didn't wait long, finally it was Zhou Jiang's turn.

   And his opponent is not someone else, he is an old acquaintance, who only did a few days ago, the leader of the school-Yang Yingwu!

   As the saying goes, when the enemy meets, they are extremely jealous. This is the case with the two now.

   Of course, Zhou Jiang's eyes are not red.

   After all, I have nothing to hate.

   I was just a little curious why Yang Yingwu's face turned red with his eyes wide open.


   But Zhou Jiang is too lazy to think, anyway, to himself he is just a passerby character, at most a small wave in his life course.

   After the two stood on the platform, the referee motioned for the two to release the elves.

   Yang Yingwu saw that Zhou Jiang turned a blind eye to his "glaring and glaring", so he could only give it up.

   The elf that Yang Yingwu released was a meow. Zhou Jiang also forgot who he released last time.

   But these are small things.

   This time Zhou Jiang sent out Bibi Bird!

  Other Bibi bird long-range attacks are very weak, and they are basically melee combat. If the initial speed is not fast, it is difficult to have any effect.

   And Zhou Jiang’s Bibi Bird...

   After the "Magic Modification", it will have three long-range attack skills: [Spray Flame], [Frozen Light] and [One Hundred Thousand Volts], but Bibi Bird's special attack is still too weak.

   Only confirmed the transformation of Bibi Niao before, but now he has not yet begun to assign attribute points to Bibi Niao.

   And the "individual value" of Bibi bird's special attack is too low, only "19"!

   Fortunately, "Intermediate Modification" can modify individual values...

   Although Bobo’s "special attack" is not available now, his "speed" and "physical attack" are still terrifying.

   The speed is good, reaching "54", and "Material Attack" is exaggerated, reaching "68"!

   This "physical attack" is at least equivalent to Bibi Niao's "physical attack" value after two stages.

   The current Bibi Niao is only level 18, which means that in terms of "physical attack", Bibi Niao is equivalent to reaching level 38!

   And this is still not included in the bonus of exercising these.

   For example, the speed and power of Bibi bird after the gravity ring is removed.

   Now Bibi Bird is able to fly a bit faster than a normal 18th level Bibi bird under eight times the gravity.

   "Meow, catch crazy!"

   Yang Yingwu's shout awakened Zhou Jiang, and Zhou Jiang's thoughts slowly returned to the present.

   I saw Meow Meow turned into a white light, and then rushed towards Bibi Niao suddenly.

Although   Bibi Bird didn't have Zhou Jiang's order, it made a difficult maneuver at the moment when Meow was approaching, avoiding Meow's attack.

   Miao Miao’s attack failed and fell towards the ground, and Bibi Niao had just whirled above Miao Miao at this time!

   "Steel wings!"

  Bibi bird made a long cry in excitement, and then the wings emitted a dazzling metallic light, and the speed was once again faster, and it hit the meow below.

   "Meow, bite!"

   It's impossible to avoid it, it can only change the injury.

   The light representing the skill on Meow Meow’s paw disappeared, and then a white “braces” appeared in the mouth.


   Yang Yingwu stared at the smoke above the venue blankly, unable to believe his eyes.

   I thought I would lose a little later at most, but...

   Yes, Meow did bite Bibi Niao with his bite, but the final outcome was completely different from what he thought.

   After Bibi Bird’s steel wings hit Meow Meow, Meow Meow smoothly bit near Bibi Bird’s neck, but Meow Meow was hit by a powerful impact as soon as she bit it before she could exert any force!

   Meow, who had a pain in her abdomen, didn't even have the strength to bite it down, she could only watch Bibi Niao getting further and further away from her.

   The smoke dissipated, Miao Miao lay in a big pit surrounded by broken stones and lost his fighting ability!



"what happened!"

   "Thank you..."


   After a while, the noise broke out.

   Other people are skeptical, can't believe it, only Zhou Nan and a few familiar people know Zhou Jiang's situation.

   can only sigh that Zhou Jiang is getting better again.

   Several people were feeling, only Xu Feng showed an unwilling smile.

   can't beat...

   Although the referee was also surprised, he still had professionalism. After a moment of stunned, he came back to his senses and announced the result.

   just looking at Zhou Jiang's eyes changed a little.

   Yang Yingwu trembling hands retracted Meow Meow.

   Am I really good...

   The strongest trump card... he couldn't resist even a single blow!

  Can I really be a good trainer...

   At this moment, poor Yang Yingwu was beaten to autism.

   Under repeated reminders from the referee, Yang Yingwu released his second elf, Bobo.

   However, Yang Yingwu, who had no fighting spirit, and Bobo were compared with each other, not a little bit worse in all aspects. In the end, even though Bobo weakly resisted for a while, he was still ended by Bibiiao’s [Swallow Back].

   After the game, Zhou Jiang took back Bibi Bird who had not played enough, bowed slightly to Yang Yingwu and left the field.

   Zhou Jiang recalled Yang Yingwu, who looked like a puppet, and he could only pray that he was not broken.


   In fact, his strength is still very good, but bad luck, met Zhou Jiang.

   His strength is similar to Zhou Nan, at least he can enter the next stage.

   But these have nothing to do with Zhou Jiang, anyway.

   Zhou Jiang’s game is also over, and then Xu Feng’s game will follow.

  Xu Feng’s game was on the main field, and a few people didn’t need to go to know that it must be crowded~www.wuxiaspot.com~ especially the reporters, all crowded there.

   After meeting outside, several people came to the small pavilion to rest and chat, slowly waiting for the arrival of the game.

   "Hey, isn't that our teacher Tian, ​​next to him is..."

   Chen Yongning, who was chatting with the sky, suddenly saw two figures not far away, and suddenly said in doubt.

   "Huh? Where is it!"

   Zhou Jiang followed Chen Yongning’s gaze, and saw his head teacher Lu Ran talking with Chen Yongning’s leader Tian Zhengjie in a small corner!

   "Puff! Teacher Lu Ran!"

   Zhou Nan also looked at it curiously, but when he saw his head teacher, the water that had not been swallowed in his mouth was sprayed out.


   The few people who didn't take it seriously suddenly seemed to be beaten up with blood. They became excited and quickly turned their heads and looked over.

   This pavilion is at the back of the school building near the edge of the school, with a small forest behind it!

   I saw Lu Ran and Tian Zhengjie talking at the back of the school building.

   Fortunately, there are some trees in front of this small pavilion, otherwise a few people will be exposed.

   Looking at the two people not far away, the curiosity in their hearts suddenly rose.

  What the **** are you talking about!

   Could it be said that the two are lovers? !

   However, several people were a little far away, and what the two said was not aloud, which caused several people to hear completely.


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