
   Looking at the appearance of Kirulian and the plot of the big reversal, the Rockets who were shrinking in the corner couldn't help swallowing.

   Especially those who are thinking of running away, if they really run away before...

   Kirulian transmitted a voice to Zhou Jiang, and Ghost Stone had already solved it, and Zhou Jiang was relieved.

   "I didn't expect the prosecutors to have insiders... It seems that if you do tasks in the future, you have to be careful. If you are stabbed, it will be no good."

   He doesn’t know yet, today it was because of his caution that saved him...

   Du Jun made a sneak attack with a pistol, so the bullets are naturally not simple bullets, of course they are specially made by the Rockets.

   bullet shell material is made of special alloy, can penetrate super powers, that is to say, even if super power elves catch it with thought power, the bullet will get rid of thought power and continue to fly forward.

   Of course, the effect of this bullet is only this, maybe... it can be added a little more, stronger than ordinary penetrating ability?

   If he did not carefully ask Kirulian to make a light wall shield today, then he might be GG today.

   Kirulian’s superpowers without the origin are probably unable to catch this bullet.

And whether they are Tyrannosaurus Ironclad, Kirulian or Zhou Jiang himself, they all have inexplicable trust in Kirulian's. Even if they find a bullet coming, it will only be Kirulian's force. Intercept, the armored tyrannosaurus will only continue to stare at other places.

  If Kirulian’s thought power fails...

   That's why...There are all kinds of old men in this world. Only by being careful and careful, and careful and careful, can you live longer!


   Things here have come to an end, the next step is to hand over the Rockets people to Miss Junsha and the others.

   But Zhou Jiang guessed that Miss Junsha and the others also went to Cairo Square. I don’t know what’s going on there.

   Zhou Jiang came to the Rockets and asked them to stand up one by one. Then he released the Big Needle Bee and let the Big Needle Bee lead the way. Then the Rockets followed, and then he and Cirulian.

   walking outside, when the first Rockets member saw the two people lying on the ground, they were all dumbfounded.

   Especially their boss-Du Jun

   Didn’t he run away long ago? ! how come……

   But they didn't think too much, after all, Zhou Jiang didn't want them to think about this or that.

   Zhou Jiang asked Kirulian to remove the elven **** from Du Jun and Chen Yajie, a total of seven.

   took the desert dragonfly back, and then sealed the shackles on Chen Yajie's six elves to prevent the elves from opening the elves from the inside and running out, and then threw them into Zhou Jiang's backpack along with Mahangra's elves.

In the words of Chen Yajie and Du Jun, Zhou Jiang asked four Rockets players to work in pairs, one head and one foot. Although the two were not willing at first, after Zhou Jiang gave them some reasoning, they just Accepted with tears of gratitude.

   There is a small street outside the alley. There are some people walking on the street. When they see such a group of people as Zhou Jiang coming out of the alley, they are all curious.

   After all, the sound of Zhou Jiang and the others' previous fighting was not light, and the previous gunshot of Du Jun alone was enough to reach here and let them hear.

  Although they were curious, they were more pitiful, and they didn't even go in and watch.

  Before Du Jun waited for a group of people to enter, they knew that there would be a lot of fun inside, but unfortunately...

   But now...

   After a large group of people went in, they came out now, but why are they all tied up!

   With his hands folded behind his back, his arms were fixed, which made the Rockets look strange.

   After they came out, Zhou Jiang didn't let them go anymore, so he stopped them here, and then let the elves look at him and called.

   He checked it with a map. It is not a short distance from the nearest police station. If you walk past it, it will be fatal. It is better to call the police to drive.

   There is an incident in Cairo Square, even if the Miss Junsha passes by, it’s impossible for them all to pass, right?

   There will always be someone sitting around.


ten minutes later……

   Zhou Jiang finally breathed a sigh of relief after hanging up the phone.

   He called, and it was indeed Miss Junsha who answered the phone, but he did not believe what Zhou Jiang said!

   But Zhou Jiang didn’t know what to use to prove that he was a prosecutor... Finally, Zhou Jiang directly caught the nearest Rockets and asked him to say...

  God knows how big the psychological area of ​​the Rockets members is, but it doesn't matter what Zhou Jiang's affairs are, anyway, Miss Junsha and the others are here, and it will be easy to handle later.

   After the call to the police station was over, Zhou Jiang called Zhang Kai again.

   After all, Chen Yajie’s troubles are not over yet.

   This traitor still has to talk to Zhang Kai.


   The phone was dialed three times, but no one answered it. In the end, Zhou Jiang had no choice but to give up.

   After putting the phone in his pocket, he reached into his backpack and took out a cup of milk tea. Zhou Jiang drank it without anyone else.

   As for the sight of passers-by... he only feels a little dark and refreshing now.

   In less than ten minutes, Miss Junsha came on a motorcycle, and behind her was a vehicle holding prisoners.

   But there is only one car...

   There are about forty people here~www.wuxiaspot.com~Don’t say one, even if three cars can fit...

   But this has nothing to do with Zhou Jiang. He stayed here to prevent Chen Yajie from woke up after he left to use his identity as a prosecutor to trick others into untie the rope.

   Otherwise, he would have let passers-by come to watch them, and then he went directly to the Rockets’ nest to fight Huanglong.

   Although people cannot find any information on the Internet and are not sure if he is the real prosecutor, as long as he reveals the internal information, and even shows them the prosecutor’s intranet, they will believe it.

   After all, he still wears the skin of a prosecutor no matter what, and his ability to fool ordinary people is still very strong.

   "Which one of you called the police?"

   Miss Junsha stopped the motorcycle and asked, although she asked, she was looking at Zhou Jiang.

   After all, so many people on Zhou Jiang are tied up, and Zhou Jiang is standing not far away from them, drinking milk tea against the railing, and he is the most eye-catching.

"it's me."

   Zhou Jiang raised his hand, and then showed her the prosecutor's page whose phone had been adjusted.

   He didn't remember the serial number before, so there is no way to prove it, but now he can click on the panel.

   After seeing it, Miss Junsha used the walkie-talkie to contact the police station. After checking it, she understood that it was true.

   "Hello! What do you need?" Miss Junsha saluted Zhou Jiang and asked.

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