I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 443: The Rockets on TV!


   Zhou Jiang was speechless for a while. He thought he had been looking at Kirulian because he had any strange questions to ask, so he asked about this hair?

   This thinking is a little jumpy...

   But even so, Zhou Jiang nodded: "That's right."

   The "reform" of the elves is very common, and it is not only Zhou Jiang.

   Many people come to do this.

  Especially dogs or cat elves with hair, they are often made into various shapes.

"Oh~ Crane, are you awake?" Suddenly, the uncle looked to the side, Zhou Jiang also turned to look around, and found that it was a thundering lion, and Crane is probably the name given to him by the family. Right.

The thundering lion walked on catwalks, so the sound of footsteps was completely inaudible. It walked inside while looking at Zhou Jiang. It only responded when the uncle called it, and then he turned his attention away from Zhou Jiang. .

   "Crane, come over for dinner!"

   The little girl did not continue to stare at Kirulian, and when she saw Thunder Lion coming over, she put down her chopsticks, and then ran towards the kitchen.

   "Alright, I have brought Crane's food, and Xiao Ke will go home to eat."

   As soon as the little girl ran to the door of the living room, a woman appeared in the corner.


   Xiaoke replied unhappily, and then turned and walked inside. The woman smiled helplessly, squatting down and shouting to Xiao Ke.

   "Come and get it, but be careful~ If you spill it, Crane will have no food to eat!"

"it is good!"

   Xiao Ke "resurrected with blood" in an instant, happily picked up Crane's food bowl from the tray held by the woman, and then walked inward step by step.

   The woman smiled, said nothing, and followed after she got up.

   "Come on, this is for you, this is for little Kirulian~"

   The woman brought two bowls of rice to Zhou Jiang and Cirulian. Cirulian glanced at Zhou Jiang and Zhou Jiang nodded.

   Kirulian is not a human, but she likes to eat more, so as long as she wants to.

   Zhou Jiang looked at the side of the dining table. The little girl, Xiao Ke, was watching the thunder lion eating brown elf food. This was all made by the woman herself. Although it was not as advanced and effective as the energy cube, it was not bad.

   Thunder Lion lay there, bowed his head to eat, while Xiao Ke was touching Thunder Lion’s head over there.

   If it was in a previous life and the Thunder Lion was just an ordinary dog, adults would never dare to let children do this.

  Although animals are said to be psychic, this is only human wishful thinking. There is no way to communicate. Ghosts know what they think!

   I don’t know when I will give you a bite.

   "Okay, Xiao Ke, Lei Mingshi is going to eat too. You haven't finished your meal yet, come back for dinner soon."

Uncle    spoke up, after all, it is the man in the family, especially when the guest Zhou Jiang is there, he is quite strict.


   Xiao Ke responded, then touched the thunder lion's head heavily, got up and went back.

   After Xiao Ke left, Lei Mingshi looked up at her back and rolled his eyes.

   God knows how its mighty thunder lion can guarantee its majesty in front of this little child.

  I can’t hit, and I can’t even scare it. Once the little girl is cried by it, it feels like it’s going to be stripped by the owner...

   It knows that although its owner is very strict with little girls sometimes, but it is also very short-term...

   Xiao Ke went to the kitchen to wash his hands and then sat back on the dining table. The uncle asked Xiao Ke to say hello to Zhou Jiang, and Zhou Jiang also responded. It was considered that they knew each other, and then a few people ate.

  While eating and chatting, the uncle kept asking Zhou Jiang's questions, and Zhou Jiang was able to answer as much as he could.

   After eating, the few of them sat on the sofa and watched TV after they were ready.

   Zhou Jiang asked Kirulian about the situation on Ghoststone, but she said nothing happened, so that means they haven't acted or something?

   Zhou Jiang didn't know, so he didn't bother to worry about it, just waiting for Ghost Stone to send a signal.

   Zhou Jiang and Lin Hai and his wife are watching TV together. Thunder Lion is lying at the feet of Lin Hai, while Xiao Ke is playing with Cirulian in her room.

   Lin Hai is naturally the name of the middle-aged uncle, not only that, he was originally a prosecutor!

   Zhou Jiang didn't expect this, he was actually Zhou Jiang's predecessor.

   Of course, although Lin Hai is also a prosecutor, he is only a blue-clothed prosecutor. Later, after getting married and having children, he retired. After all, with a family, he naturally cannot be as reckless as before.

   And now the thunder lion is his former main elves, as for the other elves, he has been released.

After all, other elves like to fight, and after he doesn’t become a trainer, he can only feed the elves with ordinary food if he doesn’t have money to raise them, and if he doesn’t fight for a long time, their strength will also drop drastically. In that case it is better to let them return to nature.


   The cell phone Zhou Jiang put in his pocket rang, Zhou Jiang picked it up and saw that it was Zhang Kai!

   "Hello? Old Zhang?!"

   Zhou Jiang continued to call while walking outside.

   "Chen Yajie is really a traitor?!"

   "...Yes! After I captured the Rockets, Chen Yajie held me with a dagger behind her back. If it weren't for my mind, you might not hear my voice."

"...I'm sorry...but it's not the time to talk about this. You have a super power genie, right? Come to Cairo Square~www.wuxiaspot.com~We need your help! Quick...Zi~... …Zizi~Zizi~......"

   "Hello? Hello?! Are you there!"


   Hearing the blind tone on the phone, Zhou Jiang was a little confused.

   What happened over there?

   But if you go there... what should I do here?

   Nima! They all guarded the other side’s exit, and just waited for the other side to show up, but you told me to rush over? !


   Zhou Jiang is a little upset.


   Now his thoughts are a little confused, he put the phone back in his pocket and walked back.

   After returning to the living room, they found that Lin Hai and his wife were watching TV seriously. Even the thundering lion was standing there, exuding a terrible breath.

  Of course, this thundering lion is just a chicken that can't even reach the king of heaven...

   But even so, looking at it, Zhou Jiang feels that the sense of oppression is still sufficient, after all, Zhou Jiang is just an ordinary person...

   Zhou Jiang looked at the TV and found that it was not "Me, Brave!" on the TV. In this hot TV series, there was a man in black clothes with a red r tattoo on his chest talking!

   Rockets? !

   Zhou Jiang only remembered this time. It seemed that the Rockets had hijacked the TV station...

   Be a wizard trainer in a parallel world

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