"Being a wizard trainer in a parallel world (New Find the latest chapter!

boom--! ! !

The skills of the elves on both sides collided, and the explosion sounded endlessly.

Except for a few missed skills and the aftermath of an explosion due to being too close, the Rockets’ elves were perfectly defended against this wave of defense.

The missing skills are melee elves, and the aftermath of the explosion...

Forget it, anyway, it won't cause any harm to the elves.



It sounded like a mountain of explosives, and a black boulder smashed into the Rocket Elves like a cannonball.

Since everyone’s energy was focused on the attacks that Zhou Jiang and the Elf group had hit, the Rockets’ elves were like bowling **** for a while, and the elves who were hit in the front were directly hit hard. !

After all, this was an "attack" they were defenseless, and the boulders that "attacked" them were not ordinary.

That is a rumbling rock!

That’s right, the Longlong Rock is one of the eight elves that rushed towards the Big Needle Bee, but because it used to roll, rushed too fast, and broke away from the big army, so it can not cause any trouble to the Big Needle Bee. Yes.

But even if they had eight elves together, it wouldn't be a problem for Big Needle Bee.

Without Mega evolution, the Needle Bee had to deal with the eight elves still a little trouble, but after Mega evolved, the speed and power have risen to a terrible stage, the Needle Bee can instantly attack the eight elves without worrying. When attacked by them!

Rumble Rock is not a special case, it is just the first "crab".

boom--! !

After the Rumble Rock, a double-bomb gas flew back and hit the elves.

After that, a few elves flew backwards faster than they had come.

Big-mouthed bat, Kentero, Heracross...

The eight elves, aside from the completely white Rong Longyan, the other seven elves rushed to the front and back of the big needle bee, and within two seconds, they were all beaten back!

As for the damage caused to the Big Needle Bee... of course it is "zero", and their only function is to block the Big Needle Bee's footsteps.

However, at this time, the time to stop the Big Needle Bee is the same as if it did not stop, and after they were beaten back, they crashed into the Elf Swarm and broke the Elf Swarm's formation, which was even more troublesome.

It can be said that these eight elves are completely in vain, and they have brought a major blow to the elves!

The formation was dissipated by their eight elves. Not to mention the large needle bee that was about to rush in to kill and kill, it was the attack from the elves of the elves from Zhou Jiang and the others. They may have nothing to do.

The formation was broken up, and he was hitting his head, let alone a big needle bee about to rush over.

In an instant, the Rockets' form fell to the bottom.

The Big Needle Bee did not solve it, but the formation was broken up.

Although the previous attack from Zhou Jiang's elves group had been resolved, the next wave of skills had already emerged.

Now the elves on the Rockets and their side can't even meet Zhou Jiang and their elves' attack, let alone the Big Needle Bee rushing towards them.

At this time, once the Big Needle Bee rushed into the somewhat scattered elves, after Zhou Jiang and the others' attacks fell, what awaited them was a one-sided "slaughter"!

Knowing the possible crisis, the captain of the Rockets shouted: "Damn it! Release the elves!"

While shouting, he himself threw a poke ball towards the room.

He has seen how big the needle bee is. He didn't care much before. He felt that eight elves could handle it. Even if eight elves didn't work, then more than twenty would go together!

But after seeing that Big Needle Bee lost the terrifying power of eight elves in a second, the Rocket Captain knew that this matter was in trouble.

The strength of this big needle bee completely exceeded his imagination, should it be called a Mega wizard?

Once this big needle bee rushes into the elves group and cooperates with the elves group on Zhou Jiang and others, then they are finished!

To deal with the Big Needle Bee, then Zhou Jiang's attack from the Elf Group could not be completely defended.

To defend against Zhou Jiang's attacks from the Elf Group, then for the Big Needle Bees that have entered the interior, these Elves are living targets!

Now this situation is difficult to solve with the elves on the field, so the Rockets can only continue to send the elves, even if the field cannot fit!

The problem of the venue, just squeeze it, and they are now relying on the number of elves to "stack" the big needle bees, so don't consider the problem of insufficient space.

