Bai Yun and Usopp converge with Nami, and the three trick the opposite Aidrago Pirates (the Golden Dragon's real name is Aidrago) into turning around.

At this time, Luffy and Solon appeared on the cliff on the upper left.

Seeing Luffy stop, Solon immediately turned around and got the view and control.

Seeing that the person below was a golden dragon, I thought of the blue sound waves he spit out on the sea.

It was the blue sound wave that caused him to be so angry that he jumped all of a sudden.


Reaching the ground, Solon approached Bai Yun and them, but his gaze remained on the golden dragon, and just as he wanted to say something, he felt his steps getting heavier and heavier.

"What are you doing? Luffy!"

Turning his head to look over, he saw that Luffy had come down, his feet had not yet come down, and one foot was still on the reward.

"Stuck." Luffy replied calmly, and then the two were bounced back.


Solon shouted, and the thought of cutting Luffy in his heart became deeper and deeper.

Tobio watched the two fly over his head, speechless and worried, and rushed in the direction they flew away.

"Who are they? Is it to be funny?

The golden dragon questioned.

The three of Bai Yun cried and laughed.

Bai Yun: "I don't know."

Nami: "I don't know."

Usopp: "We're not clams."


"Hmph, it doesn't matter, I just want gold, gold!"

"Three days and three nights?"

"Just in one fell swoop!"

The golden dragon turned into a crooked mouth god of war, raised his hands, and was covered with golden qi waves.

"It's that trick! Run!!"

Seeing this, Huang Mao and the others immediately fled.

"Ahhh Roar!!"

The golden dragon raised its head to gather energy, and then lowered its head to the ground, and a wave cannon came.

His strength is not so strong, and there is no King Kong underground.

Explosions rang out and the ground shook.

The smoke cleared, but there was nothing under the exploding ground.

"What about gold?!"

"Where's the gold?"

The golden dragon shouted.

Bai Yun came over, looked down the cave, and sure enough, it was empty, there was nothing.

"That should be wrong."


"I said the gold shouldn't be here, idiot!"

Bai Yun looked up and smiled back.

The Golden Dragon's CPU took a second to react, "What!!" You dare to fool me!"

Saying that, his mouth opened again to charge his power, is Bai Yun the one who is stupidly waiting for him to charge his power? .

The arm jerked up, and the stick appeared and hit the golden dragon's chin, helping him close his mouth and interrupt the casting.

Then he flashed behind the golden dragon, and the long stick came to his feet.

The golden dragon's feet hurt, and the whole person fell into the hole.

Seeing this, Goras immediately pulled out his machete and cut it over.

The crooked mouth disappeared from the golden dragon's face, but it shifted to Bai Yun, and I saw that the long stick in Bai Yun's hand turned into gongs and gong sticks.

Wrapped in golden waves, the gong sounded hard, and the sound of the gong spread throughout the island.

A blue sound wave shot out from the gong, and Goras's eyes widened uncontrollably when he saw this, and he raised his machete grid.

The sound wave directly pressed him back.


Seeing this, Huang Mao and the others immediately dodged, and the sound wave smashed several large trees with Goras before exploding.

When the yellow hair turned their heads and looked back, there was still Bai Yun and their figure.


"Bai Yun, what you said is true!!"

"It's amazing."

The camera turns.

In vain, they returned to the boulder whales.

Usopp praised Bai Yun for being powerful, and it would have been even more powerful if he had shot at the beginning.

Nami, on the other hand, shows her professionalism and uses a wire to help Solon and Luffy unlock the lock.


The moment the lock opened, Luffy raised his hands and stood up.

In the next second, Solon's hand knife smashed into his head.

"Solon, what are you doing!!"

"Bastard! You still have the face to ask. The

two scuffled again.

Nami sighed and walked over to Usopp and Bai Yun.

"Usopp, the treasure map is still on you."

"Yes, but the words are defiled, and the whale's tail is not facing west."

"Maybe gold is just a legend."

Usopp looked disappointed, who doesn't like gold, of course he is lost if he can't find it.

"Impossible! Wu Nan will definitely not lie!" Tobio suddenly interjected, after all, Wu Nan is his idol, of course he has to maintain.

Nami took the treasure map reverently, "No, maybe that's not a stain. He

squatted down on the spot.

In front of Luffy and Solon, Bai Yun flashed in front of Luffy and Solon, learned Chloe's silent steps, and directly started after the time limit, and the more he used it, the more proficient he became.

At the beginning, what he copied on Karp was not one of the naval six styles, he could not shave, if it were not for the fact that one person could only copy one ability, he would have already copied Karp's naval six styles, and it was better to shave than silent steps.

Two hand knives directly slashed at the heads of the two, "Okay, don't make trouble, Crouching Dragon Phoenix Chick." "

Let's see what Nami can do."


Nami crouched down, holding the treasure map in one hand and taking out a lighter with the other, and placed it under the treasure map to bake the stain.

"Maybe it's not a stain, I've seen it before, and some treasure maps will use special methods to cover up the news."

Bai Yun bent down to look at the back and nodded in agreement, as if there was indeed such a material, but he had only seen it on TV.

"Coming, something is coming."

Nami said with a little excitement.

Then, with a brush, the entire treasure map turned into flying ash.


""Toward the Great Voyage!"

Nami tries to hide her embarrassment.

"Don't act like you're trying to fool around!"

Usopp shouted.

Bai Yun shook his head and walked in front of the whale to take a closer look.

"Head facing east, tail facing west?"

Walking to the whale's tail, Bai Yun was speechless, this tail is really not facing west.

"Hey, everyone, come and see."

Bai Yun called everyone over, and Usopp saw it and suddenly realized.

Instead of facing west, the whale's tail turned a corner, heading deeper south.

When I looked up, I saw that there was one of the highest mountains on the island.


Everyone climbed halfway up the mountain, and there was a cave to rest inside, but they didn't expect that Iwazo was also there, and there was a pot on his head.

"Grandpa you..."

Tobio was puzzled, and Iwazo smiled.

"That guy in Wu Nan likes high places the most, and the top of this mountain is the highest on this island."

It turns out that Iwazo and Wu Nan have known each other since childhood and are friends.

Because my fathers worked hard all their lives and only dug up a piece of gold less than a little finger.

Wu Nan's dream is to go to sea and collect all the gold in the world.

Iwazo's dream is to make the best oden in the world.

The two fought because of disagreements.

Immediately, Wu Nan accidentally fell into the cliff, and Iwazo grabbed him quickly.

But the classic cliff edge collapsed, both of them fell, and at the moment of crisis, the pirate flag made by Wu Nan himself hung on the tree on the cliff wall.

But a piece of cloth can't hold the weight of two people, even if they are children.

In order to complete Wunan, Iwazo took the initiative to let go of his hand and fell.


Fascinated, Luffy hurriedly asked.

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