After Miss Joey left, another auspicious egg came out and stood at the front desk to manage the wizard center.

   The few people were relieved. They had been worried about Nitorino before, how do they feel, and now they feel tired as soon as the burden is put down.

   After all, there is still some distance from here on the other side of the battlefield. A few people rushed out quickly, no matter how good their physique was.

   Especially a few girls, it is already the limit to keep up with the four, and now they are tired like a dead dog...

   The spectators in the lobby who had been watching a few people before saw that Miss Joey had entered and stopped paying attention to things here.

   Several people sat down on the seats in the hall to rest, waiting for the good news from Miss Joey.

   After sitting down, Zhou Jiang looked at Zhou Nan with a frown and a bitter face, his hands clenched his fists tightly, and he became worried.

  Zhou Jiang knows that Zhou Nan likes elves very much, especially after being with him for so long, he has long been like Nitorino in his family. If Nitorino really died...

   Zhou Jiang believed that Zhou Nan would definitely do something unwise and stupid.

   "Don't worry too much, Miss Joey is so good, Nitorino will be fine!"

   Zhou Jiang looked at it, and it turned out that Jiang Shui who was sitting next to Zhou Nan was talking.

   Looking at the white jade hand placed on Zhou Nan’s chubby hand, Zhou Jiang felt that he had received a crit...

   When I saw other people, they were also shocked, especially Chen Yongning, holding his chest with one hand, and a distressed look...

   A few people moved their positions to the side in silence, really don't want to watch this couple spread dog food.

   It wasn’t like this before... I didn’t expect...

   I didn't expect you to be such a river and lake!

   With the nourishment of love, Zhou Fatty's emotions came quickly, and he was "going" quickly. He was no longer sad, frowning, and smirk.

A few people in Zhou Jiang were playing with mobile phones (md...don’t write "communicator", I thought of anime when I wrote it before, but I didn’t expect to have mobile phones and the like, but then I remembered the real world...), and the fat man The couple is there for you and me.

   "I'm going to the game, please wait here, I'll be back after the match."

   Several people looked up, only to see Xu Feng put the phone in his pocket, greeted them and hurriedly walked outside.

   At this time, a few people remember that there is still a game today!

   But Zhou Nan's originally smiling face calmed down.

   He remembered the lost game and Nitorino lying in the operating room...

   looked at Zhou Nan's river and sighed slightly.

   But she can't blame Xu Feng.

   After all, if Xu Feng hadn't discovered it early, Nidolino would have no chance of rescue.

   And even if it was not, Jiang Shui was not qualified to let Xu Feng give up the game in order to prevent Zhou Nan from thinking about the uncomfortable place again.

   But fortunately, Zhou Nan's mood has been much better after the previous chat and enlightenment.

   After Xu Feng went out, Zhou Jiang opened the match list on his mobile phone and checked the match time of several people again. It would be uncomfortable if he missed it.

   Zhou Nan and Xu Feng had a game in the morning, and the rest were in the afternoon.

   The first game in the afternoon was Zhou Jiang, followed by Li Linghui, Wang Qingyan, and finally Chen Yongan.

   Xu Feng went quickly and came quickly.

   came back in about twenty minutes.

   Considering the distance and waiting time, it is estimated that Xu Feng only took ten minutes to fight!

   It's quite a terrible result. After all, everyone who hits here is basically not a weak one.

   Of course, Xu Feng's opponent is mainly due to time so fast.

   Xu Feng is one of the top 10 in the "Celebrity List", and the opponents assigned to him are basically relatively good.

   As for the opponent of Zhou Jia before, I can only say that her "stunt" is hidden too well.

   finally made an assessment, and counting her stunts, she can also be ranked in the top 10 of the "Celebrity List"!

   As a result, she could only be eliminated pitifully...

   So you can’t pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, in case you are not careful, you may really become a pig...

   After Xu Feng came back, it was noon for a few people to check it out, but Miss Joey still hadn't come out, the few people could only coax Zhou Nan to have some lunch.

   When a few people returned to the wizard center, Miss Joey had already come out and was sitting at the front desk rubbing her arms and waiting for a rest. First release https://https://

   "Miss Joey!"

   Seeing Miss Joey, Zhou Nan rushed up as if seeing her lover.

Looking at Zhou Nan with a look of expectation, Miss Joey was stunned for a moment, then remembered who it was, and smiled and said: "Don't worry, your Nitorino is out of danger. You only need to rest for a few days. You can go to the ground, but it is estimated that you will not be able to fight within a month!"

   "Yes, yes! I must remember Miss Joey's instructions!"

   Looking at Zhou Nan, who looked like garlic, Jiang Shui was angry and funny, but she didn't say anything.

   Several people got the permission of Miss Joey, and went to the recuperation room to check Nitorino.

   Zhou Jiang was behind, passing the bento box in his hand to Miss Joey.

   "Thank you, Miss Joey! This is our care, please accept it!"

   Ms. Joey smiled, but did not decline, and after receiving the lunch, she said thank you to Zhou Jiang.ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

   Zhou Jiang nodded, and then caught up with the people in front.

   In the retreat room, Nidolino was lying quietly on the bed, beside it, there was a hanging bottle with nutrient solution hanging on it.

   Zhou Nan looked at Nidolino, her eyes suddenly red.

   Zhou Nan learned from Xu Feng that the so-called "burst" is not something that the elves can burst if they want to but need to break the shackles of a certain middle school!

   Everyone guessed that Nitorino "exploded" in order to bring Zhou Nan victory.

   It was my command error that caused you to be injured... and you did it for me...

   Several people saw Nidolino, and then saw the sentimental Zhou Nan, and then signaled each other, and then quietly walked outside.

   Jiang Shui wanted to say something, but Wang Qingyan gave her a hand, shook her head and signaled to leave time for their master and servant.

   Several people returned to the hall and sat there slowly waiting for Zhou Nan.

   One hour later, Zhou Nan finally came back.

   Now Zhou Nan looks like everything is normal, and his eye circles are no longer red. If it weren't for all the people present, I'm afraid I thought it was a dream.

   "How is it, is it better?"

   Zhou Nan smiled: "Well, thank you for worrying about me, but it's all right now!"

   Seeing that the usual Zhou Nan came back, several people were completely relieved.

   As long as there are no problems, what a few people are most worried about is that Zhou Nan's temperament has changed dramatically, and even decided to give up the road of trainer...

   There are also examples in the past, when the elves were fighting, but after the elves were seriously injured and died, some trainers became discouraged.

   is the most famous trainer of the quasi-tian king level more than ten years ago. At that time, his initial elves died after the battle. He released all his elves and chose to retreat...


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