Zhou Jiang stepped on the sticky blood and came to the man, looking at the man who was rolling on the floor, his face blank, he didn't know what he was thinking of writing.

Of course, nothing is pretending to be expressionless...

After the pungent **** smell spread to Zhou Jiang's nose, Zhou Jiang only felt nauseous, and he was about to vomit, but now he must not lose his temper, he must pretend to be cold.

Fortunately, with his back to them, Zhou Jiang retched slightly before turning his head to look at the inspection team members coming here and said.

"Whose elves of your nurse will heal fluctuations and give him one. Although it doesn't matter if you die, it's better not to die if you don't die."

After speaking, Zhou Jiang stepped over his body and walked inside.

The time wasted a little longer, and I hope some big heads will stay behind.


Zhou Jiang left here, after passing the corner, he couldn't help it anymore, holding the wall and retching pale.

But the stomach was empty, and nothing came out.

Big Needle Bee flew over Zhou River, looking at him worriedly.

Little Lalulas was held by Zhou Jiang with the other hand in his arms, looking at him with a pale face, and I don't know if she was worried about Zhou Jiang or afraid that Zhou Jiang would spit on her...

Da da da!

There was a rush of footsteps, and Zhou Jiang turned his head to look, only to see Zhang Kui and another purple card inspector following.

Seeing Zhou Jiang with a pale face holding on to the wall, Zhang Kui couldn't laugh or cry: "What are you doing? I saw you expressionless before, and I thought you were like this~"

With that, Zhang Kui gave a thumbs up.

Zhou Jiangbai glanced at him and said nothing.

It was disgusting.

That blood, that smell.

Zhou Jiang's previous life belonged to fish that dared not kill.

Whenever he saw his parents chop it down or fell to the ground without death, and saw the fish still struggling and moving there, Zhou Jiang felt that it was very pitiful.

Of course, Zhou Jiang would forget the pity when eating.

Zhou Jiang would pity them, but would not prevent people from killing them.

Whether it is fate or luck, people must have life to die if they want to eat meat.

And Zhou Jiang is about the smell of blood...

When I smell strong, I want to vomit, and sometimes Zhou Jiang will retches once or twice with bleeding in his mouth.

"Okay, leave me alone, go ahead and check it out, don't let them run away."

Zhou Jiang waved his hand at them, beckoning that he was okay, and let them go and check first.

If they ran away in this world, wouldn't they have suffered for nothing?

Zhang Kui nodded, patted Zhou Jiang on the shoulder, and then ran over with another quasi-king.

After the two left, Zhou Jiang grinned and rubbed his shoulders.

This **** must be dissatisfied with his actions and deliberately retaliate!

If it weren't for me, you still don't know where you are being blocked...

After waiting for a while, Zhou Jiang chased after Zhang Kui and the others.

All the way through, they were all opened rooms. The rooms were not big. They were all accommodation places for these Galaxy groups. Fortunately, this underground base was only in one direction. There was no need for Zhou Jiang to consider which way to run. So far Zhou Jiang has been very relaxed.

After running for about five minutes, Zhou Jiang vaguely heard the sound of elves fighting from the front.

"There is a door!"

Zhou Jiang's eyes lit up.

This is definitely because there is still a big fish that hasn't escaped. It is estimated that it is the previous Cage or other quasi-kings, or else there may be a large number of Galaxy group members that ran away before?

After two corners, Zhou Jiang finally saw Zhang Kui and the others.

Zhang Kui was fighting with the unknown inspector. Zhang Kui's was a tyrannosaurus, and the sprite of the unknown inspector was a water arrow turtle.

Opposite Zhang Kui were Cage and a blue-haired man dressed similarly to Cage.

It's just that the pattern on his clothes is not the moon, but the stars.

"Guisi, you go through the wall, and when you get there, you hypnotize the two people. If you accidentally expose them, you can get into the wall and escape."


The ghost laughed, "咻—" and went into the wall.

Zhou Jiang quietly poked his head out and looked at the two parties who were fighting.

It's too low to run out now.

The real method should be to send the elves to sneak a wave!

If Guisi meets resistance, he can still let Lalulas provide assistance behind him, Zhou Jiang will not believe it, is this unsuccessful?

The opposing side seemed to be hit very intensely, the vibration could be felt even here, and some of the wind pressure generated by the intersection of fists and feet also flew over here with small stones.

Zhou Jiang watched with gusto, but the four fierce fights on the opposite side were all anxious.

Zhang Kui and the others kept cursing Zhou Jiang, why didn’t he come quickly, if he came, he could quickly take the two of them down, and the big heads were behind the door opposite them. !

Cage and Cage were also cursing secretly.

The two of them are the last fighting power, if the opposite side rushes to strengthen them, they can only retreat!

It's been so long~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Why haven't I got it right!

They want to leave, but they are afraid to return to the headquarters and be punished by the leader...

The leader's punishment is really the cruelest punishment in the world they have ever seen. He actually stripped and tied the man and then used his finches to fish for the carp king!

This is really horrible!

When they thought that they would be tied there to catch the carp king, the two of them turned pale and couldn't help but shiver.

But if they are caught, they are not willing.

Those little guys who are caught may be redeemed with money, and their captain...

There is no other way except organizing and sending troops directly to rescue!

They don't want to spend the rest of their lives in a jail.

The two looked at each other, then nodded tacitly.



Two sounds of falling to the ground were heard, shocking the two elves fighting in front.

By their feelings, they already knew that their trainer had been attacked!

The two furious elves turned around and wanted to save their trainer, but Zhang Kui and the others would not give them that opportunity. They quickly let the two elves go up and entangle them, and they each released another one.

Two-on-one, directly squeezing the opposite elves, it is estimated that the winner will be determined soon.

Zhang Kui was overjoyed when he looked at the ghosts with hippie smiles floating in the air.

This kind of yin man's method is definitely that Zhou Jiang didn't run away!

Zhou Jiang hurriedly got out from behind when he saw the two people on the opposite side fall down.

"I knew it was your kid!"

Zhang Kui turned his head and looked at Zhou Jiang, who was holding La Lulas, and said happily.

"Come on, hurry up and tie them up and go in and take a look. They stay here to explain that there are important people and things inside."

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