Wind Speed ​​Dog is very familiar with this small skill like Huo.

This thing has almost become the instinct of the wind speed dog, and it can have the power of [flame] when you spit it, so this skill is not a burden for it at all, so although it can't hit the big needle bee , But it did not stop either.

After all, the skill of Huo Miao is really not a waste. The only thing worth it is the control of the source. After all, even at this stage, the control of the source is not as free as it wants.

But compared with the big needle bee, this is also easy, so it doesn't mind going on like this.

But if it doesn't mind, it doesn't mean that its body agrees with the big needle bee.

Although it wants to go on like this, its body cannot stand it, and it is impossible for Big Needle Bee to agree with it.

Big Needle Bee also knows that it will be himself who will be exhausted in this situation.

Dodging at high speed will not only consume a lot of physical strength, but the discomfort caused by the hot temperature will also take away a lot of physical strength.

"Big Needle Bee, do it!"

Hearing Zhou Jiang's voice, Big Needle Bee nodded. It wants to **** its mother. It has been pressed and beaten. Who is not angry?

Big Needle Bee looked at the opportunity, and when the wind speed dog shut up and gasped, it swiftly accelerated towards it.

Wind Speed ​​Dog was not surprised, after all, it had expected it.

His eyes narrowed slightly, looking at the big needle bee attacking towards him, its limbs were tight, and then the front paws slammed towards the big needle bee.

After the big needle bee dodged the attack of the wind speed dog, the spear directly stabbed the wind speed dog, and the painful wind speed dog wailed.

Big Needle Bee drew a spear from Fengshou Dog, bringing out a **** flower.

The wind speed dog took two steps back, breathing heavily in his throat, the muscles on his face were tight, his eyes were fierce, and he stared at the big needle bee viciously.

It was very angry about the big needle bee hurting it. If it is angry...

Fuck it!

Although the chest was stabbed, the ferocity of the wind speed dog was also stimulated, and it no longer vomited fire, it directly pounced on the backing Big Needle Bee!

Because the big needle bee flew backwards facing the wind speed dog, the speed was a little slower, so it was immediately caught up by the wind speed dog.

But this is exactly what it needs.

Long-range attacks on the opponent have their origins, and there is no way for the big needle bee, but it is close combat~

Isn't the big needle bee painted on paper completely abused each other?

Well, it's a bit exaggerated to say that it's complete abuse, but at least it's invincible.

Although paper painting also requires physical strength, it is always less than the physical strength lost in the attack!

In addition, the Big Needle Bee will also counterattack, so down, as long as the opponent's head keeps close combat, then Big Needle Bee can really win.

It was really terrifying for the wind speed dog to start the fire. With the canine-specific growl from the throat, coupled with the Yan Yi and huge body, Zhou Jiang's legs were a little trembling.

He was chased by a dog when he was a child. Although he has forgotten about it now, but now he sees the crazy look of the wind speed dog...

Zhou Jiang said he was very imaginary...

Fortunately, he doesn't need to fight, otherwise it will be cold...

Seeing such a fierce dog, Zhou Jiang was scared to death.

With such a huge body of Wind Speed ​​Dog, not to mention those skills, its teeth can easily cut Zhou Jiang...

One bite down, crunchy...

Fortunately, Big Needle Bee was calm and calm, and didn't panic at all when faced with the terrifying big mouth of the Wind Speed ​​Dog.

Fortunately, the wind speed dog is not completely irrational. It is just irritated. It kills when it attacks, and it will stop after defeating the Queen Bee.

If it is rational, it will certainly use its original source to defend and attack. With its multiple defenses, the attack of the Big Needle Bee will not cause much damage to it. Otherwise, it will cost it just a few times just now. Most of the physical strength is gone.

Big Needle Bee fights and retreats, while flying backwards, while avoiding the offensive sent by Wind Speed ​​Dog’s teeth, paws, etc. Of course, Big Needle Bee will use his spear to attack Wind Speed ​​Dog if there is a chance. under.

But this attack... is still too weak.

To have the source is to do whatever you want!

The Wind Speed ​​Dog is crazy after opening the "Essential Armor", but the Big Needle Bee has nothing to do with it. Even a full finger gun can only make some small holes in the Wind Speed ​​Dog and bleed a little blood. It's like being poked by a nail...

This not only can't cause effective damage, but also makes the wind speed dog more crazy, and the attack is more sharp.

Zhou Jiang looked at this situation and shook his head helplessly.

No matter how many times I watched it, the elves with roots and without roots are really different.

Suddenly, Zhou Jiang seemed to have thought of something and quickly called up the system.

"System, I will continue to customize the Big Needle Bee Long Gun Strengthening Liquid, with the effect of breaking the origin!"


Seeing the prompt of the pop-up window, Zhou Jiang's mouth curled up slightly.

The above reminder Zhou Jiang took a look at It roughly means that Big Needle Bee is not strong enough now and needs to be strengthened to unlock it.

Now Big Needle Bee's spear has been strengthened six times, that is to say it is "+6" level?

Zhou Jiang looked at the points needed next.

Those who haven't heard of it are named like minerals in the world of cultivating immortals. This world is probably not available, so they can only be bought from the system. In this way, buying a bottle of potion now requires 830 points.

Really expensive...

Zhou Jiang now has only two thousand eighteen in his hand, and I don’t know how many times it takes to strengthen the "strengthening degree" it said is enough. If it is ten times, it will be fine. If it is fifteen times, it may be achieved by a boil. , Twenty times...

Zhou Jiang thinks that it might as well change to another...

Twenty times, it would cost hundreds of thousands of points to count it like this, and Jiang really couldn't afford it this week.

But now Zhou Jiang has not changed.

This strengthening liquid from level 5 onwards is to be applied by yourself.

The first five times are direct strengthening, and the latter needs real strengthening liquid to strengthen the spear.

Now the big needle bee is hitting the wind speed dog, it is impossible to let them pause first, right?

Moreover, after the strengthening liquid is applied, it takes some time for it to strengthen the spear, so Zhou Jiang can only wait.

But waiting this time, Zhou Jiang didn't have the emotions he had before.

Before, he would still think about what to do if he loses. After all, if he loses, it means that his daily scoring journey is a failure. He has to find other ways to do it. This is not Zhou Jiang’s hope. saw.

Now other methods can be considered, but it is a question of whether they can be achieved.

After having a retreat, Zhou Jiang did not have that much pressure.

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