Still not giving orders at this time?

   There will be time.

   Li Linghui couldn't help but raised it.

   She doesn't think Zhong Xingchen is such a simple person.

   While staring at him who didn't move at all, he looked at Nidolino from the corner of his eye.

   The general direction of tactical instructions, etc., has been given to Big Needle Bee, and how to deal with it next is what it should think about.

   Zhou Jiang told her all these.

   And she also believes in Big Needle Bee, after all it has been so long, it has never let herself down!

   Although Big Needle Bee also finds it strange, it keeps its mission in mind.

   can only fly while being vigilant.


   Nidolino opened his mouth slightly, and the spirit of Big Needle Bee instantly tightened.

   And Li Linghui didn't find it because it was Yu Guang looking at Nitorino, and because he was a little far away, he couldn't see clearly.


   A purple "needle" flew out of Nidolino's mouth and went straight to the big needle bee, very fast!

   The flash of light caused Li Linghui's eyes to instantly shift to Nidolino.

   Seeing the poisonous needle flying towards the big needle bee, Li Linghui didn't panic, but was relieved.

   The unknown is always the most dangerous.

   As soon as the weapon comes out, there is an opportunity for defense and cracking.

   Big Needle Bee looked at the long needle, his eyes condensed.

   The spear in his hand is sent forward!

   The tip of the needle is to the wheat!

   The purple long needle collided with the spear and instantly became fragmented.

   Li Linghui was relieved seeing this.


   Suddenly, with a casual glance, she saw the bright and dazzling long needle flying in the air!

  Compared with the first poisonous needle, this poisonous needle is more purple, and the purple turns black!

  Very poisonous!

When is   !

   Li Linghui's heart suddenly picked up.

   It is too late to give orders, and if his command conflicts with Big Needle Bee, it can cause Big Needle Bee's hesitation and make the situation worse. There is no way, Li Linghui can only stand and pray for Big Needle Bee's freedom.

   Big Needle Bee also found the second poisonous needle that flew towards him silently, even earlier than Li Linghui found.

   But it's too late to hide!

   Now there are two options.

   First, the long spear in the hand is fighting against the poison, but in this case, the opportunity to attack is missed, and I may be attacked by Nitorino...

   The second is to endure this...

   Before he could think about it, he gritted his teeth, the big needle rushed, and the spear in his hand suddenly glowed with a dazzling white light.

   The corners of Zhong Xingchen's mouth slightly cocked, so far, it is basically in his own consideration.

A small "flaw" was revealed, tempting the enemy to take the bait, and then an unexpected attack. The trainer did not give instructions. If the elf chose his own choice, it blocked Nitorino's long-standing poisonous needle, Nidori. Nuo will be able to continue the continuous fight!

   And if the trainer is impulsive and reckless, it would be better if he gave instructions.

   At this time, the trainer Bacheng, who could not help giving orders, couldn't see the situation clearly and would let the elves avoid.

   And this trick, which Nitorino specially trained for, how could it be so easy to avoid?

   will definitely be hit by skills, and will be very poisonous.

   Even if he doesn't avoid it, it is probably hard work. It's the same as the first choice.

   And if the tacit understanding between the elves and the trainer is not enough, then the elves will have a moment of "stunned" after the trainer orders.

   Next, the Needle Bee will usher in its own stormy chase!

   is perfect!


   Suddenly, the corners of the slightly raised mouth solidified on Zhong Xingchen's face.

   saw his eyes slightly widened, looking at Big Needle Bee in disbelief.

   Some knowledgeable people sitting in the audience couldn't help but nod their heads, their eyes were full of approval when they looked at the big needle bee, and they shook their heads vaguely towards the commentator. First release https://https://

   The commentator began to yell again, of course, he didn't know what kind of crisis was filled in this short period of time.

   He just saw Nitorino's poison needle hit the big needle bee.

   And this is what a large part of the audience can see.

   Although this commentator is able to arouse the emotions of the audience, he can't see the deep meaning hidden in the battle.

   Many audiences are not very proficient, so there is the position of narrator, which is to tell the audience the wonderful things.

   And now he doesn’t even figure it out...

   It seems that after this college league game, he needs to reconsider the commentator school and rebuild.

   But he has the talent to mobilize the audience's emotions, as long as he complements the knowledge of the combat routines.

   do not explain how the narrator explained.

   The purple blackened poison needle was directly inserted into the body of Big Needle Bee!

  In an instant, a large purple streak appeared on the face of Big Needle Bee.

   The powerful impact made the big needle beep, but he adjusted it immediately and moved towards Nitorino at a swift speed!

   Is this going to carry the hurt? So fierce?

   Zhong Xingchen is stunned.

   This is different from what I said, hello!

   Of course, it wasn't just him who was stunned, even Nitorino was stunned.

   This is not the first time Nitorino has used it. It has been successful every time before, but this time...


  Although Nidolino was only in a trance for a while, the Big Needle Bee had been very close to it before.

   Although it finally recovered, it didn’t work anymore. The Big Needle Bee shot directly at it with an angry shot...

   Hit the key, Nitorino screamed and flew out.

   itself hits the critical point and suffers more damage, coupled with the sniper characteristics, this time it is "immortal" and seriously injured.

   and "hit the key" has other effects.

  That means the elves will be in pain...

   Especially the heavier the attack the more painful the attacked elves will be.

   Now that the key is hit by the big needle bee, Nidolino, who fell to the ground, instantly "faced pale"...

   This is because it has relatively strong willpower, otherwise it will really be called out.

   really hurts!

   Zhong Xingchen quickly took out and shot a red light towards Nidolino.

   You need to take it back now!

   Regardless of his desire to take it back, Li Linghui didn't want to let him go so easily.

   "Big Needle Bee!"

   yelled, there was a tacit understanding between the two sides, the Big Needle Bee instantly understood it, fluttered its wings and flew in front of Nidolino.

   At this time, the red light will come, and it will hit the big needle bee.

   But Big Needle Bee is not his genie, red light crashes when it touches Big Needle Bee.

   After blocking the red light, the Big Needle Bee did not move, and stayed there quietly.

   Li Linghui also did not give an order to attack Nitorino.

   This is to force Zhong Xingchen to abstain.

   In the past, Li Linghui wouldn't do the same with him. Now the big needle bee is poisoned, and she won't exercise until strenuous exercise. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https://

   It's good to save energy.

   Zhong Xingchen saw this and understood what she meant, knowing that it would be impossible for him to take it back. He gave a "tsk" and shouted at the referee to give up.


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