To tell the truth, Zhou Jiang still feels a little unsure in his heart.

Electric Shock Beast itself is an electric wizard, and it has reached the middle level of the Heavenly King...

The one hundred thousand volts released can really be said to be as simple as eating and drinking.

It can be beaten with a big needle...

Zhou Jiang can only hope that Big Needle Bee will be stronger.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Zhou Jiang and the others went to the territory of the electric shock beast on time.

Electric Shock Beast’s territory is adjacent to Black Lujia’s territory. Electric Shock Beast, like Black Luga, is a kind of militant elves, but it just likes to fight against each other, while Hei Luga is invading...

Before they came to the land of the electric shock beast, they met the electric shock beast...

However, the electric shock beast was an elf that appeared here, and its little brothers were not there.

Zhou Jiang didn't know at the beginning, but it was Wind Speed ​​Dog who recognized him before he knew that the guy who was blocking them was actually the lord of a territory...

When facing so many elves, an elf is not afraid of being besieged to death?

After releasing La Roulas, Zhou Jiang understood in the dialogue between "Wang——" and "Hou——".

It turns out that his story has been spread...

The elves in the Territory of Wind Speed ​​Dog frantically looked for the lord of the nearby territory to fight, and they all won.

When the news reached the ears of the electric shock beast, it didn't believe it at first, but in the end it believed it inexplicably.

But this is not the point, the point is that it feels that the wind speed dog does not go to fight with it in the first place and find other elves, that is to look down on it!

So... well, it came...

It drank away the little brothers, and walked towards the Fengsudog territory alone, just to make trouble for the Fengsudog. As a result, two groups of people met on the way...

After you understand the meaning, it's easy to handle, the elves who like to fight...very good!

Zhou Jiang released the big needle bee, and then waited for the wind speed dog to finish communicating with it.

After waiting for a minute or so, the two elves finally finished their negotiations, and then the Big Needle Bee flew out, and the Electric Shock Beast came directly with thunder light...

after an hour--

The original quiet and beautiful woods were gone, but instead they were devastated.

The big needle bee flew in mid-air panting, but it was faltering, as if it could fall anytime.

In front of the Big Needle Bee, an electric shock beast covered in wounds lay there, underneath it was a small pool of blood...

The big trees within 100 meters in diameter around the two elves basically all fell. Whether they were fallen or not, there were traces of thunder and lightning everywhere. Not only that, but the surrounding land was also completely covered. Scorched black marks caused by lightning bombardment.

"Huh~ finally won..."

Seeing some of the charred shape on the big needle bee and its long spear that was already dark, Zhou Jiang took a long breath.

This is really a fierce battle.

Raiden was even more restrained than Zhou Jiang imagined, the large needle bee without its origin.

When dealing with Wind Speed ​​Dog, Zhou Jiang thought that it was already very difficult, but he didn't expect the thunder and lightning to be even more uncomfortable...

Had it not been for Zhou Jiang's cheating to make Lalulas keep observing the attack of the electric shock beast with his mind, the Big Needle Bee would have fallen down long ago.

Even so, Big Needle Bee and Electric Shock Beast still fight like this...

Zhou Jiang looked at the Eleven Origin Fragments he had obtained, and he twitched his mouth helplessly.

Now that there are seventy-four origin fragments, Zhou Jiang felt that he would not come to trouble this guy before he learned the origin, otherwise he might be the one who accidentally got the trouble...

After applying medicine to Big Needle Bee, Zhou Jiang bought another bottle of medicine for La Luras, and asked her to remotely control the medicine to the electric shock animal with her mind.

It can't die, it will be troublesome if it dies...

If its younger brothers are radicals like him...

As for why we let La Roulas come for treatment?


What if Zhou Jiang went up and woke him up and gave Zhou Jiang an electrotherapy.

Elves may not be able to stand it, let alone Zhou Jiang.

La Roulas is the safest to control from a distance!

After applying medicine to the two elves, Zhou Jiang and the others left here.

He hit and hit, and he did everything that was supposed to be done. If the electric shock beast can't survive, it will be its life.

It's almost five o'clock now, they have to hurry back to eat...

Back to Zhou Jiang's small camp, the one or two Fengshougou's little brothers who hadn't gone were already waiting here. They had already brought the fruits, and they were waiting for Zhou Jiang to take out his big treasure.

After feeding them daily, Zhou Jiang took out his mobile phone and looked at it.

Zhou Jiang knew that Lu Ran's message had been sent back when he was fighting with the electric shock beast over there, but how could he look at his mobile phone at that time?

So Zhou Jiang plugged his phone back...

Now just take it out and take a look at it.

Zhou Jiang saw that it was news about the big milk tank before.

She said that she did have a way, and if Zhou Jiang needed it, she could help him get it, but he could give him a big milk can, but he needed to take good care of it and so on.

Zhou Jiang quickly responded to her with a message to express his and then expressed his intention to send her royal jelly.

Although she can help him, it will also make people owe favor to the family. After all, the big milk can is not an ordinary roadside elf.

This is very rare.

Although it may not be enough to pay back, but now it is just a little heart. When I grow up, what kind of kindness can I not repay?

After briefly chatting with Lu Ran about the recent development, he chatted with Zhou Nan and Xu Feng for a while, and Zhou Jiang turned off his mobile phone to cook.

The next day, Zhou Jiang got up early and took the elves and walked towards the Territory of Wind Speed ​​Dog.

It has been a week since today, Zhou Jiang is eager to know whether the original fragment can be restored!

This is about to become his obsession, these days, he really thinks about it day and night!

A week has passed, there should be a result, right?

If there were still no results, Zhou Jiang would really give up.

In fact, in Zhou Jiang's mind, it is more likely to be a one-week and one-month system...

If it doesn't work today... Those eight achievements are really a month.

And one month...

He's all out...

It's happily!

If it doesn't work, Zhou Jiang will have to find your territory next to those lords he fought before.

The lords around the wind speed dog all hit it again, and there is nothing else to hit, and now it is still thirty original fragments.

Zhou Jiang has already "sweared" that he will learn the origin for an elf when he goes out, but now there are only 30 origin fragments, three mid-level elf elves of the heavenly king, he said he would never give up!

The elves have been waiting for the land of Wind Speed ​​Dog.

After cooking for them and resting for a while, the battle officially began!

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