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Needle Bee and Xanadu, who choose?

After looking at Shanaiduo next to him, and then at the big needle bee fighting in the opposite room, after some thoughts, Zhou Jiang finally made a decision!

"Big Needle Bee!"

With Zhou Jiang's call, Big Needle Bee paused and stopped waving the spear.

However, at this time the Big Needle Bee is in front of the two sides fighting camp!

Good guys.

When Zhou Jiang shouted so, Big Needle Bee was overwhelmed by a distracted attack that almost let it fly over.

Fortunately, the Big Needle Bee reacted quickly. After feeling the skill flying to the front of his face, his body moved.

The spear with the "devil-breaking" effect was there, even if the flying dragon rides the face, the big needle bee survived without danger.

But although Big Needle Bee is fine, Zhou Jiang was paid attention to.

Well, he was watched by Kou Jiangbin and the team members behind him. After all, he just called it the operation when Big Needle Bee was responding to the opposite attack, which was really a bit puzzled.

People who don’t know thought Zhou Jiang was the undercover agent on the opposite side...

If it hadn't been for the quick response of the Big Needle Bee, and it was set on fire by multiple skills, it would be cold as a small crispy.

"Ahem, mistakes, mistakes..." Zhou Jiang felt a little embarrassed by the eyes of everyone.

The main reason was that he made a successful decision, which caused a little excitement, so he shouted out without thinking about it.

Otherwise, how could he do such a stupid operation?

But nothing unexpected happened.

Everyone nodded and stopped watching Zhou Jiang.

After all, although Zhou Jiang's operation was a bit fascinating, everyone could guess the reason 80% of the time.

And this is nothing good, just look at it, is it possible to keep staring at him?

After learning the lesson, Zhou Jiang didn’t dare to shout. Because the skills in the room were flying around, he couldn’t see it. He was afraid that it would turn into the same situation as before. So Zhou Jiang looked at Shanaido and asked Shanaido to inform him. Needle bee.

Xanaduo’s voice appeared in the head of Needle Bee. Since there is no "delay" and Xanaduo can clearly see the trajectory of the opponent's skill flying, if Xanaduo informs, it will not be there. When the skill flew to the face of Big Needle Bee, it distracted it.

And the big needle bee that has suffered a loss should not be so easily stunned again, right?

Sure enough, when Xanaduo notified the Big Needle Bee this time, the long spear that the Big Needle Bee wielded did not stop, and it was very decisive, as if he hadn't heard the message from Sanaduo.

But it is naturally impossible not to hear it.

No, didn't the Big Needle Bee withdraw from the front line to Zhoujiang and the others.

Although there were a lot of melee elves on the side to block the incoming attacks, the big needle bee flew out easily with its dexterity.

Only without the powerful shield of Big Needle Bee, the pressure on the elves nearby increased.

After all, the "devil-breaking" attribute of the two long spears of Big Needle Bee is really popular, and with the powerful strength, there is basically no attack that Big Needle Bee cannot stop.

Although the other elves were a little surprised at the big needle bee's departure, they didn't watch it because there was no time!

The elves with long-range attacks must constantly launch attacks against the elves of the Rockets. If the elves are melee, they must concentrate on solving the attacks that are not blocked and fly over.

Seeing the big needle bee flying back, everyone shot their eyes on Zhou Jiang again.

It was strange that Zhou Jiang called Big Needle Bee inexplicably before, but now he called it back again.

Is there any plan?

Zhou Jiang ignored them, looked at Big Needle Bee's eyes, and stared at it.

Big Needle Bee panted slightly and nodded.

Zhou Jiang also nodded, and then said: "Then I beg you!"


Zhou Jiang grabbed the necklace on his chest with his right hand and shouted: "Mega Evolution!"

"It's actually Mega Evolution!"


"Mega Needle Bee..."

Hearing Zhou Jiang's words, and looking at the shining seven-color light, the team members exclaimed.

Although I knew that there was Mega evolution, I also knew that Zhou Jiang's elves could evolve Mega.

But Mega Evolution is not popular after all, and Zhou Jiang has basically never used it, so they all subconsciously ignored this.

So after Zhou Jiang let the Big Needle Bee Mega evolve, everyone was shocked, as if they had seen it for the first time.

