I thought there was something like a conspiracy, but...

After asking for a long time, it turned out that its brother Heluga also broke through, so I came to find the fault...

Although the wind speed dog is loyal and has a heart of justice, it is not stupid.

After getting the answer he didn't want from Heluga, Wind Speed ​​Dog slapped Heluga to death.

He thought there was something behind the scenes...

Hearing Lalulas said that Hei Lujia was shot dead by a wind speed dog, Zhou Jiang panicked instantly.

Is it so that there are no points and original fragments?

After subconsciously glanced at the system backpack again, Zhou Jiang was relieved.

The points and source fragments have arrived.

I don't know how the system is judged, Zhou Jiang said he was very confused.

However, Zhou Jiang is very happy about it. There are points and original fragments to pay for. Is there anything more to be happy than this?

Now Zhou Jiang's points have reached a huge of 5,863! And the original fragment also has twenty pieces.

If it is really a hundred fragments according to Zhou Jiang's guess, there are still four-fifths to go, which is really a bit tired...

Zhou Jiang now think about it, this source is really not so easy to obtain.

How difficult is it for the quasi-king to beat the king...

Defeated the elves of the Heavenly King level three times, and all three were large-scale attacks.

The one who hit the mid-level Uranus by Abby Lang did not have the elf of Uranus here. They still relied on the paper-painting of the Big Needle Bee to barely drag it. After adding a lot of elves and the system to supplement the physical power of the plug-in, they finally Wasted it.

This time, one of the two elves just entered the king of heaven, and the foundation is not stable. Even the origin is not so well controlled. It was dragged by many elves and suddenly attacked by the big needle bee before it fell to the ground, otherwise neither Know how long it will take.

In the end, the lord of the intermediate heavenly king could only win because he had a wind speed dog of the same level under pressure.

If according to Zhou Jiang's previous assumptions, his seven elves would go up and fight...

If it's okay with fighting spirits like Abby Lang, if it's those long-range attacks, I'm afraid it will be destroyed, and Zhou Jiang, without the protection of the spirits, who can guarantee that there will be no snakes and other spirits sneaking?

Sure enough, camping here is really the best choice!

Now he has enough goodwill of the Wind Speed ​​Dog Territory elves, and then it's time to harvest the "fruits".

However, the future will be long, and now the main thing is to solve what the elves in the territory of Black Rujia should do.

After talking with his little brothers for a while, Feng Su Gou came up to thank Zhou Jiang.

If it weren't for his potion, they would be dead today!

If it weren't for his support, they are still fighting hard now, how could it end so soon.

Zhou Jiang has no love for his gratitude to the wind speed dog.

I asked you yesterday, you don't even have a bastard, and other Zhou Jiang can't have a peek at it, so the gratitude of the wind speed dog is almost worthless to Zhou Jiang.

After arguing with each other, they came together to the other black Lujia.

The black Luga was still panting, but had passed out.

The big blood hole on its stomach is still oozing blood continuously, and if this goes on, it will absolutely demand a dog egg.

Without hesitation, the wind speed dog transported its origin, and sent a slap toward Hei Lujia's head, suddenly red and white everywhere.

Seeing this disgusting scene, Zhou Jiang retched twice before turning and leaving.

MMP, is it so cruel? Sure enough, I still can't stand this kind of scene...

Zhou Jiang's heart is crazy, and now he is a little scared thinking about the wind speed dog...

Even Hei Luga's strong body was smashed to pieces by its claw, so this small body...

Can't afford to provoke, trembling, trembling.

Although I am a little curious about Zhou Jiang's performance, why there is such a performance, but the wind speed dogs do not have any big expressions or movements.

In their hearts, this is nothing.

After all, sometimes when the fruit is gone, they have to hunt down elves or beasts in other territories to fill their stomachs.

This kind of scene is trivial to them.

Of course, it is rare that the fruit is gone, but it can happen.

Hei Lujia was dealt with, and then the Wind Speed ​​Dog dealt with the three quasi-king-level elves, and let his men release the remaining elves who had fainted on the ground.

Seeing the wind speed dog that was not massacred, Zhou Jiang breathed a sigh of relief.

Although even if it massacred Zhou Jiang, it was not qualified to say anything, but its impression in Zhou Jiang's mind was a little worse, and now the image of Wind Speed ​​Dog is much better in Zhou Jiang's mind.

Killing decisively, but there is some kindness in it.

In this way, Zhou Jiang has a sense of security in its territory, otherwise...

After today's events, Zhou Jiang might want to move out of here.

Of course, it really does move but it won't. It just has such an idea.

After all, it is considered a dangerous element.

Fortunately, its performance made Zhou Jiang very satisfied.

Zhou Jiang followed the Wind Speed ​​Dog back to the lair, where many young elves gathered.

After the wind speed dogs came back, the elves hiding in the tree cave and the elves guarding outside all ran out, offering the most sincere blessings to the warriors who returned in triumph~www.wuxiaspot.com~Of course, There are many elves who come up to find their parents...

After all, many of these are relatives of the elves who stayed there.

In the end, the wind speed dog is a "feast", the elves take out the fruits and other reserves, and then eat together, it is regarded as their banquet, watching Zhou Jiang's mouth twitched.

Do you want to be so earthy and just eat these for this "Celebration Banquet"?

Looking at the unnamed tree fruit that had dried and ran out of water, Zhou Jiang showed an expression of disgust.

However, there are many people here, and Zhou Jiang’s expression is not too straightforward. After all, what should I do if they see the expression and become angry and become angry...

There are too many people on the other side, so I endure it, and this is okay. Although it is a bit ugly, it tastes good.

After barely taking a bite, Zhou Jiang ate the rest in twos and threes with Laluras' surprised eyes.

It was already evening when I got home.

Looking at the large tracts of wood scattered on the foundation, Zhou Jiang sighed. It seems that it will not be done today.

However, with the attitude of being able to accomplish one point, Zhou Jiang and the others continued to start construction.

The little guy La Roulas has great enthusiasm in building houses, and he doesn't know why.

After knowing that the elves would not come back and continue to help them build the house, the little guy couldn't sit still and take the shot himself.

With the power of mind, I don’t know how many times the efficiency has been improved immediately!

Sure enough, the super power system is easy to use!

However, La Roulas's lasting ability was not enough, and after working for more than half an hour, he couldn't stand up to rest.

Zhou Jiang also didn't want to finish tonight. Seeing that half of the construction was completed, there was already a decent house, Zhou Jiang nodded in satisfaction.

These are all the credit of La Rulas!

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