As long as the big needle bee kills an elf, they can retrieve it in time.

In this way, the big needle bee can be dragged, and then as long as a steady stream of new elves and big needle bees are sent out, the "old" elves on the field will continue to defend Zhoujiang and their elves. The offense will do.

This is the safest solution.

The only trouble is how many elves are needed to fight the big needle bee, and even if they release the support of the elves, it is still a question whether they can hold the big needle bee.

One is that he is not sure that the limited elves they release will not consume the energy of the big needle bee, and the other is that he is not sure, will the big needle bee really fight them!

If the Big Needle Bee ignores the intercepting elves released, but plunges into the elves and concentrates on making trouble, then they will be fine.

Judging from the speed that the Big Needle Bee is showing now, if it doesn't want to fight, then they really have a hard time catching it, unless the elves of their elves don't defend against Zhou Jiang and their elves.

But in this way, wouldn't it be exactly what Zhou Jiang and the others felt like!

However, things have already reached this point, no matter what, they can't give up, just sit back and wait for death!

Numerous elven **** were thrown out, and the new elves got out of the elven balls. After they came out, they did not stop and rushed straight toward the big needle bee.

Although they know the terrifying strength of the big needle bees, they can kill them in one hit, and they may even be killed directly, but they still rush up without hesitation. As long as the trainer does not abandon them, then they are the best in the hands of the trainer. A sharp spear, the strongest shield!

Mega Needle Bee has rushed to the front of the Elf Group.

In front of the elven group, there were more than twenty elves waiting for its arrival. Not only that, but more elves were released by the Rockets. The Big Needle Bee knew that they were all coming towards it.

But Big Needle Bee is not afraid.

After Mega evolved, the connection between it and Zhou Jiang became closer.

Even if it does not look at Zhou Jiang, even if it is on the battlefield, it can still "hear" Zhou Jiang's heartbeat.

It was a steady and powerful heartbeat.

Zhou Jiang was not there, he was right beside Big Needle Bee, fighting with it!

With Zhou Jiang's company, Big Needle Bee feels invincible!

More than twenty elves?

That's it!

-Pointing to the gun!

boom--! !

The slender needle gun slammed into the body of the iron armored tyrannosaurus standing at the forefront under the extreme speed of the big needle bee!

The iron armored Tyrannosaurus steel-like leather armor was completely unable to defend against this penetration attack, and the spear of the big needle bee was like tearing paper, and it easily stabbed into its body.


The armored tyrannosaurus screamed in embarrassment.

Although it was ready to be beaten, it never thought that it would be stabbed to death by a big needle bee!

This is no ordinary injury!

The body of the elves is protected by a special position, and it will not be penetrated or torn. Most of them are skin traumas, and rarely hurt the internal organs, but what the **** is this attack of the big needle bee!

It pierced the body of Tyrannosaurus armored in one blow. What kind of perverted strength is this!

Its theoretically capable one-strike mortal skill [Unicorn Drill] is only to make the surface of the elves scars, so this blow of the Big Needle Bee can directly pierce its stomach? !

What the **** is this!

Suddenly eating pain, coupled with the fear of the blow of the big needle bee, the iron armor tyrannosaurus screamed in embarrassment.

When the big needle bee's spear pierced through the belly of the Tyrannosaurus ironclad, the powerful force directly smashed it into flight.

When the Ironclad Tyrannosaurus flew towards the back, the spear of the big needle bee buried in its body was also forced to separate.

However, although the spear left its body, the process of leaving it was not very friendly. It directly enlarged and tore the wound, making it grinning again.

Many elves can see the tragic situation of the iron armored tyrannosaurus, but although they are trembling and embarrassed in their hearts, their progress has not stopped!


With thunder light, a tall electric shock beast waved its fist at the Big Needle Bee.

Thunder Fist!

It's not just the electric shock beast, the flame fist of the fiery monkey, the freezing fist of the mosquito frog, the skeletal maneuver of quack, the guillotine of the dart and the big armor...

All the elves took out their best skills one after another and rushed towards the big needle bee.

