After eating, everyone went to the park to feed the elves, then strolled around and returned to the elves center.

The evening in City A is still very beautiful. There are many stone statues and glass sculptures on the side of the road. At night, those glass sculptures will be energized and glow, which looks very gorgeous.

After a rest night, Zhou Jiang and the others woke up early the next morning and went shopping.

Yesterday, the ticket sales lady at the front desk told them that it was around ten o'clock in the morning that the owner of the pavilion would not be back, but it was still early, so they would go shopping again.

They went to the stone sculpture exhibition in City A, where all the famous stone sculptures were displayed.

Although Zhou Jiang looked the same, not many masters are valuable, and even if they are not masters, once they enter the XX exhibition hall, they are masters.

Zhou Jiang has seen a movie in his previous life. It's okay to say that it is a funny movie. It is a movie in which a black man in a foreign country is a babysitter for a paralyzed rich man.

The black man lived in the rich man’s house and used a painted roller to scratch the paper. Then the rich man said that he had exhibited in a certain place, and then he was bought by other rich men at a high price...

It seems that there is also a pig raised by an American woman who dangles a few paintings on the canvas with a paintbrush in her mouth. There are also big money collectors with money to buy...

Sure enough, art is really a big deal.

At nine thirty, everyone came out of the exhibition hall.

"How should I put it... I didn't see anything beautiful about the famous Shane Duo with broken arm... Isn't it complete and beautiful?" Zhou Nan said with a dazed expression.

"So you are not a master, and you don't understand art!" Xu Feng complained.

"Oh~ you know?"

"...I don't understand!"

"Cut, then you say a hammer!"



Everyone looked astonished, and they were dead, Xu Feng actually told a cold joke!


Everyone came to the entrance of Panshi Taoist Hall again.

When I walked in, I found that the lady at the front desk had changed. Maybe it was a shift system. When they stepped forward, Zhou Jiang just wanted to speak, and the lady at the front desk asked questions.

"It's Mr. Zhou Jiang?"

"Uh... yes..."

"Hello, our museum owner is already waiting for you in the gym. Please wait a moment. I will ask the staff to take you there."

"Okay, trouble you."

Before long, a young man in uniform came over.

"Hello, please come with me."

Zhou Jiang subconsciously looked at the young lady at the front desk, who nodded to him.

Zhou Jiang and the others walked inside with the staff, looking at the fossils placed in the glass showcase, Zhou Jiang was a little emotional.

The dragon’s gym has been robbed, when will the rock gym?

Fossils can resurrect ancient elves. Although there is a demand for fossils, the machine for resurrecting elves is not a Chinese cabbage on the side of the road, but for ambitious people, who cares about you?

Snatch it first!

The fossils that are grabbed are the best to be resurrected, and it doesn’t matter if they can’t be resurrected. They are not theirs anyway.

In all directions, they arrived at a room decorated like an underground.

This is the place for the game.

Zhou Jiang saw that the museum owner Ding Yonghui was already standing on the opposite side of the stadium.

"The owner, the man has already been brought."

"Well, thank you for your hard work."

The staff nodded and left here.

Zhou Jiang and the others walked in, Zhou Jiang went directly to the venue, and Xu Feng and the others went to watch on the platform.

"You defeated Lu Fei?"

Zhou Jiang just stood on the edge of the field and Ding Yonghui, who was on the opposite side, spoke.

Ding Yonghui wears a white helmet and a mountaineering suit. He looks very...

However, his smile is very sunny, which is a plus point. I don’t know if he can find a girlfriend in such a dress, but even if he doesn’t dress up, as the master of the gymnasium and rich, he should be able to attract Fewer people, right?

"Yes." Zhou Jiang nodded in response.

There is nothing to say, since the other party asked, it should be that the other party has already learned from Lu Fei's mouth.

Ding Yonghui nodded and looked happy: "I'll just say, that kid still refuses to admit it, and he said something is tied. Haha, I have to taunt the kid well, if I lose, I won't admit it! What is there to hide? , Isn’t it because you’re young, you say yes, it’s not that you wear it three times, there is nothing to hide."


Sorry, he was worn four times by me...

Zhou Jiang was a little embarrassed.

Unexpectedly, it was Lu Fei who really helped, and he...hehe.

"Okay, I think you can't wait, then let's start fighting, I also want to see how strong you are, you can actually beat that guy in the flame field."

With that said, Ding Yonghui took the lead in throwing the wizard ball.

A sickle helmet and two sharp sickles appeared on the field.

At this time, a referee came out from the side, glanced at the sickle helmet, did not say anything, and talked about the rules.

Two minutes later, the referee glanced at the two of them: "There is no objection to the rules, right?"


" OK, then the game begins!" After the referee shouted, he retreated until he stuck to the wall.

Zhou Jiang also threw the Elf Ball, it was a big needle bee.



Two hours later, the game was over.

There are potholes everywhere on the site, not only that, but the potholes are also full of water.

Kirulian wrapped herself in the air with thought force, and on the field opposite her was a fossil pterosaur lying there.

The six elves of Ding Yonghui are Spiny Ammonite, Scythe Helmet, Fossil Pterodactyl, Primordial Armor, Warmaul Dragon, and Guard Dragon.

Among these elves, the lowest are the first-level heavenly kings. Fortunately, there are no high-level heavenly kings, otherwise it will be difficult to fight.

Because of the ability to replace the elves in this game, none of Zhou Jiang’s elves lost their fighting ability. Although Zhou Jiang did not reveal the wish of Kirulian, he just let the Big Needle Bee take it back when his stamina was exhausted. .

If it weren't for Zhou Jiang to let Menus come out and have a play, Zhou Jiang estimated that he would be able to max out the opponent by relying solely on Kirulian's wishes and Big Needle Bee.

But even so, Big Needle Bee completed a feat of one-to-four.

That strange power and shave and arashi really have the attributes of the fighting type, and it hurts the elves of the rock type to hit them.

Although Zhou Jiang never understood, why the energy mobilized by Big Needle Bee didn't know how to convert it into a fighting attribute.

Obviously, skills require the elves to control the energy to be emitted, but the big needle bee does not know the energy attributes...

Sure enough, I can only say that the system is awesome?

Taking the badge from Ding Yonghui, who was smiling wryly, Zhou Jiang put the badge in the box.

Finally, Zhou Jiang and Ding Yonghui exchanged contact information and then left the Panshi Gymnasium.

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