Iwazo silently listened to the last words of Wu Nan read by Solon.

Turned around and walked to Wu Nan's bones, and put the remaining oden in front of Wu Nan.

Reaching out, he took out a piece of cloth in Wu Nan's arms, and the cloth was unfolded, and it was the pirate flag that was cracked and patched.

Tobio's eyes widened.

Usopp pressed Tobio's shoulder, "Haha, your grandfather is really amazing, he is a man who has been trusted by a sea thief all his life." Solon

wrapped his arms around him, "a sea thief," an oden stall owner, their self-esteem just as high.

"Dreams are big or small, as long as they are done and persistent, they are worthy of respect."

Bai Yun reached out and put his hand on Solon's shoulder and added with a smile.

Tobio ran over and hugged Iwazo, and that's when he realized that his grandfather was also a great man.

"Tobio, you just live according to your own ideas, grandpa supports you."

After this adventure, Iwazo is not interfering with Tobio's own choices.

Tobio smiled with tears in his eyes, "Hmm!"

Luffy and the others also smiled, and they all ended happily.

When he finally left, Iwazo turned his head to Wu Nan's skeleton and said, just like he said as a child.

"It's cold, it's less, you make do with it."

"Wu Nan."


"Okay, it's time to say goodbye."

As soon as the picture turned, the group returned to the shore.

Bai Yun smiled and said to Iwazo and Tobio.

"Hee-hee, do you still want to be a pirate in the future?"

Luffy asked as he crossed his back to Tobio.

Tobio was also a little confused, "I don't know, maybe I will make a decision the next time I run away from home."

"But now, whether it's being a pirate or cooking oden, I don't hate it."

"Haha, think about it, remember, just be happy."

Bai Yun finally replied, and the five people boarded the ship one after another.

Looking at the back of the Melly as it gradually sailed towards the setting sun, Tobio reluctantly ran a few steps forward, and the sea water did not pass his shoes.

"Goodbye !!"

"You must be the King of Shanghai Pirates, Luffy !!."


The refreshing sea breeze with a faint smell of sea fishy blows by, and Bai Yun lies on the observation deck, his face covered with a newspaper, listening to the music of the "Seagull Choir".

Solon does push-ups on deck, Usopp is fishing, and Nami is sunbathing on a wooden chair.

What a pleasant and beautiful day.


And suddenly the sound of gunfire frightened everyone on lunch break.

Looking at the place where the voice came from, they saw that Luffy had nothing to do, and his hands itched to play with the fort.

"What are you doing, scary to death, Luffy!"

Nami complained.

"Hahaha, there's nothing to do, I'll practice cannon shooting."

Luffy replied with a smile.

"But it doesn't seem to shoot accurately."

When it came to shooting, then Usopp used his confidence and threw down his fishing rod and walked over.

"Then leave it to me!"

"Where to shoot?"

"That stone mountain."


Usopp shot really hard, and a shell hit the stone mountain accurately, blowing it in half.

"Awesome! One hit!!"

"You haven't decided on your position yet, so let's be a [sniper]!!"

Luffy gives Usoppan a position.

Usopp was still a little hesitant, after all, he had seen Bai Yun's marksmanship with his own eyes.

But Bai Yun nodded on the lookout and agreed.

"Well, I agree, Usopp is indeed suitable for the position of a sniper."

Bai Yun said so, and Usopp gladly accepted it.

"No way, since you ask for it, then I will agree, and the position of captain will be given to Luffy."

Usopp looked "Since you have requested, then I will gladly agree".

Luffy didn't care about him, but shouted at Bai Yun on the lookout.

"Bai Yun, I'm hungry, cook!!"

Bai Yun replied weakly, "Good~", who called Luffy the captain.


"Hahaha, the rice made by Bai Yun is still just as delicious."

Luffy replied with a mouthful of rice grains.

"Yes, and wine." Solon looked up and took a sip of wine and took the stubble.

"Yes, what an all-powerful you, Bai Yun."

Usopp also admired Bai Yun, although he knew that it was the reason for Bai Yun Fruit.

"That's it."

Miss Nami muttered.

Bai Yun took off his apron, "Don't praise me, I'll be proud."

"But I'm also half-hanging, and that's all I can do."

"I still have to find a professional, nutritious chef partner."

Indeed, Bai Yun's current cooking skills stopped at the level of learning in the windmill village half a month before he met Luffy as a child.

When it came to the Dandan family, there was no chef to let him cook for him to learn.

"You really can't do without a professional chef for a long journey."

"In other words, what is your position in Bai Yun?"

Solon asked.


"It's okay, I'm just a brick, I can move wherever I need it."

"It's okay before our pirate group is fully formed."

Bai Yun thought about it, he should be a tool man for the time being.

Therefore, everyone decided to go to a chef for the next partner, and everyone should not hear Luffy's proposal.

Musicians, it's still early for Brooke to get on board.


It was time to make small talk after lunch, but it was suddenly interrupted by a voice on the deck.

I only listened to the sound of a knife coming out of its sheath, and someone shouted.

"You pirates! Get out, I'm going to kill you!!"

Bai Yun's hand washing the dishes was sluggish, and suddenly remembered, yes, it was here that they met the "Sword God and Sword Saint" Josa, Johnny's, just now Luffy and Usopp just exploded on the stone mountain where Yosa was resting.

Luffy went out and knocked Johnny to the ground in two strokes.

Solon came out and recognized it as his former little brother, "You're not Johnny?" Why wasn't he with Josa?"

"So... Brother Solon!!"

"This, Josata..."


Johnny took Josa to the deck, only to see Josa bleeding from his mouth and his teeth missing.

"I don't know how it became like this, and there was nothing I could do but leave him behind the stone mountain to rest, and then this ship... Shots were fired.

Johnny explained, his tone full of helplessness and confusion.

When Luffy and Usopp heard this, a sense of guilt rushed to their hearts, and they immediately bent down and bowed to apologize.

"I'm sorry,"

Johnny covered his forehead, "let him pass the past."

"If apologies solve the problem, then the world will no longer need the police."

Johnny didn't get angry at them, but said so, and Luffy and Usopp felt even more guilty, eager to give themselves two big mouths.

Bai Yun smiled and stepped forward to put his arms around their necks and mend the knife.

"Somebody can't sleep tonight."

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