Finally, Zhou Jiang resisted the temptation and did not betray his Ibrahimovic.

Of course, this is not to say how dedicated he is, strong endurance, etc. The main reason is that Xu Feng and the others are looking at him!

Seeing the thief laughing endlessly at the river, Zhou Jiang shrugged indifferently.

"Come out, Menus!"

"Wumi~" After Menus came out, he rubbed Zhou Jiang's cheek directly...


In the fountain pool, many trainers have released their water elves, and the moment Zhoujiang's Menus came out, the court fell silent.

Although it has been a long time since the release of Menus, many people also own Menus, but they are all rich people!

The evolutionary images released by Meenas require beautiful scales, and there is still no sound of inadequate evolution. It is estimated that it has not been studied well or has not been studied at all.

However, Zhou Jiang is more inclined to not study well.

After all, one of the conditions for evolution has been released. If researchers are not fed and have nothing to do, it is estimated that they will not go to the condition of lack of strength, and it is estimated that they will only have to wait a long time before there will be ugly fish. As time passed, it evolved after the strength was not up to standard.

Menus can only evolve with beautiful scales, which is why it is scarce.

There are really very few things like beautiful scales. They were all excavated from the ruins, and then they were thrown away in the warehouse after no use was found. All the things that could be found were taken away by the upper management, and there is no market. Circulation.

It is said that the emperor of country R has publicly spoken before, saying that as long as a beautiful scale is presented, he can win the honor of the highest elder in country R.

After so long, it is estimated that the emperor got his wish that day. Although the conditions are **** for the people of other countries, it is still very attractive to the people of R country.

Country R's career in the sea is very developed. It is not uncommon to find some beautiful scales in the sea. After all, there are few ruins in the sea, but it does not mean that there are few in the sea. But although there are a lot of miles in the sea, there are not many that can be obtained.

In a word, even after so long, it is still synonymous with fire!

No, as soon as Zhou Jiang was released, passers-by screamed and surrounded him.

"Fuck, Zhou Jiang, you are crazy. You are suicidal revenge. Look at the people around you!" Zhou Nan couldn't help but complain as he watched the people around him.

"I didn't expect Menus to be so hot after so long..." Xu Feng nodded with emotion: "I knew I had gotten an ugly fish before."

"Come on, now the ugly fish is not so popular anymore, you can also buy it, the most important thing is the beautiful scales! What are the beautiful scales now. And now is the time to talk about these? Shouldn't you think about it? What is the right thing to do?" Zhou Nan complained.

"I think let's run quickly... I think these people's eyes are red, so terrible..." Wang Qingyan said, looking at the crowd of onlookers who were slowly squeezing towards this side with their red eyes while taking pictures with their mobile phones. With.

Jiang Shui nodded approvingly, and then complained to Zhou Jiang: "Yes, let's run, it's Zhou Jiang's fault. You don't know the consequences of releasing Menas in the crowd?"

Listening to Jiang Shui’s complaint, Zhou Jiang, who was rubbed by Menus’ cheeks, couldn’t help giving her a roll of eyes: “Who told you to do something...”


"No matter what, I'm going to show people, I wish you good luck!" Xu Feng shook his head, and then walked directly in one direction. After that, Zhou Nan, Jiang Shui and others followed Wang Qingyan and Li Linghui when they were leaving. He glanced at Zhou Jiang sympathetically, and finally left without looking back...

"Hey, wait, don't leave me!" Zhou Jiang was suddenly anxious as he turned and left one by one.

Are you leaving and leave me alone?

Zhou Jiang took out Menus’s Elf Ball with his left hand, but before he could take Menus back, he felt a huge murderous aura coming towards him...

Zhou Jiang was stiff.


"Now, Chiru..."



Seeing Kirulian who disappeared with teleportation, Zhou Jiang was shocked.

No, you are a fake elf, right?

How can an elf slip away when the owner is in trouble instead of helping...

This must be a fake elf!

No, I must train her after I go back, she is becoming more and more presumptuous, this is all going to heaven!


"Hello, can I take a photo with your Minas!"

"Crack, click~"

‘Groove, you started to shoot and you asked me! ’

"I want to take a photo too!"

"And me and me!"

"I also want……"

"Day! You guys...point...ah..." Zhou Jiang, who was immediately submerged in the crowd, uttered the final shout, then...he fell...he fell forever!

More than ten minutes later, the enthusiastic crowd dissipated, Zhou Jiang and Menas lying over there with expressions of mischief.

Meenas is okay, still soaking in the water, Zhou Jiang is lying on the ground, his body is full of footprints...

"Wow~ It's so miserable..." Zhou Nan and the others gathered around. Seeing Zhou Jiang's miserable appearance, Jiang Shui couldn't help feeling.

"This is a broken's the first time I've seen you. Tsk tsk, take a photo, take a photo!"

"Cirulian, stop him for me!" Zhou Jiang, who was lying on the ground, heard this and instantly returned to his soul, shouting loudly and getting up.

"!" Zhou Nan was startled, but before he could say anything, the whole body couldn't move. Except for the turning of the eyes, the whole body couldn't move.

Seeing this, Xu Feng and others quickly separated from Zhou I didn’t know him, especially Jiang Shui, with a look of disgust...

Zhou Jiang got up, patted the dust on his body, and walked towards Zhou Nan with a grinning face.

"I heard you are going to take pictures of me?"

"Hehe, don't you speak... Very good, if you have the courage, I admire someone like you!"


Zhou Nan's eyes widened, but other than that, he couldn't do anything. He couldn't even make the "Uh-" sound.

"Very well, you even threatened me by staring at me! Young man, you are brave!" Zhou Jiang patted him on the shoulder, then turned to Cirulian and said, "I will pass the picture to you, and you will get him. modeling."

Kirulian nodded.

Zhou Jiang looked back at Zhou Nan with a grim look: "Don't worry, I will be very gentle~"

After that, Zhou Jiang stepped back a few steps, took out his mobile phone and waited for Kirulian to pose. Not far away, Jiang Shui had already taken out his mobile phone and waited for Zhou Jiang to do it...

Suddenly, Zhou Nan's hands and body moved, and he assumed a posture in an instant. At this moment, Zhou Jiang pressed the shutter.


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