The colorful light quickly dissipated, and the big needle bee also showed a new form.

Big Needle Bee evolved into Mega Needle Bee Queen. The original two long spears became four. Not only that, the long spears have also changed from the original somewhat stubby to slender, so the lethality soared, and the big needle bee's **** Also stretched forward, the rear needle became longer.

If the original Needle Bee is an ordinary bee, then the Needle Bee after Mega's evolution is a killer bee!

Its evolution is for killing and fighting!

Not to mention other things, even looking at the eyes, I feel that this Mega Needle Bee is going to be even more brutal.

Looking at Big Needle Bee, Zhou Jiang waved his hand and shouted: "Big Needle Bee, go on the ground as much as you want! Shanaido, you come to cover Big Needle Bee!"

Big Needle Bee and Xanadu nodded, and then an explosive air hum sounded, Mega Needle Bee disappeared in place.

After Mega evolved, the speed of the Big Sting Bee was even faster. Originally, its speed was the best in its class, not to mention the redistribution of race values ​​after evolution.

Although the difference between Mega evolution and the original is only the change in race value and characteristics, the attribute value of the elf after Mega evolution is not only the change related to the race value.

Otherwise, Mega Evolution will not be so powerful.

The speed of the current Big Needle Bee is at least twice as fast as the previous Big Needle Bee!

This is the power of Mega evolution!

The Big Needle Bee who had gained new power was killed, and Shanaido temporarily let go of his surroundings, and instead fixed his mind on Big Needle Bee's body.

Although Big Needle Bee is running fast, Shanaido is not a vegetarian. Within the range of her thought power net, the speed of Big Needle Bee can be captured by her mind power no matter how fast.

However, this is only because she puts on the Mind Armor on Big Needle Bee instead of holding Big Needle Bee.

If she is allowed to hold the Big Needle Bee, it will not be so easy. With the power and speed of the Big Needle Bee now Mega evolved, I am afraid that Shanaido will be broken by the Big Needle Bee as soon as it is controlled, unless The Big Needle Bee stayed on the spot, and then let Shanaiduo exert his thought power.

Otherwise, even with the current strength of Shanaido, he couldn't control it.

The current Big Needle Bee is super strong!

But, Big Needle Bee is stronger, but the skin and blood are also more brittle...

And this state has a time limit.

Although it is not a five-second real man like Ultraman, only three minutes of fighting time, but the maintenance time of this Mega evolution is not much longer, especially if the battle is fierce.

Zhou Jiang estimated that in the current situation of fighting, it would be impossible for the Big Needle Bee in about five minutes.

But five minutes is already a long time, as long as the big needle bee rushes into the opposite elves pile, it can kill a sky!

Big Needle Bee and Shanaiduo both acted. Zhou Jiang's words were to look at a few moss nearby and ask them to work harder to cover Shanaiduo's previous tasks.

After all, their safety comes first.

It would be funny if it was stolen by the Rockets.

Well, it's actually second to not being funny. If you're dead, then it's really gone!

Although the Rockets dare not kill easily, what if?

There is a possibility, it is called an accident.

"Negligence of homicide" does not only exist in the criminal law.

And even if you don’t die, the chances of breaking your hands and feet are great.

Although the world’s technology tree is weird, as long as the broken hand and foot are not particularly long or the wound is particularly severe, they can be picked up for you, but if it is all right, who is willing to endure the suffering of broken hands and feet?

A few Hudi and the other elves guarding their trainers also knew that after losing the strongest Shanaido, their field was instantly empty. If the Rockets came and attacked, they would probably succeed, so they all mentioned Up the spirit.

A few Hu Di is to maximize their mental power!

Although the Hudiers can't hold on to this state for long, Shanaido won't always help the Big Sting Bee.

She only needs to be a supporter during the time when Big Needle Bee initiates a charge.

After all, the biggest problem is that in the middle of the battlefield are the skills of the elves of both sides. If the elves want to rush over, they will have to attack dozens of times at least.

The fast elves don't have high defense, and the elves with high defense have no speed.

So this basically put an end to the use of melee elves, allowing them to defend themselves only in front of their square formation.

