Today it is estimated that it will not be Zhou Jiang's game, but it doesn't matter, Zhou Jiang and the others can see more of their matches here.

It is always good to be familiar with familiar character skills and equipment.

However, no matter how much I read, it is useless to try it manually, but unfortunately there is no download channel...

The official announcement will open the download channel after the game is over. Zhou Jiang is speechless and can only send the **** and MMP.

Fortunately, it might be a bit bad for others, but it doesn't matter to Zhou Jiang.

Anyway, he only needs to be familiar with the equipment and skills.

Zhou Jiang doesn’t know the bonuses of skills, but it’s enough to know the general effect. If you can see the effect with equipment, it’s better. As long as you remember well, Zhou Jiang will be far more than the others. Cut off.

While remembering those things, Zhou Jiang watched the live broadcast above and watched the honey juice operation above, almost laughing out loud.

Make-up knife will not make up, follow the fate, the skill will not hit, completely empty, the position will not move, the eye will not be bad, there is no jungle, etc...


Zhou Jiang put down the phone and didn't continue to remember.

If you still need to remember to fight these garbage, Zhou Jiang felt that it was an insult to his silver rank!

These are not plastic!

Compared with them, he is a great god.

"Wow, bean sprouts, you still have the mood to watch the live broadcast, come and remember!"

Perhaps it was Zhou Jiang's light laughter that was so unique in this quiet lounge, which caught Zhou Nan's attention. Everyone is looking at the information with gloomy hair, but the captain is watching the live broadcast and laughing?

"That's right! You are the captain. I think this game is so difficult. If you don't perform well, it will be the face of our team!"

"An Xin, as far as their level is concerned, I can hang them!" Zhou Jiang said with a smile while looking at several people.

The game is divided into two stages, and the final champion, runner-up and runner-up will be determined according to the score.

The first stage is a normal mode where the team is the mainstay. In the end, the score is calculated after all the winners are determined. After the team battle is over, it is a single player.

Each team leader comes out to SOLO!

To be honest, Zhou Jiang feels that his points in the single player mode are set!

The points of a championship, plus team battles, no matter how much teammates pit, they will not be worse. So, this championship is stable!

"It's true, don't brag, I've already told my classmates that I'm going to participate in this event, and I'll look for you when I feel ashamed." Chen Yongan said jokingly.

"An Xin, I have come into contact with similar games before, have experience, don't worry!"

"Awesome bean sprouts. I didn't know that you have played this new type of game. Before, you weren't just to that..."

"Ahem, don't talk too much, look at your information!"

Zhou Jiang covered Zhou Nan’s mouth and whispered in his ear: “If you talk more, I’ll tell Jiang Shui that you suggested watching the ballet on the water yesterday. Don’t think Jiang Shui would not care. I took that poster. !"

After speaking, Zhou Jiang patted him on the shoulder.

"Know what to do."

"Evil... Devil... Are you really Zhou Jiang..."

Looking at Zhou Nan with a "fear" face, Zhou Jiang chuckled lightly.

"As long as you rot those things in your stomach, we won't stab those things out of you. After all, the old man is not a devil~"

"I said, what are you talking about? What big secret do you feel~" Chen Yongan squinted and looked at the two Zhou Jiang with a smile.

"Nothing!" the two said in unison.

Zhou Jiang said solemnly, and sat down after speaking.

It's really black history, I didn't expect my predecessor to like to play galgame...

To be honest, in fact, it's nothing to play galgame. Men's hobbies, everyone knows.

However, the predecessor, this pervert, likes elves, which is the kind of motherhood!

Just forget it, but the world doesn’t know why. The girly elves are not humans wearing fairy-like clothes. Instead, they add the characteristics of elves to the human model, like the skin, hands, feet, and ears. , Nose, etc., all transformed into the characteristics of those elves.

It is the kind of existence that is similar to the beast ear mother in the previous life, but is more serious than the "beastization" of the beast ear mother.

This kind of maidenhood, except for a few good-looking fairy maidens, the others are unsightly existences, and the fairy maidens that the predecessor liked is Shanaido...

Xanadu is the closest to humans among the elves, and there are other flame chickens, forest lizards and the like.

Anyway, it looks like a human shape, and anyone who walks on both hands and feet can be motherhood...

All these are properly black history. Zhou Jiang can only be thankful that his predecessor is only Zhou Nan, who knows and knows his little secret, otherwise he will really die.

If someone else learns this secret, Zhou Jiang feels that he will have no face to meet people.


Wait, wouldn't that guy Zhou Jia know this secret accidentally and think that I'm a pervert and that's why he is so cold towards me, right?



Thinking about it like It seems very, very possible......

"What are you thinking? I'm in a daze here." Xu Feng looked at Zhou Jiang and gently pushed Zhou Jiang's shoulder.

"Huh? Uh, nothing, nothing..."

After regaining his senses, Zhou Jiang called haha ​​quickly.

Thinking about those things, it's already like that anyway, even if Zhou Jia targeted me for that incident, it didn't matter.

Anyway, even if it is really the same as what he thinks, it can’t change anything. Do you still have to explain to Zhou Jia that it’s not me who likes the elves, it’s someone else! Am I being **** by a ghost?

It is estimated that he will be sent to a psychiatric hospital the next day...

Xu Feng and the others are still looking at the information and the imagination of the gameplay.

Zhou Jiang said that there was no problem and didn't look at it. They didn't say anything, just tried harder to remember.

Zhou Jiang was a little embarrassed seeing them remembering so hard.

Reluctantly, he could only take out his mobile phone and continue watching. A team of five people, four of whom are studying hard, and he is relaxing alone. How embarrassing is this?

Anyway, Zhou Jiang couldn't keep going.

Seeing this familiar and unfamiliar equipment, Zhou Jiang sighed slightly.

I rarely played 300 after going to work in my previous life, and I didn’t even touch the League of Legends. I didn’t expect to encounter similar games in this world...

Speaking of similarities, in fact, Zhou Jiang doesn't feel that the person making the game is a traverser.

Similar game modes will always come out, only for the length of time.

If it is really a game played by a traverser after crossing here, then why are these skills different?

Models are ever-changing, as long as the skills remain the same, isn't it simple and easy?

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