More than twenty elves sent the attack together, even the big needle bee did not dare to mess around.

Although its speed has been greatly improved, it can solve seven elves at once, but at most it can kill about ten elves at a time. There are more than 20 elves in total here. Its attack power, although it can kill about ten elves, but as far as its crispy skin is, after it's dried, it's almost the same.

Being besieged by ten elves, Shanaiduo's protection was also removed, and the small stylus of the Needle Bee, even if its physical strength and defense increased after the Mega evolved, it could not hold it!

But you can’t do ten at a time, so can’t it do a little less at once?

There are only more than 20 elves. The Big Needle Bee hits three or four at once and then runs away. Then there is no need to worry about safety!

As for the facing elves, the Big Needle Bee didn't retreat but moved forward, and the spear shot at the dazzling thunder fist of the electric shock beast.


The Thunder beast was directly knocked out, and was stabbed by a big needle bee before it. In the arms of the iron armored tyrannosaurus that was about to get up, the two elves hugged the ground and rolled, and then continued to hit two. Stopped only after the elf...

The huge gap in power made the Big Needle Bee hardly respond.

With one flap of its wings, Big Needle Bee swung another spear towards Abby Lang on the side.

No surprise, Abby Lang was like the Thunder Beast, and he flew back straight back, but this time the elves in the back learned to be clever. When they saw Abby Lang who flew back, they scattered directly to the two sides and let Ai Hiran stopped after hitting the last wall...

The Big Needle Bee was not greedy, and retreated after flying off the three elves.

The sky is covered by a net interwoven by various skills on both sides, so the Big Needle Bee cannot fly into the air, but even if the air with the widest range of avoidance is sealed, the Big Needle Bee can still wave.

The Big Needle Bee is about to head to the right.

On the left, there are the new elves released by the Rockets. Although they haven't rushed to the front of the needle bee, they are fast too, and if the needle bee rushes to the left, it is too dangerous.

After all, the left side is the passage where the Rockets players are. If the needle bee breaks to the left, they will definitely think that the needle bee is heading towards them.

If the Big Needle Bee is heading toward the Rockets, that's not bad.

After Mega evolved, with its power, it would not be a problem to break through the defense of these elite-level elves at all costs.

In the end, it can kill the Rockets after rushing over, but the Needle Bee will be torn to pieces by the irrational elves!

Zhou Jiang has no doubt that once Big Needle Bee goes to kill the Rockets players, these elves will desperately tear Big Needle Bee to pieces.

Although the Big Needle Bee can also use a spear against the necks of Rocket members to threaten the elves to stop attacking and wait to be captured...

But what if the Rockets bet that Big Needle Bee is afraid of them? What if they fail to submit?

Isn't the big needle bee a turtle in the urn in that narrow passage?

Big Needle Bee is Zhou Jiang's important elf, and he will not let it fall into a mortal situation.

Now letting it rush over is just believing that the Mega-evolved Needle Bee has this ability.

Knowing Zhou Jiang's thoughts, Big Needle Bee was ready to break through towards the Fiery Monkey on the right.

Regarding the fist thrown by the hot monkey, the big needle bee didn't even look at it, blocked it with a shot, and then deflated the hot monkey's offensive by picking it up~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The gap between the strength of the two sides was too big.

The fiery monkey hits one million tons of punches with all its strength, which is just like that in the eyes of the needle bee. The needle bee does not even need to use energy, and can directly break its blow with the strength of the body.

If it weren't for the surrounding elves, the Big Needle Bee would be surrounded and difficult to get out of, otherwise the Big Needle Bee could kill it half-life as soon as it went down!

However, if you can't solve it directly, the Big Needle Bee can still cause a little damage to it.

Anyway, a random blow with the power of the big needle bee cannot be resisted by the elite middle-level hot monkey.

Pick up the Big Needle Bee and let it hit the Sound Pop monster that rushed up on the side. After breaking the encirclement, the Big Needle Bee flew directly towards the elves that were facing the attack from Zhou Jiang and their elves. go with.

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