
The strange power did not react, and as the black smoke emerged, the Arrow Eagle finally found that he could move!


The Arrow Eagle flew out of the black mist and gave a long roar, trying to spit out all his unhappiness.

After the Arrow Eagle flew out, the black mist quickly dissipated in the airflow it fanned, revealing the strange power inside.

Although the strange power did not have time to defend, he was able to make some preparations at the last moment, and he would not be attacked unexpectedly.

Guai Li's body was full of black marks and bloodstains, and it was panting, it seemed that its physical strength was not much.

"WTF! What happened?!"

Axe looked dumbfounded.

He reacted and reminded the strange force that it was too late, how would he expect this to happen...

Shouldn’t the arrow eagle hit the shaggy dog...

Looking at Aix who was looking at him, Zhou Jiang shrugged.

"Don't look at me, Kirulian can't control the other party all the time. Who made you stand still, if you attacked the shaggy dog ​​before, we would have won."


Axe was speechless.

His mind can't help it. seems to be my fault?

"Okay, don't think about this, the opposite is here, my Kirulian and the Arrow Eagle are fifty-five, I will continue to hold the Arrow Eagle, you go to deal with the long-haired dog, and watch my face act!"

? ? ?

Fifty-five? Acting on the face?

Axe said he was a little confused

Although he can speak Huaxia, he still can't understand many things that are not everyday. do you act according to your face?

Are Huaxia people so good?

Ax had some doubts about life, but it was not this time. Zhou Jiang was already "seriously" commanding Kirulian's attack. He could only suppress the doubts in his heart and command strange power.

Cirulian worked hard and slowly condensed a shadow ball, and then flew towards the Arrow Eagle and Shaggy Dog.

Kirulian’s hard work is not just a pretense, this is really a true character...

Cirulian is very comfortable with the shadow ball trick. It can be released in seconds, but it has to be released slowly and the energy is not high...

That really embarrassed her. She used to pursue energy, speed, and damage, but now she has to do the opposite...

Fortunately, Kirulian has a strong spirit, and he can do it with hard work.

Since the Shaggy Dog and the Arrow Eagle rushed over together, it seemed that they could hit two of them. However, the shadow ball was "enhanced", so its speed was not very fast. Arrow Eagle easily avoided.

The shadow ball hit the field, but it made a small hole.

Guai Li wanted to rush towards Shaggy under the command of Aix, but was stopped by the Arrow Eagle, and Shaggy directly rushed towards Cirulian.

Zhou Jiang smiled at this, this material is even better...

Although the opponent can't fly, it's easy to act in this big acting!

Guai Li wanted to bypass the Arrow Eagle to fight Shaggy Dog, and the Arrow Eagle would naturally not let it.

It was a little scared of Kirulian now, and it was naturally very happy to be able to hit the muscular guy in front of him without dealing with that weird guy.

Want to go around?


The arrow eagle directly charged with gun smoke and hit it.

The characteristic of the Arrow Eagle is the body of flame. After activating the characteristic, there is a 30% chance that contact moves can burn the enemy.

Of course, the value of 30% is not fixed.

The greater the difference in the level of the spirit between the two sides, the higher the value.

The level of the arrow eagle and the strange power are similar, both are more than forty.

The level is similar, so the probability is about 30%.

This probability is already very high, and the strange power is still melee...

The Arrow Eagles have all hit, so the strange power can't be ignored.

Guai Li stopped, his two toes spread apart, his eyes looked at the Arrow Eagle sternly, and then his four fists flashed with thunder.

"If that's the case, then go on, weird power!"

Axe's blood surged to his heart.

The opponent changes to the Arrow Eagle?

That's good, then just put you down and look for a long-haired dog!

On the other side, the shaggy dog ​​burst into light and ran towards Cirullian quickly.

To be honest, the Shaggy Dog still has a little power, after all, it is still quite big.

But Kirulian remained unmoved by this.

She wouldn't even look at the Tyrannosaurus, which was much taller than a long-haired dog.

Of course, failing to look at it does not mean to look down on the tyrannosaurus armored or to exclude it, but to say that she will not be afraid of it because of its size.

She is not even afraid of the mighty wind speed dog, she often rides on its neck to play when she hasn't evolved, just ask if you are afraid?

As soon as the long-haired dog leaped over, a faint purple light flashed across her body, and then she flew all over.

After flying some distance back, Kirulian pulled up directly and flew to the sky...

After seeing Kirulian flying above, Zhou Jiang subconsciously raised his head...


Zhou Jiang was a little disappointed.

There was nothing he expected at all, but he was still looking forward to it. But also, how could there be these things.

But having said that, there seems to be a wolf mie who is still married to if there is no so what...

And the elves don’t have that, so how do they lay eggs?

Could it be... a long time ago?

Zhou Jiang's thinking was a little jumpy, and he jumped here in a short time. If he continues to think about it, he will probably think of Xiuxian, the universe and so on.

Suddenly, Zhou Jiang saw Kirulian flying in the sky blushing, looking at him dodgy.

Zhou Jiang:? ? ?


Zhou Jiang was stiff...

He remembered...

The mind link seems to be still connected...


After being discovered by my "girlfriend", how can I leave the stage safely? Waiting online, I'm very anxious!

Although it was a two-player battle, the scene was a little strange.

The field is divided into two halves.

Guai Li and Arrow Sparrow fought to death. Because Guai Li was burned, the "Perseverance" feature was stimulated and the fight became more intense.

Those who are fighting to death over there, but Zhou Jiang and the others are all embarrassed.

Cirulian kept glancing at Zhou Jiang while hiding in red, while Zhou Jiang was embarrassed to find a gap to get in.

Because Long-haired Dogs are all melee skills and support skills, watching Kirulian flying in the air can only look at her with a dazed expression, and Joshua also has a constipated expression.

His long-haired dog is not the main elf, so he didn't spend too much resources on it. After selling it an inferior one hundred thousand volt skill jade and failing to learn it, he didn't put too much on it. Kung Fu basically uses it as a mount and an auxiliary wizard for finding things.

And now...

Because he had communicated with the elves used by both sides in front of the station, he sent the long-haired dog, but now the other side is flying in the air...

This is very embarrassing...

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