I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 141: Against Xie Zhuoya

   Zhou Jiang heard that Bai Da has a famous battle square, a super big one, but Zhou Jiang hasn’t seen it before, so I don’t know how it is.

   Students can also go there and learn from each other, so their level of elves will not fall. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https://

   But this is not what Zhou Jiang wanted.

   Zhou Jiang has gold fingers. Although he has points for playing against his classmates, he is more inclined to Qinghua University, which advocates stronger travel.

   During the trip, not only can you earn points in battle, but you are also very likely to start missions. If you start missions at Baida, you will be less likely.

   And if you are in the wild, you still have a chance to meet rare elves, which Zhou Jiang has been looking forward to.

   Even if you don’t train as a combat unit, it’s good to be a pet at home.

   Zhou Jiang is also a collector.

   As long as they are not trained in the direction of fighting, Zhou Jiang's family can still afford a lot of elves.

   At least three will leave the team, and Zhou Jiang doesn’t know what school Li Linghui, Wang Qingyan and Chen Yongan will choose... New 81 Chinese network update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

   I'm really sad thinking about it...

   "Bean sprouts, what do you want!"

   A familiar voice came from his ears, which surprised Zhou Jiang, then he immediately waved his hand and said.

   "Oh, nothing, nothing, let's watch the game."

   Zhou Nan glanced at Zhou Jiang strangely, without saying anything, and refocused his eyes on the court.

   Soon, the game is over, and the quarterfinals have been decided.

   Zhou Jia, Zhou Jiang, Xu Feng, Zhong Xingchen, Shao Yunfei, Tong Yu, Xie Zhuoya, Chu Hao.

   The remaining few people don’t need the ranking.

   There are not even ten people. Is there anything else to row?

   Following the bustling crowd, several people left the playing field.

   Today’s game is over. I’ll wait for the final four to be decided tomorrow morning. Then the third place was decided in the afternoon.

   The final first and second place is the day after tomorrow.

   After returning, several people were separated from the adults. Zhou Jiang several people went to the wizard center to find the waiting three Li Linghui, while Zhou Jia went to her master Shui Gentle.

   The Big Needle Bee is still resting.

   The big needle bee delivered it in time, and now after Miss Joey's treatment, there is no danger, it just needs to rest.

   There is no way. Everyone waited with the three of them here. Anyway, the three of them had nothing to do when they went back.

   There are quite a lot of people in the Elf Center. From time to time, someone ran in and handed the injured Elf to Miss Joey, and then waited anxiously.

   A few people in the lobby took out their mobile phones to play, but it seemed a bit conspicuous.

   There was no such thing as a dude to make Zhou Jiang pretend to slap his face, which made Zhou Jiang a little disappointed.

   There are not many of these in "Urban"...

   When it was about 5:20 in the afternoon, Li Linghui's name rang out on the radio.

   Several people got up one after another, followed her to the retreat room, and recovered the big needle bee.

After    thanked Miss Joey, several people left the wizard center.

   After eating a full meal at the snack street in Houjie, it was already dark.

   There was nothing to hang out, so the few people went back to their dorms.

   The next day, a few people got up early, and after having breakfast with the girls, they went to the competition venue.

   Xu Feng and Zhou Jia are in the same lounge, and Zhou Jiang is opposite.

   After saying hello to Xu Feng, Zhou Jiang thought about it or said hello to Zhou Jia...

   Regardless of whether she cared about herself or not, Zhou Jiang greeted herself and left.

   When Zhou Jiang arrived at the lounge, the three people on the same side were already there.

   Zhou Jiang looked at the three people, none of them knew him.

   For several people who were also promoted yesterday, Zhou Jiang had no words to remember their names.

   As long as it wasn't for having friendship with himself, Zhou Jiang would not memorize his name and face specifically.

   I'm not familiar with it anyway, are they?

   After seeing Zhou Jiang coming in, a few people nodded to Zhou Jiang symbolically. They said hello, and Zhou Jiang also replied.

   After finding a seat by the wall and sitting down, Zhou Jiang took out his mobile phone and started playing.

   It didn’t take long for the first game to begin!

   The first game was between Zhong Xingchen and Tong Yu.

  Zhongxingchen Zhou Jiang knows that he is estimated to be about the same strength as Xu Feng, but he can't beat himself. Although Tong Yu's words are a girl, his strength is not bad, but it doesn't matter to Zhou Jiang, anyway, he is not as strong.

   So when the two of them started to fight, Zhou Jiang still lowered his head and held his mobile phone and pressed there...

   The two people in the same lounge glanced at Zhou Jiang, who was playing on the phone, and said nothing, but there was a trace of disdain in their eyes.

   What about being strong, so proud, one day will come!

   The two did not manage Zhou Jiang, and continued to look up at the big screen with frowning.

   To fight with people of similar strength, what is needed is an understanding of the opponent.

   One more point to understand, one more point to win.

   It didn't take long for the radio to sound, reminding the people of the second game that it was time to play.

   Zhou Jiang swiped the phone screen and found that more than half an hour had passed.

   But Zhou Jiang didn't care, his game was in the third game.

   In the second scene...

   Zhou Jiang raised his head and glanced at the big screen.

   is Xu Feng’s game.

   After thinking about it, Zhou Jiang still put down his phone.

   half leaned against the wall, looking at the big screen.

  The playing field is the original field.

   Xu Feng’s vanguard is the Kirby beast, and against Chu Hao, who is in Dawn College, the battle is almost a crushing situation!

Chu Hao’s Nidona confronted the Kirby beast, and the Kirby directly used a million-ton boxing and Taishan’s top pressure to teach it to be a wizard~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Knowing that the opponent's Kirby beast was powerful, Chu Hao directly released it. Own ace, Nidolino.

   However, the angry Nitorino was no match for the big-waisted Kirby beast. Although the Kirby beast was exhausted a lot of physical strength, he began to pant, but Chu Hao's trump card also knelt...

  Kabimon had one enemy and two, and directly set the battle situation.

   Chu Hao even knelt even the trump card, even if the third elf defeated the Kaby beast, then Xu Feng still has Kamy tortoise and fur ball.

  Maoqiu doesn't say much, Kami Turtle is not easy to fight.

   Chu Hao’s third elf is Dudu.

   Dudu fought for half his life and finally defeated the Kirby beast, but Dudu was also disabled. It seemed that Dudu couldn't stand still...

   Xu Feng sent the fur **** and harvested them directly.

   So far, the game is over.

   and it took only twenty-three minutes.

   Watching Chu Hao walking past the lounge with his head downcast, Zhou Jiang shrugged and walked towards the venue.

   Zhou Jiang’s opponent is a girl, Xie Zhuoya.

   After Zhou Jiang knew that she was his opponent, he read some information casually. The spirits she exposed were forest lizards, meows and a bibi.

   The level of the three elves is good, and their skills are not bad. Others are not a big problem. Zhou Jiang said that it is completely worthwhile.

   If you are more serious, you can send any elves other than ugly fishes or ghosts up there to get a string of three!


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