Night is falling again, this is the law of nature.

The sea today seems exceptionally calm.

On the island where the village of Cocosia is located, a grand banquet is being held until dawn.

People live with humiliation and burden in order to welcome the laughter of this day.


At the banquet.

Bai Yun and Solon are drinking, and Bai Yun doesn't like to smoke, but likes to drink.

Usopp stood tall, doing what he did best.

Sanji and Bai Yun and Solon sat together, drank less alcohol, and dried up a pack of cigarettes at this time, which reminded Bai Yun of his childhood memories of being by Beckman's side.

Luffy suddenly took a large pile of meat and ran over with one stuffed in his mouth, asking Sanji.

"Sanji, what's on the last cantaloupe you eat?"

"Oh, that's raw ham cantaloupe, as the name suggests, raw ham is placed on it."

I have to say that Bai Yun tasted this weird-sounding dish, but it was unexpectedly delicious.

And Luffy, an idiot in the kitchen, obviously can't understand that "raw ham cantaloupe" is two things, he thinks that one food is called, raw ham cantaloupe.

Turning around and looking for it, Bai Yun shook his head, this silly boy.

After toasting the glass with Solon, he directly toasted the wine in the glass and chased after him.

Solon glanced at his back, thinking that Bai Yun had just done it, did he have to do it too? But that guy didn't even do half a glass, and I had a full glass.


Bai Yun followed Luffy in his search for "raw ham cantaloupe", and he consumed his food at that time, after all, he walked a hundred steps after eating and lived to ninety-nine.

As they walked, the two reached the edge of a cliff.

Kenzo is telling Nami and Nokiko's adoptive mother, Berrumel, the good news that Aaron has been defeated.

"Raw ham cantaloupe!"

Luffy startled Kenzo with a shout, and when he turned around, he saw Luffy with meat stuffed in his mouth, and Bai Yun with a wine bottle in his hand.

"Cemetery, has anyone died?"

Luffy bit the meat, his voice a little slurred.

But still understood, Kenzo turned back and nodded, "Yes, someone died, a long time ago."

"Oh, it's pitiful, please be sad and changeable, huh? "It

was a knife in Luffy's head, without force, "It's a change in the festival."

"Yes, that's it."

Kenzo didn't care about this, "Nami got on your ship as a pirate, the road is dangerous..." "

If you dare to provoke him, I will try to kill you."


Kenzo suddenly shouted, and Luffy swallowed the meat in his mouth, "... Got it.

And Bai Yun went up and placed a bouquet of flowers in front of Berumel's tombstone.

"Miss Nami is a very strong person."

"Picked on the road, I hope Auntie will like it."

Jianzang also reached out and took the windmill off his hat and stuck it in front of the tombstone.


"Berumel prefers the fruits and branches of the orange tree to the flowers."


Separation will always come, over time.

In the afternoon, the Straw Hat Pirates plan to set sail again, and their adventure doesn't stop there.

After Nami touched the residents' wallets and jumped on the Melly, the Straw Hat Pirates set sail again.

Although the people on the shore scolded Nami the thief and returned the money, there was not a trace of anger in their tones, but full of reluctance.

Kenzo once again reminded Luffy not to forget what he said, and Luffy responded with a thumbs up, indicating that he would not forget.

In Nami's farewell, the Meli gradually sailed away.

Oranges and flowers are placed in front of the tombstones on the cliffs, and the windmills are constantly spinning, which seems to represent Berumel's farewell to Nami.


The waves lapping against the Melly, seagulls hovering in mid-air, and from time to time you can see fish jumping up on the surface of the sea to jump over the dragon gate.

Nami and Newsbird buy a newspaper and complain that the price has gone up again.

A newspaper 50 Bailey.

Usopp tinkered with "Chili Star" behind him, a bullet made of chili water.

"Isn't it just a newspaper."

"It's the newspaper that has to bargain, and it needs it every day, so that the little is more."

"I don't want to be a poor pirate."

Now the funds of the Straw Hat Pirates are only 20 million Baileys from Aaron and Nami who just stole the residents' wallets in pieces.

As for the 103 million Bailey, Nami stayed all in the village.

"Okay, okay, don't argue, I'm making a pepper star, the enemy has hit this trick, it won't be long before the eyes..."

Before Usopp finished speaking, he first tried the power of this pepper star, it was really powerful, and it hurt him to roll on the ground.

Luffy went to pick an orange and was kicked by Sanji, just in time to hit Usopp.

Sanji asked Nami for credit, and Solon lay on the second-floor deck and complained, "That kid is completely used." And

Bai Yun, lying on the lookout, with blindfolds and earplugs, is indisputable to the world.

Nami looked at the newspaper, which recorded that there was another rebellion in that country or something.

Then turning the page, I saw two bounties flying out.

Suddenly there was an exclamation from the ship.



Tokai Windmill Village, inside the Marcino Tavern.

"Luffy and Bai Yun, those two boys have been rewarded!!"

"Hahaha, I was optimistic about them from the beginning."

Everyone is happy for Luffy and Bai Yun.

The old mayor came out.

"There are two pirates who have been rewarded in the town, what is there to be happy about ha!!"

"Hehe, mayor, you see how happy Luffy is smiling."

"Bai Yun is much more serious."

Marcino said in front of the old town mayor with two bounty slips.

Luffy's bounty list is still the photo of him holding the camera in his hand and grinning.

Bai Yun's, on the other hand, is a side photo, with his hands around his arms, squinting his eyes and looking at the camera indifferently, and his long ponytail hair on his back is flying in the wind.

"It's a child's dream, and you're worried..."

asked Marcino.

The old mayor picked up the wine glass and handed it to his mouth but did not drink it, "Is it [dream], or [fate]..."

On an island.

As His Majesty the Seven Wuhai, Hawkeye went to visit one of the current Four Emperors, the red-haired pirate group.

"It's Hawkeye, rare, do you want to fight me?"

Shanks opened his mouth to fight.

But Hawkeye is not here to fight.

"Until now, with you, a one-armed man, what else to talk about a showdown."

"I found a bunch of funny pirates."

"It reminds me of something you said earlier, two imps in a certain village."

Hawkeye handed Shanks two bounty slips.

"That long-haired imp is still your apprentice, yes, Beckman."


Shanks threw the bounty slip to Beckman, who saw that it was Luffy and the nasty imp.

"Hahaha, 'long hair', from what I know about that kid, he definitely doesn't like this title."

Beckman said with a big laugh.

Shanks raised his head and smiled, "Anyway, the two of them are already here, Luffy, Bai Yun."

"Let's go ahead with the banquet, everyone!!"

"Didn't you just finish drinking!"

"What to say, such a happy day, you should have a few more drinks! Hahaha. "

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