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The waterspout completely stopped rotating, and Shanaido also withdrew his mind.


Large swaths of water fell, falling on the metal bottom plate that had already stored a lot of water, and splashing water.

As the ground is relatively flat, the currents have spread to Zhou Jiang and his feet.

"Huh? Haven't you come back yet?"

Seeing that Shane Duo had stopped the waterspout, the elves standing at the exit of the passage were still attacking, and the Geng ghost sent out had not returned yet, Zhou Jiang was a little confused.

Although it's only five seconds, but this is not a long distance, for Geng Ghost, is it enough for a round trip?

Before it was going to sneak in and lurking in the past, so the speed should be slow, not too fast, but now it has been discovered, shouldn't it run with full strength?

At its speed, this time is enough to come back, right?

Or is there something accident happened, for example, it was beaten and lost its fighting ability?

Zhou Jiang's self-talk was heard by Xanadu. Xanadu was taken aback, and then reacted and asked: ‘Master, are you asking about Geng ghost? ’


Hearing Shanaiduo’s question, Zhou Jiang glanced at her, nodded, and subconsciously asked through the spiritual link: ‘Do you know where it is now? Why haven't you come back? ’

Xanadu looked at Zhou Jiang strangely and said, ‘Didn’t the master let it lurch in the past? It seems to be lurking secretly now. ’


Zhou Jiang was stunned.

What do you mean?

Geng ghost is still lurking?

So it is not exposed?

Then why did the elves in front fight?

Now that the heart link is still connected, Zhou Jiang has not deliberately concealed, so his thoughts were also noticed by Shanaido.

Feeling Zhou Jiang's question, Shanaido finally understood why Zhou Jiang wanted her to break the waterspout in the front room.

Feeling Zhou Jiang thought that Geng Ghost had been discovered, and it sneaked past the lurker's plan to make a sneak attack and went bankrupt, and then it was ready to storm!

Although speechless, Shane Duo answered Zhou Jiang’s doubts, “It should be that the elves on our side stood too close to the exit. After being seen by the Rockets, they directly let the elves attack them, so the two sides started fighting. . ’

Zhou Jiang: "..."

Zhou Jiang was a little speechless.

this one?

This was embarrassing, he thought Geng Gui had been discovered...

But forget it!

Anyway, it's not bad to be positive.

I got all the waterspouts, and I didn't rush out to occupy the empty room. If the Rockets came out and occupied it, it would be troublesome.

Although the quality of the elves is higher than Zhou Jiang's side, they can't stand the Rockets and their crowds!

And to be honest, he didn't have great expectations for Geng Ghost, which is why he suspected that Geng Ghost was discovered as soon as the previous elves battle started.

The Rockets are guarded by the elves of the super power type, and it is difficult for the elves of the ghost type to sneak past.

It was Kou Jiangbin and the others who didn't come before, so he just let it go with the idea of ​​giving it a try.

After all, the worst case is failure.

With Shanaiduo and the elves in front of the raiding array, Geng Gui would not die if he died, and would be seriously injured at most, so it doesn't hurt to try.

But now, Zhou Jiang's mind is a little more active.

The front battle started. Although it wasn't because Geng Gui was discovered, it did not miss a good opportunity!

Before it was said that the success rate of Geng Ghost's lurking in the past was less than 10%, then the current success rate was greatly improved.

After all, the battle has started. If there are any omissions in the super power elves on the Rockets side?

Try it anyway!

No longer talking to Xanadu, Zhou Jiang looked at Kou Jiangbin and said, "Let's go out, let's start the fight!"

"it is good!"

Kou Jiangbin nodded.

Kou Jiangbin didn't tell Shanaiduo, he also felt that Geng Gui was found.

Now that the mission fails, then the front is over!

The other team members fought against the elves in front, guessing that Geng Gui was discovered, so after hearing Zhou Jiang and Kou Jiangbin's words, they didn't have any emotion or expression.

A trace of worry flashed across Geng Gui's trainer's face.

He also suspected that his Geng Ghost had been discovered.

But what he worries about is not this, but... why hasn't Geng Gui come back? !

He naturally knew his own Geng Gui very well. Zhou Jiang doubted why Geng Gui hadn't come back after so long, let alone him.

Was it beaten to death?

The elite middle-level Geng ghost is his main spirit, if he falls, then he will lose a lot!

Although this kind of sacrifice and battle damage will be compensated by the Alliance, it will not compensate him for an elite mid-level elf!

Although the Alliance does have a bunch of intensively cultivated elite middle-level elves, how can he appreciate the elves that have little potential and almost reached the end of their strength development, and the alliance will not give it.

This is not to say that the league is stingy, on the contrary, the league is embarrassed to take a shot!

Those elves that are intensively cultivated are all very poorly qualified.

The Alliance doesn't have any requirements for them, just complete the instructor training task on time every day.

Although hard work is considered hard work, but their talents are hindered by their talents. If their talents are good, they will not be sent to concentration camps for training.

In the past, the alliance did send some of these elves to the prosecutors. After all, there are so many elves in the alliance, and it is not troublesome to train them. Let a trained trainer with a bit of qualifications go to the forest, and they will soon be able to pull up a batch .

But this kind of spirit is really terrible!

The strength has developed to the end, and the intelligence is not good. They are generally weaker than the elves of the same stage, and they can't form any combat power when taken out.

The Alliance itself trains them as troops and soldiers, so they don’t care about their individual combat levels.

But after rewards and compensations were given to the trainers, it was different.

The battles of the trainers are mainly single operations or small-scale coordinated operations.

In this way, the evils of those elves came out.

At the beginning, the Alliance sent these elves, and the prosecutors found that their strength was not low, so they all grabbed them.

But after getting it...

Good guys!

