I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 108: Zhou Jia out of the station

"Whirring whirring!"

   Zhou Nan and Xu Feng lie on the bed, Zhou Jiang sits on a chair and lie on the table.

   The three of them couldn't help gasping for breath.

   In the car, all three of them also learned from Chen Yongan what the access control was. But the three of them disagreed, but the world made a joke with them.

   I thought there was enough time, but the car broke down halfway!

   After waiting for five minutes, the four who couldn't get a taxi had to run back to school!

   It takes more than ten minutes to drive the car, let alone a few people running back now.

   Four people ran for more than 20 minutes!

   Although they all caught up with the time in the end, they were also half tired.

   Zhou Jiang turned his head and looked at Zhou Nan, who was lying on the bed with his chest violently rising and falling, and "hehehehe" like a bellows, couldn't help feeling full of emotions.

   I thought this fat guy might not be able to keep up with the gate time in the end, but I didn't expect him to run faster than Zhou Jiang!

   It's almost impossible. In the end, Zhou Jiang, the slowest runner, almost couldn't keep up with the entrance guard...

   Can't you underestimate any fat guy...

   After resting for more than ten minutes, everyone was no longer interested in playing "Elf GO". They simply took a shower and lay in bed for a hundred years.

   The second round of the game will be held tomorrow, and the team leader of the match list has also been posted in the deduction group.

   Tomorrow will be a new beginning!

   There are still a total of 260 players left, and the game will be "officially started" only in the top 128, which means that four players will be eliminated.

   As for how these four people are eliminated, of course it is a draw!

   The eight people who were drawn in the previous lottery advanced to the first round, and the four who were drawn now...

   Of course, winning the draw does not mean you will be eliminated. After winning the draw, you will have a chance to challenge.

   Choose a challenge from the 128 players who have successfully advanced. Once the challenge is successful, you can replace the player who has advanced, but that player is not eligible to challenge again.

  The four lucky winners drawn in the past have never given up this challenge.

   Of course, the number of successful challenges only accounts for half. After all, it is said to be eliminated by drawing lots, but there are also certain black-box operations, for example, those seeded players will not be drawn...

  The eliminated players are the poorer players.

   The ten people in Zhou Jiang’s school were not eliminated in the first round, nor were they drawn.

   Zhou Jiang and Zhou Nan are in the first sub-field.

   Xu Feng is in the main court.

   Wang Qingyan, Li Linghui, and Chen Yongan are in the second venue.

   As for the time of the game, except for Li Linghui and Zhou Nan, the other four will compare tomorrow.

   If you enter 128 now, it is a match between two elves, which means that the time of the match is extended!

   It could have been played in one day, but now it takes two days to enter the top 128 tournament...

   Zhou Nan had the earliest game time, so several people went to the auditorium on the second sub-field to take up a seat.

   Several people went early, so not many people were in the audience. After finding a good position, a few people sat down and waited for Zhou Nan's game to start.


   Zhou Nan’s game was in the third game, and it was one hour later.

   In order to prevent the embarrassment of the group yesterday from happening again, several people did not go to play "Elf GO", but watched the game seriously.

   Actually, the strength of the players in the 128 promotion match is not bad.

   is carefully selected by each school after all.

   Those who "catch up" with less than 10 players have basically been eliminated in the first round, and the rest are naturally strong players!

   The players in the first round of the competition showed good strength. The elves are well trained and have good levels.

  Moreover, the trainer has a good control over the timing and tactics of the battle during the battle. If the elves of Zhou Jiang are not so perverted, it is estimated that they can be against them...

   As expected, no one can be underestimated!

   Now that the second round is so strong, then the next 64, 32, 16...and so on, what will the elite of the elite be like...

   Now in the second round of the competition, Zhou Jia from Dawn School will play against Fiat from Pheasant School!

"Wow even!!!"

   "Zhou Jia, Zhou Jia!!!"




   Hearing the name of the broadcast and the enthusiastic shouts of the audience in the audience, Zhou Jiang's heart shook.

No way...


   Xu Feng poked Zhou Jiang in the arm: "Hey... Zhou Jiang, wouldn't it be your sister..."

   Jiang Shui fiercely pierced in and looked at the excited audience around him, and nodded, "I think so, look at the boys, they seem to be in heat!"

  Wang Qingyan and others didn't speak, glanced at Zhou Jiang who was silent, and then looked curiously on the court.

   Zhou Jia, Zhou Jiang’s sister.

   Everyone hasn't officially seen her in the game yet.

   The previous "brand tearing" competition was also a battle, but it was different from the regular competition.

   And she is a disciple of the Huaxia Water System Heavenly King Shui Gentle!

   Ninety percent of Chinese women like soft water, which is no joke.

   After all, she is the first female king of China, and she is beautiful and elegant.

   It didn't take long for the two players to enter the arena.

   Everyone looked, and sure enough, it was Zhou Jiang’s sister!

   With Zhou Jia’s debut, the atmosphere in the arena instantly reached its apex, and the enthusiasm of the surrounding audience seemed to engulf Zhou Jiang and the others.

   Looking at the enthusiastic audience, Zhou Jiang sighed.


   While explaining a bunch of Lorry’s introduction to Zhou Jia~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the game started.

   The elf sent by Zhou Jia is an iron shell, while the opponent’s elf is a lava insect.

   The iron shell is water and ice attributes, and the damage of the fire element is only equal to the damage, while the iron shell can do double damage to it with water attribute skills.

  Although the lava worm can also use the move of falling rocks, it is not a skill of this system, plus the power of the lava worms is there, [falling rocks] is almost no lethality for the iron shell!

   And the elves of both sides are still far away.

   The iron shell has reached level twenty-two, while the lava worm on the opposite side is only level seventeen...

   This is an unprecedented disadvantage!

   "Iron Shell, Water Gun!"

   Preemptively, the two shells of the iron shell were slightly opened, revealing the dark inside but only the eyes and the inside of the mouth can be seen.

   The instant the iron shell opened its shell, it quickly fired a water gun.

   "Lava worm, spray flames!"

   The speed of the water gun is extremely fast. Seeing that the extremely slow lava worm cannot be avoided, Fia can only order the lava worm to release the skill to resist first, and then slowly move the position to avoid the skill.

   The water column collided with the flame, and water mist instantly filled the field.

   However, the skills of the two sides did not stand up for long. The water column broke through the flames instantly and shot at the lava worm.

   "Lava bug, avoid!"


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