I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 419: Boating on the West Lake

Darklei is the **** of nightmares, Kresselia is the **** of dreams, Darklei is the nightmare, but what about Kresselia? It is designed to make people dream beautiful!

Unexpectedly before, when I think about it now, everyone basically dreams that dreams come true, and even Zhou Jiang’s dream, although a bit weird in the early stage, is not a "dream come true". Yet?

Although he personally prefers Shitono and Kakuzo in the battle, but to be honest...

Wives seem to be almost the same. For men, love can be universal, but love for every wife is the same!

Don't think about why it is Dan Trian, but the result is not good?

In other words, what the Rockets got is Dream God? !


Who is that mysterious elf that is braving all over his body? Why attack the Rockets base?

Could it be a dream god?

But even if the dream **** is caught, he won't be made like that...

Or is Darklay going to save it?

After all, there is a saying in the previous life that the God of Dreams and the God of Nightmare are in love and kill each other...

"What's the matter?" Lu Ran may look over at Zhou Jiang.

"Um, nothing, nothing, let's go." Zhou Jiang shook his head in response.

Xu Feng and the others also followed, and the six followed Lu Ran slowly walking inside.

On the way, they met the steward of this place.

After listening to what the butler and Lu Ran said, Zhou Jiang realized that the owner here was Lu Ran's friend, and Lu Ran greeted that friend when he came here, so they can play casually here.

And looking at the way the housekeeper and Teacher Lu Ran are familiar, I guess she hasn't lived here much before.

"Yo! It's finally here! Are you all okay?!"

Pushing open the door, Chen Yongan, who was surrounded by the table inside, stood up instantly and walked towards them.

The three of them embraced Zhou Jiang one by one, and then they clapped each other with Jiang Shui.

"Okay, come here, and tell us, what have you experienced? We are very curious~" Chen Qizhen said while sitting over there, looking at a few people with a smile.


Zhou Jiang instantly felt his back again.

Zhou Jiang smiled awkwardly and slapped haha, and then randomly found a topic and started talking.

"Do you want to go outside to play? I heard that the scenery here is very good!"

Several people were sitting down, and Zhou Jiang directly suggested going out to play in order to avoid them asking these questions again.

Although the Rockets' incident happened next to K City, it still didn't affect K City, so everyone in K City just sighed that it was dangerous and so on. After that, it's still going to happen.

What's more, I didn't realize the danger of this, and I still said why I wasn't there, otherwise I could have a good dream...

"Go out to play...I have no problem, but don't you need to take a break?" Lu Ran asked.

"I'm not tired, how about you? If you are tired, go to rest." Zhou Jiang turned to look at Xu Feng and the others.

"I'm fine, but where do I go if I go out to play?"

"I want to go if I play too!" Zhou Nan, who was lying on the table, stood up and shouted.

Finally, after a few people discussed it, they all felt that it was good to go out to play.

And the scenery here is really good. The West Lake is in K City. There were rumors of mini dragons in West Lake.

Zhoujiang in the West Lake has never been there, and I don't know if it is the same West Lake in the previous life.

However, Zhou Jiang felt that they were not the same. After all, the location in this place was far away.

But it doesn't matter whether it is, it is just a place for them to play anyway, is it important or not?

And Zhou Jiang didn't come to this world to figure out everything. His current state is like leisure and vacation, how easy he can come.

Here in K City, spring and summer are all year round, and there is no winter at all.

Although it may be colder when it rains, it is not too cold. Even in the winter season, the temperature here is still very warm.

Of course, if it is compared with City S and City I, it is incomparable.

City S and City I are the southernmost cities in China. It is summer all year round and is close to the sea, beaches, seas, bikinis...

It can be said to be a holiday destination!

One of their travel destinations is City I. After all, City I also has an insect-type gymnasium there.

At this time, you can almost wear long sleeves in J City and the cities above, but you can still go out with short sleeves in K City.

Zhou Jiang took out ten cups of milk tea with ice cubes from the space ring, one cup per person.

"It's really convenient..."

"It's so lucky...Why didn't I meet such a good ruin..." Zhou Nan said sourly.

"Come on, even if you meet it, you can't see it. You don't have a super power elf, and even if you have it, you don't have the strength of Zhou Jiang Qilulian." Xu Feng complained.

Yes, that's what Zhou Jiang said to them.

It was discovered from the ruins, and it was also discovered by Kirulian.

After all, this spatial ring is too ordinary, it can almost be said to be a small circle cut directly from the steel pipe...

Such an ordinary and unpretentious thing ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ can be said to be lost wherever it is not conspicuous, so it can only be said that Cirulian found it unusual and was picked up by him.

"Ahhh~ I'm so envious~ I'm a lemon!"


The people in the West Lake were not far away, and several people walked there directly.

Only when I got there, I realized that there were a lot of people.

After a few people entered, they rented two boats, and then the five men and five women boarded the boats and drifted away under the control of the elves.

There are a lot of boats on the lake, and it is estimated that tourists come here admiringly.

The scenery here is really good, and there are many water elves in the water.

These elves were bred here after the official capture of the city of K. They are all very docile elves. Humans can play with humans when rafting. Even if the boat capsizes, the elves will salvage the humans, so there is no worries at all. .

The world of elves is good.

Although the elves are animals, they are human, and most of them are gentle and close to humans. This makes Zhou Jiang, who likes animals, like them very much.

Cirulian was in charge of the boat, and several people were constantly taking pictures on the boat, while Zhou Jiang was lying on the side of the boat watching the elves such as the carp king and horned goldfish in the lake.

Sometimes he could even see one or two Jenny turtles and other rare water elves swimming by.

There is a fire brigade next to the West Lake, so there are often "firemen" here to play.

"Over there...is there a fight?"


Listening to Zhou Nan's words, Zhou Jiang got up and looked in the direction he was looking. I saw two boats close to each other in the distance, and the people on both boats were standing there.

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