Although it is not impossible to make the elves rush to the opposite side with a fight, such as the big needle bee and Shanaiduo, let the fast elves rush, and then let the elves of the super power type use their mind power as a shield to cover, but it can Rushing over, but after rushing over, can the elf handle the opposite elf?

The long-range output elves can't be attacked after melee combat, and even if they are restrained by the opposing long-range elves, there are still many melee elves interspersed in the two camps.

The conditions are harsh and the elves are not strong enough, so basically there is no situation where the melee elves rush to attack.

But the big needle bee is different now!

Although the needle bee without Mega evolution can rush, but the speed is not fast enough, the attack power is not high enough, even if the needle bee rushes to the opposite side, there is still a certain risk.

Now it is different after Mega evolved.

After Mega's evolution, the sting bee has at least half its strength!

This half is about half of the strength of the high-ranking king. If it weren't for the defensive power of the Mega evolved, it would not need the assistance of Xanadu, so it would directly charge!

Outside, after the Big Needle Bee rushed out, Xanadu put a shield on it in time.

Originally, the elves on both sides were constantly throwing and attacking, and they looked a little mechanical, but after the big needle bee came out, they changed.

The elves on the Rockets saw that the "life-and-death" elves dared to charge toward them in this state. They were taken aback for a moment, and then they ignored the attacks launched by the elves from Zhou Jiang. , Directly launch the attack towards the Big Needle Bee!


All kinds of attacks flew towards the Big Needle Bee, and the beam skills had more than forty shots. Even if Shane Duo's strength was used to shield the Big Needle Bee, it would not be able to stop this scale. s attack.

But fortunately, Big Sting Bee doesn't need hard resistance.

Doesn't it hide?

Although there were a lot of attacks flying over it, it was very dense, making it impossible for it to hide all of it, but it didn't matter, as long as it wasn't all the attacks of the more than 80 elves blasting it on it.

Moreover, it is not only Shanaiduo's mental support, but the elves on Zhou Jiang's side are not vegetarian!

It is not the protagonist in some animations. When the protagonist is on the protagonist, other people in the protagonist team will only watch from the side, and wait until the protagonist kneels before rushing out...

The elves on the Rockets gave up and confronted the elves on Zhou Jiang’s side and were attacking the needle bee. They would not allow the melee elves to rush over. They also felt that the attacks of so many elves could extinguish the needle bee. So some are confident.

I felt that even if the elves from Zhou Jiang's side attacked, they could be blocked by melee combat.

Solve the Big Needle Bee in one wave, and then confront Zhou Jiang and their elves in the next wave. Isn't this blood earned?

The elves on Zhou Jiang and the others wouldn't care so much. If Zhou Jiang and the others did not give an order, they would naturally continue to attack.

And now the elves of the Rockets regard the Big Needle Bee as their priority attack target, so of course they will not miss this opportunity now. The spirits of the elves are not as mechanical as they were before, and it is directly like a chicken blood. Generally, full firepower!

For a while, the roar of various skills became louder, and the lights of various colors illuminated the entire room.

In the face of various skill attacks, Mega Needle Bee didn't panic at all.

The Rockets’ elves can’t attack it too much. Basically, there are only two rounds of this kind of large-scale ground-washing interception attack. After all, its teammates don’t eat dry food.

If the Rockets' elves can't solve it after two calls, even if they try to stop it, they can't ignore Zhou Jiang and their elves behind.

After two attempts to wash the ground, Big Needle Bee is confident that he will not be killed~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After all, Mega has evolved and its strength has been enhanced, not to mention Shanaido's full mind shield.

Although it is out of a "competitive" relationship with Xanadu, as the saying goes, it is your opponent who knows you.

For the strength of Xanadu, Big Needle Bee knows very well.

After all, in Zhoujiang’s elves team, if they don’t train, they will do some comparisons. However, due to their strength problems, the two elves can only compete with each other. (Mist), so the big needle bee is very clear about the power of Xanadu.

Especially after Zhou Jiang gave Shanaiduo another wave of reinforcement, that strength became even more terrifying.

Although the Mega Needle Bee may be stronger than Xanadu after the evolution, but this does not mean that Xanadu is weak. With Xanadu's mind shield, plus its own speed and eyesight, the Needle Bee is completely incapable of this charge. worry about what.

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