Don't be ignorant, you will be surprised when you use it!

This dull guy is almost up to the robot!

Don’t know if you don’t give orders

And the strength is still weak!

The food will not be reduced due to weak strength, this...

It's better for them to catch a new elf and cultivate it!

At least the qualifications of the elves that he grasped won't be so bad. If you train yourself, there will be a tacit understanding, not dull, and the upper limit is also high.

So the elves were returned on a large scale.

After all, how can the prosecutor release the elves at will? This is still an elf from the Alliance.

After being “fired” on a large scale once, the Alliance also realized the “uselessness” of these elves, so they no longer sent these elves as rewards or compensation to the prosecutors.

Even if the prosecutors don't dislike it, it won't work to take the initiative to ask for those elves.

Sending these "junk" to subordinate institutions, do you want the face of the alliance?

As the supreme ruler of a country, how could the alliance be stingy with its main violent organization?

And if this is known by other countries, isn't this slapping yourself in the face...

Opening his mouth, Geng Gui's trainer still did not ask.

It's not that he doesn't want to ask, but Zhou Jiang and Kou Jiangbin have already gone ahead!

The waterspout outside has been stopped by Xanadu. Although there are still elves stuck at the exit to fight with the elves of the Rockets, they can also go out and do a wave.

"The elves in front, get out!" Running ahead, Zhou Jiang let the elves in front get a little bit away so that they can throw the elf ball out.

Naturally they cannot just run out like this.

Not to mention that they are still fighting against the elves of the Rockets. The elves that are released now are just so little. If they go out, who will guarantee their safety?

Although there is Xanadu by Zhou Jiang, the waves are not so waves!

Fortunately, Zhou Jiang and the others didn't send any big men, so after the only two tall elves let go, Zhou Jiang and the others let go of the elves one after another.

When the elves come out of the elves, there are more than just ways to throw them out and force them to escape.

With the elves in their hands, they can still use special means to make the elves appear in the distance. Of course, the only downside of this method is that the elves cannot appear too far away, basically three or four meters away.

But this is enough.

Elf **** burst open in everyone's hands, the top cover was opened, and then many white light beams flew towards the outside in the form of parabola.

The beam soon landed, and then a large group of elves appeared in the room inside.

Fortunately, the elves appear more inside, so the match between your own elves and the Rockets’ elves did not reach them.

But after they came out, the Rockets' attacks began to lean towards them.

However, they all come out, will they not fight back?

But before that, they need to leave their original positions, after all, there are other companions to come out!

Numerous elves were released, and the elves who were originally guarding the entrance of the cave, because most of the Rockets' attacks were transferred to the elves who had just released Zhou Jiang, they could also move.

In order not to hinder Zhou Jiang and the others, they hurriedly jumped out and got together with the elves who had just been released.

Although the aisle is so big, it is impossible for Zhou Jiang and the others to squeeze in front of them at once, but they can let the people in front release the elves, and then back up and let the people behind.

Although everyone is not from the same place, but the basic qualities are still there, after all, they have been trained, and they are not considered recruits, so the cooperation is still relatively tacit.

More than twenty people, after everyone lost a round of elf balls, sixty elf suddenly appeared in the outside room!

On average, each person released three, half of the main elves.

Zhou Jiang and the others threw a lot of elves, and the Rockets were not idle.

They couldn't just give up this room.

If they just leave the room to Zhou Jiang and the others, they will suffer too much from playing in the tunnel.

The elf quality of the league is higher than that of the Rockets. The Rockets also know that if the numbers are still lost, they can only retreat again.

And if they retreat again, they will have to go to the laboratory!

So they can only try to grab a grab and see if they can tie with Zhou Jiang and others, or regain this strategic location?

But the Rockets captain feels hopeless about this.

After all, Menus's hard vortex water blade really frightened him.

Although the waterspout looks similar to the [Tornado] skill, the damage...

Just look at the fragments of the elves' corpses in the room and you can see how terrifying the damage is.

After being involved, if you don't get out of trouble the first time, then losing your fighting ability will be minor.

A big tornado composed of two diametrically opposite waterspouts, the tearing ability is not covered.

The alloy can be shredded and powdered when you enter it!

If it weren't for it, the captain of the Rockets, who has seen the hard vortex water blade, actually didn't want to come out.

When they step out of the tunnel, they can release more elves, but when the space is larger, the hard vortex water blade can enter their team and kill them!

That lethality, he felt scared after thinking about it.

If there were a lot of elves released before, and they were alert, I am afraid that not only the elves were sacrificed, but the members of their Rocket team would be reduced!

Of course, other Rockets members died when they died, and he didn't care, but he almost died on the waterspout!

No wonder he was scared of it.

But it won't work if they don't go out. Zhou Jiang and the others have all come into the room. Without restrictions, Zhou Jiang and the others must have released more elves than they released in the passage.

The quality and quantity are inferior, so don’t they want to be cold?

You can't go back, UU reading www. uukanshu.com can only fight one wave.

Although they were afraid of the waterspout, they also saw that it was sent by a Meenas, and what it looked like before the waterspout erupted. They all remembered that as long as the waterspout was killed before the waterspout erupted, it might not be impossible. Have to fight?

And even though the waterspout is powerful, as long as it doesn't explode in the group of elves, then the collection of multiple elves won't burst.

The reason why it didn't directly explode before was completely because the waterspout broke out in the elves group, breaking up their team, and escorting them to take refuge in the passage.

After they retreat into this passage, the waterspout will not have any effect on them, and if their elves want to break those waterspouts, although it is not difficult, it will definitely consume some physical strength. In addition, he also wanted to let those waterspouts raging there, so that Zhou Jiang and the others would not come here all at once, so as to postpone the time, so they left it alone.

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