In the battle of Bumblebee, in addition to a wide range of skills, other skills have never hit it.

The special feature is the fighting system. Except for the big needle bee to learn and consume with the wizard, the other is completely useless!

It can't hit, hide or hide, its attack range is short, and it's completely a living target in the face of Big Sting Bee.

"Big steel snake, noise!" Jiang Tianyi took the lead in the attack.


The big steel snake roared for a while, then his head was raised high, and bursts of harsh sound came out of its mouth.

Zhou Jiang was so frightened that he quickly took the headphones out of his pocket, put them in his ears, and covered them.

The big steel snake's noise is very strong, even Zhou Nan and others in the audience are extremely uncomfortable, and the venue is also shaken with dust. If the venue is not special, it may be directly cracked.

In the face of noise, Big Sting Bee directly wraps its ears with its original source. Although it can't stop the sound transmission, it is better, at least not too sad.

Although noise can reduce the opponent's defense, it can also be attacked.

After all, it’s the real world...

What can't be used as a weapon to hurt the opponent?

The noise lasted for more than twenty seconds before it stopped.

Zhou Jiang sighed in relief after hearing the uncomfortable voice.

"Big steel snake, rock fall!"

Pieces of rocks fell from the sky and smashed directly at the big needle bee.

The flexible walking position of the Big Needle Bee was instantly activated, and it swayed from the left to the right, directly avoiding all the rocks.

Seeing the big needle bee unscathed, Jiang Tianyi was a little surprised.

Although I know that the avoidance of Big Needle Bee is MAX, I still feel incredible when I encounter it.

Really evil!



Hearing a loud noise, the high-pitched head of the big steel snake directly fell backward as if it had received a heavy hammer. The big needle bee is also affected by the reaction force, and it keeps backing towards the back.

Fortunately, the two spears in Big Needle Bee's hand have been strengthened fifteen times. There is no need to worry about strength in terms of strength, otherwise Big Needle Bee estimates its spear will collapse...

Big Needle Bee can become so strong, one is by the modification of system attributes, and the other is by adding skills to the origin.

The origin and skills are only the use of Big Needle Bee, and it cannot essentially change Big Needle Bee, and the modification of the system attribute is only to increase the original attributes of Big Needle Bee. Its attributes are not. changing.

And what has changed the most is its individual value, quality and character.

However, the personality and individual values ​​and qualities modified by the system are completely unrepresented.

For example, the character of Big Needle Bee is different before and after the modification, but what Big Needle Bee shows is still that kind of personality. This let Zhou Jiang know that the system is not a panacea.

The individual value and quality Zhou Jiang is even more daunting.

After the change, I don’t know how to look at it, I only know that Big Needle Bee is indeed stronger...

Big Needle Bee stepped back for a while before adjusting.

Looking at the big steel snake that was still leaning back, the eyes of Big Needle Bee flashed with cold light.


"Big steel snake, little..."


Just when Jiang Tianyi reminded the big steel snake to be careful, the big needle bee once again appeared in front of the big steel snake. Although it was not long, the extremely hard spear slammed at the big steel snake once again!

"Aw—" The steel snake was in pain.

Big Needle Bee Finger Spear and Weird Force are considered fighting skills, and fighting skills are double restrained steel skills.

This time, taking advantage of the big steel snake's unpreparedness, another fierce attack, the big steel snake was directly smashed and flew out!


Seeing the big steel snake flying out a short distance, Jiang Tianyi was a little confused.

An ordinary steel snake has four hundred KG, but his steel snake does have more than 500!

Such a heavy steel snake, you just smashed it into the air by a big needle bee?

Although it is not far away, it also flew directly off the ground!

What a terrifying power is this?

Jiang Tianyi is a little bit painful, which is very different from what he said... shouldn't it be the headache of Big Needle Bee...

The big steel snake was smashed into the air, and the big needle bee was actually not comfortable.

Although it gave the Big Needle Bee a heavy blow, it will lose its strength in a short time. This is a sequelae of using its full strength, but fortunately, it just needs to be slow.

It has sufficient physical strength and its rest time will be reduced.

The stamina of the big steel snake is also very rich, so before that, it still didn't spike, but although it didn't spike, it was almost the same.

The Big Steel Snake now feels faintly painful in the two places hit.

Although it is a steel body, but who stipulated that steel should not be painful?

It is also a life of wisdom anyhow!

"Big Steel Serpent, Dragon's Breath!"


The big steel snake was very angry. After hearing Jiang Tianyi's order, he opened his mouth, and a small green ball quickly condensed into a green shock wave and flew towards the big needle bee.

The big needle bee sensed its direction when the dragon wave flew towards it, and after a flutter of its wings, it hid.

Still the same sentence, a small ranged long-range attack really has no force at all in front of the domineering look.

Unless the speed of that skill is too fast, it makes it too late for Big Needle Bee to evade.

However, the speed of Big Needle Bee is so fast, and it can also shave irregularly for a short time, so besides space attack or thought power, Zhou Jiang can't think of any skills that can hit Big Needle Bee~www And only Parukia can use space in this world.

However, people are the first-class beasts, how can they attack the big needle bee for no reason?

Of course, Zhou Jiang would not provoke others to death.

Zhou Jiang regretted his life.

Although he is very greedy for the beasts, and thinks that it would be very forceful to take it out, but he still has self-knowledge.

The gap between ordinary elves and mythical beasts is too big.

It's really too big to imagine!

Like Emperor Yan.

Yan Di and the Three Holy Beasts are amazing, right?

For ordinary elves, they are really awesome.

But actually they face those first-class beasts?


In the original work, the Yandi and other three sacred beasts are themselves three unknown elves who died in the bell tower and were resurrected by the Phoenix King.

The Emperor Yan is about to fly into the sky, so what about the even more powerful time and space beasts of the Fengwang and Ping Wang?

Hey, I can't even think about it.

As for why those first-class beasts in the anime are caught by one or two scientists from time to time...

Zhou Jiang did not answer this question, he could only say that many of the animation worlds are fake...

It exists for the plot.

On the field.

After the big needle bee escaped the attack of the big steel snake, there was no action, and it flew quietly far away from the big steel snake, slowly waiting for itself to recover.

Some feelings of loss of strength have little effect on the Big Sting Bee, but its combat power will be reduced a bit, and it doesn't want to just go up and fight like this. If something happens, it will be bad.

Anyway, the Big Steel Snake doesn't have to wait for time. The Big Steel Snake loses his energy after being attacked. Others will be fine at that time, and his negative state will be fine. It is the Big Needle Bee who waits to be worthwhile.

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