that although Blackbeard betrayed and did everything he could, his spirit was indeed a real pirate, a hero who could "fail the world" for his dream of ruling the sea.

The words about dreams that he appeared in before, Bai Yun thought he was a positive character.

Unexpectedly, it was Luffy and Blackbeard, two people who met each other's ultimate rivals.


Blackbeard spoke again, and the four behind him attacked together again.

Ai Baiyun didn't expect Blackbeard to have this kind of courage, and the plan to delay time failed, and he could only rely on fighting.

"Shall I go?"

Ai Baiyun and Ace stood back to back, and the four surrounded the two of them.

The two words I walked were said by Ace.

Ai Baiyun's answer was yes.

"It's best to go, but it looks a little difficult."

"Hold on until I come."

Ace bowed, "Good!"


"Damn it!!"

When he arrived on the shore of the capital of seven waters, Bai Yun discovered the problem.

That direction is to the !? of the Crystal Island of Destiny

Even if you can take the sea train to the food town next door to Crystal Island, even if you get to Food Town, you can't know where Crystal Island is without recording the pointer! Moreover, the speed of the sea train is too slow compared to his own flight !!


"It's back!"

"Look at the captain hurt like a prisoner who was tortured, but you didn't say a word, and it was really... Tough guy. "

Lafitte, Poison Q, and Badgers besieged Ai Baiyun.

Blackbeard is still one-on-one with Ace.

Oka assisted remotely, and it all depended on his mood to assist that side.

Fifteen minutes of dark fruit real-time effect flowed away, if the time is up, it will be even more difficult to deal with these three people, I am afraid that I have to send it.

Not only that, at this time, Ai Baiyun received the consciousness of the body and said that he could not confirm the specific location of Crystal Island.

Is this really cornered!?

? Ai Baiyun looked at Ace, who was fighting with Blackbeard.

Could it be that Ace's fate is so unchangeable!

The moment despair surged in his heart, Ai Baiyun caught a glimpse of something, and suddenly, a plan appeared in his mind, and only this one plan was feasible!

"Death torture!!"

Lafitte stepped forward and stabbed, did not find Ai Baiyun and did not hide at all, the long sword pierced Baiyun, and Ai Baiyun, who was stimulated by double pain, almost lost consciousness.

Lafitte didn't expect Ai Baiyun to be so rigid!

Ai Baiyun naturally couldn't have been stabbed in vain, clenched his palm into a fist and smashed into Lafitte's abdomen.

"Fishman Karate Tang Caowa Zhengfist!"

The low-level mastery of fishman karate coupled with the strength of the doppelganger, this punch to Lafitte's attack is not large, so, Ai Baiyun punched out, quickly changing the fist into a hand knife.


Two impacts, Lafitte finally broke through the defense and came out backwards with his sword.

Although it was pulled out instantly, the pain did not disappear instantly.

But Ai didn't have time to manage the pain.

Turned and ran in the direction of Ace.

Poison Q threw a bomb apple, and Ai Baiyun raised his gun and shot to intercept the apple in the air.

How to distinguish which is a bomb apple?

It's all done.

Badgers stopped ahead and rushed with an elbow.

Seeing this, Ai Baiyun flew up and stepped on Bagers' elbow flip and bypassed him.


Ai Baiyun shouted loudly to attract Ace's attention.

Ace didn't know what Ai Baiyun was going to do, but Ai Baiyun came over, and it was right for him to join him.

The two converged, and Ace was just about to speak, but saw Ai Baiyun grab the jade heart around his neck, and then took his hand and pressed it to the jade heart together.

In an instant, green light burst out!

Blackbeard they didn't know what was going on, but the green light pierced them so hard that they couldn't open their eyes.

When the green light passed, Blackbeard looked at Ace and Ai Baiyun, but nothing changed.

At this time, Ace said, "Fate can change!!"

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