Seeing the little fire horses and them coming back, many elves hurriedly surrounded them, and asked them in a rush.

In fact, for Zhou Jiang, in the previous waiting time, they no longer reject him.

After all, the effect of the potion was there, and Zhou Jiang did not just sit there and wait after the little fire horses left, and during the period he took out energy cubes for these elves to eat~

For wild elves, especially those who have never been in contact with humans, the best weapons to attack them are medicine and food!

With the previous potions, they still hesitated for the food Zhou Jiang gave them, and ate them after seeing Lalulas and Big Needle Bee eating happily.

The energy cube is not only full of energy, but also good in taste.

Although the taste of the machine made is somewhat lower than that of the artificial one, it is harmless.

The elves live by eating weeds, fruits, small bugs, etc. or other elves from other territories.

Of course they eat such delicious foods with plenty of energy.

Fortunately, Zhoujiang has enough fruit.

They have eaten delicious food before, and of course they will taste little...

After all, tree fruits are enough in the wild, but the things that make energy cubes to add flavor and texture are basically in the city.

So Zhou Jiang just took out the fruit to make them.

As for the taste change...

What is the focus of wild elves?

They are in the wild and eat either tree fruits or elves meat. Do you think they pay attention to taste and taste?

And even if no other ingredients are added, the taste is almost the same as that of a tree fruit. With sufficient energy, how can they dislike it?

If any of them dared to show an expression of disgust, Zhou Jiang felt that he might not see the moon tonight...

Numerous elves surrounded the little fire horses and they rushed to ask, and the little fire horses only took a few breaths and told them about the situation.

Zhou Jiang didn't understand what they were talking about, but was extremely happy to see those elves who stayed here and ate Zhou Jiang's energy cube.

Is this useful?

Zhou Jiang looked at La Roulas flying next to him, and La Roulas immediately explained to Zhou Jiang.

It turned out that they sent the potion over there. After explaining for a long time, they finally got the approval of the guards, and then sprayed the wound potion on their lord brother.

This high-level wound medicine can not only quickly restore wounds, but also restore a lot of physical strength and spirit.

As long as it is not the spirit whose vitality has been lost, or the trauma of the soul described in the novels such as those of Xiu Xian, it can be saved.

The result was also good. After spraying the medicine, their boss's injury was slowly healing, and after waiting for more than half an hour, their boss who had been in a coma also woke up.

After their boss listened to Little Fire Horse's explanation, he immediately asked them to come back to pick Zhou Jiang and the others in, and this was what happened now.

Zhou Jiang nodded with satisfaction.

It is indeed an advanced spray produced by the system, it is awesome!

Facing the invitation of the elves on the other side of the river, La Lulas flew over with Zhou Jiang.

Afterwards, Zhou Jiang rode on the small fire horse, and then followed by a large group of elves towards their territory.

At first, Zhou Jiang was a little afraid to ride it.

After all, I've seen it in anime, and that fellow Xiaozhi almost got burnt when he rushed up.

Now, if Zhou Jiang is reckless, let's not say anything else. Zhou Jiang will definitely not be able to bear the pain!

In the animation, the little mentally retarded guy has a painful occasional reading. How dare Zhou Jiang try...

Until the little fire horse arched his head over.

With his face surrounded by the flame mane of the little fire horse, Zhou Jiang felt an unprecedented warmth.

It's like running a hot spring bath in winter.

Now that this guy recognized himself and wouldn't be scalded, Zhou Jiang was not welcome.

It’s just that the only trouble is that I haven’t ridden a horse before and can’t ride well.

Fortunately, it doesn't need Zhou Jiang's command. After all, their IQ should not be much different from that of human beings. There is no problem in running on their own, but because Zhou Jiang is sitting on it, its running speed has slowed down a bit.

After running for about twenty minutes, I finally saw their big brother.

Their boss’s nest is not on the grassland, but in the hole of a huge old tree in the woods.

In the eyes of the four quasi-king-level elves around the tree hole, Zhou Jiang climbed down from the back of the little fire horse.

To be honest, Zhou Jiang's hip was a little painful when he ran this way...

After coming down, Zhou Jiang moved his legs, then hugged Laluras and followed a cunning tengu and walked into the tree cave.

The tree hole is huge, but after approaching, you can still see the elf lying in it resting.

It was a huge dog with fluffy flax-colored hair, black and orange stripes like tigers on its body, and hair around its feet. With that huge size, it looked exceptionally majestic!

Wind speed dog!

After Zhou Jiang and the others approached, the wind speed dog lying resting there woke opened his eyes and looked at Zhou Jiang and Laluras in Zhou Jiang's arms.

Maybe it's a systemic reason. Even if Big Needle Bee and Larulas are strengthened and unnecessary, others can't feel it.

Only Big Needle Bee may be due to self-confidence or other reasons. He has an inexplicable aura, but his perception of strength is not strong, so it seems a bit contradictory.

But Laroulas, of course, feels weak.

The tree hole space is still quite large. The wind speed dog is estimated to be more than two meters, although he is lying on his stomach, it is estimated to be about one meter, three to four, and Zhou Jiang can't reach the top when he is standing.

And the surrounding space is not small.

The wind speed dog is also quite long. According to its current size, it is estimated that four wind speed dogs of the same size will be needed to fill the tree hole.

The wind speed dog is looking at Zhou Jiang and others, and Zhou Jiang and La Lulas are also looking at the wind speed dog.

Both sides stared at each other for a long time before stopping.

After the wind speed dog barked "barking--", he patted the land in front of it, and motioned Zhou Jiang to pass.

Zhou Jiang nodded slightly, indicating that La Roulas didn't need to be so nervous.

When he came in before, Zhou Jiang secretly signaled that La Lulas was ready to move away instantly.

After all, the opponent is likely to be an elf of the heavenly king level. If it is a little bit worse, if you are kind and revenge...

However, Zhou Jiang was taken aback after seeing the other party and then relaxed.

Zhou Jiang just used the system to detect the opponent.

It has indeed reached the level of the heavenly king, and it is not too low. It can be said to be the mid-level of the heavenly king.

But these are not reasons for Zhou Jiang to let go of his worries.

After all, among so many wind speed dogs, what if there is a broken one?

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