Although the evil type is immune to the attacks of the super power type, it still needs to eat these states of hypnotism.

The Gentleman Crow, who was still using tricks, was instantly hit by the hypnotism that La Luras had prepared for a long time.

The gentleman crow instantly felt the world spin, and even the flight was unstable. After falling directly to the ground, it shook.

"Gentleman Crow!"

However, even if Li Ruobing shouted from behind, the gentleman's crow seemed to be drunk and did not respond at all. After Laluras chased it under continuous hypnotism, the gentleman's crow finally fell down.

"come back!"


The red light shot out, but it hit Laluras...


Li Ruobing's mouth twitched. She knew that Gentleman Crow would be finished this time...

Why did she use tricks before? Isn't it good to keep attacking? Although it was blocked, if you keep attacking, there will be no such thing. It's all right now. Even the only elf that restrained La Luras was ruined by himself...

"La Luras, the power of the moon!"

Listening to Zhou Jiang's name, Li Ruobing sighed.

The power of the moon...Laluras, who is opposite to such a difficult goblin skill, has already met. Sure enough, this round is gone...

Li Ruobing took a deep breath and began to adjust.

Can't go on like this anymore.

If this goes on, I really have no room for turning over.

On the other side, a golden moon appeared above La Luras.

A burst of energy shot out from the moon, directed at the gentleman crow!


The gentleman crow was directly blown out, and this heavy blow also made the gentleman crow sober from the hypnotic state. The sober gentleman crow felt the severe pain on his body and cried "quack".

After eating this trick unsuspectingly, the Gentleman Crow is pretty good that it hasn't lost its fighting ability, but looking at its scorched appearance, it is estimated that it will not be able to overcome any storms.

"Shadow Ball!"

"Gentleman Crow..."

Although restrained twice, this trick is fast!



The gentleman crow who was still in mid-air was hit by the shadow ball that was chasing it up instantly. After a burst of black mist emerged, the gentleman crow's eyes circled when he fell out of the black mist.


Li Ruobing looked at the gentleman crow and let out a suffocating breath without saying anything.

Life is really ups and downs.

After recovering the Gentleman Crow, Li Ruobing threw a pokeball after thinking for a while.

An overall green bird with some explosive white as a matching color appeared on the field. The bird’s wings are very strange, tied to the body, and when viewed from the front, its chest looks like a grass frog tattooed on its chest. Palace...

"Natural bird, shadow ball!"

"La Roulas, Shadow Ball!"


Two shadow **** exploded in the middle of the field, and another large cloud of black mist exploded.

"Natural bird, dark shadow of the night!"

The natural bird's eyes flashed with red light, and then a jet-black energy beam shot towards the black mist, and the direction over there was exactly where La Luras stayed.

Although there is a black mist separating the two elves, the two superpower elves are harmless.

It's time to continue playing.

Black fog? nonexistent.


La Luras once again disappeared in place and appeared in the distance.

Li Ruobing looked at the petite Lalulas with a slight envy.

The skill of teleportation is not something that every elves of the super power department can learn.

This also requires talent.

Even some Hudi and Xanadu can't learn it.

As for the so-called talent...

The ghost knows what kind of talent it is.

Although this skill is extremely **** in the game, it is a strong group in the real world, and it is very rare.

After Laluras appeared, he pushed with both hands, and a shadow ball flew towards the natural bird.

The natural bird fluttered its wings and left the place, and then the shadow ball directly hit the spot where it stood before, and suddenly black fog and rubble splashed everywhere.

"Phantom beam!"

A beam of red-purple energy flew towards Lalulas like a crescent blade, and when Lalulas lifted his small hand, two transparent "tempered glass" overlapped and stood in front of him.


The fantasy beam hit the "tempered glass". A small hole was punched out on the first side of the "tempered glass", and the surroundings were slightly cracked, but the energy beam was directly blocked and offset by the second "tempered glass".

"La Roulas, mental fluctuation!"


With a scream, the natural bird almost did not fly and planted.

Spirit fluctuations, skills that directly attack the opponent's spirit.

The mental power of Lalulas is much stronger than that of natural birds, and the damage is naturally higher.

The natural bird that took a mental attack unsuspectingly almost didn't have its brain down. Now it only feels dizzy and still buzzing, and it even looks pale in front of its eyes.

"Natural bird, strange wind!"

Although my head is blank and still buzzing, it is not a problem to hear commands and issue skills. After all, the gap between the two is not so big as to be barely control After the body flies steadily, the natural bird will suddenly move its wings, and the white surroundings have gradually returned to normal. Although there is still a buzzing sound in the brain, it is not harmful.

The natural bird waved its wings, and a large amount of purple air flow flew towards the field where Laluras was.

Light wall!

Two walls instantly stood up beside La Luras, the light walls overlapped like an ancient roof, and the roof ridge faced the natural bird.

Behind the wall of light, La Lulas showed nothing wrong with the natural bird attack.

The wind blows on the surface of the light wall, and the light wall does not even shake. It really is a useful skill.

It's a pity that La Roulas can't do the degree of directly enclosing the entire city as in the special comics, and to that degree, that is really awesome.

Coming and not going to be indecent, and after receiving the opponent's attack, La Luras couldn't say nothing?

Three shadow **** flew towards the natural bird in the shape of a pin.

boom! boom! boom!

With three super-fast shadow balls, the natural bird barely dodged two, and the third one hit it directly.

The natural bird screamed and fell towards the ground.

The double restrained attack is no joke.

"Go on, Shadow Ball!"

"Fly up, use your mind!"

Boom boom boom!

The shadow **** shot in the direction of the natural bird, and the natural bird also used his thoughts to help him barely escape in the shadow ball array.


With more than a dozen shadow balls, there is always one hit. Unfortunately, it hit two.

The natural bird was directly blown out, and after rolling on the ground for a few times, his eyes appeared in circles.

Li Ruobing took back the natural bird silently, a little frustrated.

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