Crisis Crisis Great Crisis!

Chen Xin said she wanted to cry.

I want to see the TV station where my friend works when I am on vacation.

The result was an attack by the Rockets accidentally!

Even if it encounters an attack, the Rockets will basically not harm innocent civilians. It will be fine when they leave. The result is so dying, they actually didn't plan to leave!

They didn't come here to grab things...but it's not wrong to say they were grabbing things, they wanted to grab the right to broadcast TV!

It took a while to record a war declaration, and then choose someone to go live...

Among a group of people, she would not be selected by herself. After all, the Rockets picked out the person who had been the host when choosing people, but she fart at that time...

When the Rockets looked over, the air seemed to freeze all over, and she almost wanted to commit suicide. Fortunately, no one knew who made it.

When the Rockets guy turned her head, she was relieved, and...

Then she put another...

It's all right now, a circle was left around her...

"You! That's you! You give me out!"

Finally, the Rockets pinched his nose and threw her out with a cold face...

At that time, she felt the complicated look of other people's gratitude and resentment. She really thought about it...

When she walked out of the TV station with a microphone and a camera-carrying elder brother, she recovered from the cold wind.

The cameraman and the two were forced to go to Cairo Square to broadcast live. She knew that if something happened, then she would be finished...

Certain keyboard guys will come out and criticize.

At first, she was stopped by the police. She was still very happy when she was outside. After all, she didn't have to go in, so the trouble would be much less.

however! however……

When the Rockets called, she couldn’t help but hoped that the prosecutors would refuse the Rockets’ request, but...No way, he was just a little beast. He could only live long if he obeyed the beast’s words. At one point, she could only bite the bullet and go in with the camera brother.


Looking at the host who barely smiled while looking at the screen and saying something, Zhou Jiang shook his head.

When she came in to live broadcast like this, the prosecutors would naturally not show her a good face, even Miss Junsha was no exception, even if she was forced...

The fact is the fact, she came in to broadcast the embarrassing situation of the league, and the Rockets benefited! Do they still have to greet each other with a smile?

Although Zhou Jiang didn't hate her, he didn't feel anything else.

He would not go up if he didn't like trouble, and she was still in front of the camera, so Zhou Jiang wouldn't go up anymore, he wanted to hide away...

Chen Xin wants to cry...

Now she was a little embarrassed standing behind, she didn't know what to say, and she could only simply hit haha ​​in front of the camera...

Compared with her, the cameraman is much better. Anyway, he is just behind the scenes. It is enough to carry the camera and aim the camera at Chen Xin, and she will bear all the pressure...

To be honest, the cameraman thinks she is very pitiful... She is really a cup, if he is a woman, he must replace her!

Well, definitely!


"By the way, did your elves get it back?" Zhou Jiang and Zhang Kai were sitting in the distance, and Zhou Jiang suddenly remembered to ask him.

Previously, Zhang Kai asked Chen Yajie to support Zhou Jiang, and then took a bunch of Poke Balls from their prosecutors. As a result, Chen Yajie estimated that he did not have too many devices to suppress Poke Balls on his body, and then he directly stuffed the Poke Balls in a certain In this place, they are afraid of attacking Zhou Jiang and they will come out and **** him.

When Zhou Jiang gave Chen Yajie to Miss Junsha, he told her that she was going to torture Chen Yajie. He didn't know what was going on, so he asked him.

"Not yet, Miss Junsha called and said he hasn't woken up yet..." Zhang Kai said here and turned to look at Zhou Jiang. Zhou Jiang tilted his head with a guilty conscience and looked at the sky.

"Hey, this moon is really round!"



"It's okay, anyway, a traitor, as long as you don't die, you should never worry about any alliance rules when you encounter an enemy. Those rules are only for ordinary trainers or ordinary battles." Zhang Kai patted Zhou Jiang on the shoulder.

"Looking at my legs, it is the price of hesitation at the beginning... You did this very well, decisive!" After saying that, Zhang Kai sighed, and then looked at Zhou Jiang's eyes: "You know why I admire you ?"

Zhou Jiang shook his head.

The ghost knows...

"Zhang Kui complained to me before, saying that you let Big Needle Bee blow off the legs of several people with a destructive death light, and then he helped you deal with funeral affairs to death, and was scolded by the people above."

Hearing this, Zhou Jiang scratched his head embarrassedly.

He remembered it, but only remembered that he did it this way. Which time did he forget? It seems...that time it was something of the Galaxy Group, right?

"Ah, I'm not afraid that they will run A bunch of small guys squeezed over there, unable to catch people, I just did it, anyway, the big needle bee controlled the force, they at most Handicapped, will not die."

Zhou Jiang thinks about it now, he is really cruel enough, it seems that after doing it, there is no psychological burden at all?

"That one……"


Zhou Jiang and Zhang Kai looked back and found that the hostess was watching them, and behind her was a camera...

Zhou Jiang twitched the corner of his mouth and greeted Zhang Kai quickly, then jumped off the flowerbed and left.

On TV or something... I will never be on TV in my life.

Of course, if there is a match, there is no way, like this, you can avoid it or avoid it.


Chen Xin looked at Zhou Jiang's back with a look of embarrassment, and finally smiled and said nothing, and turned to Zhang Kai.

"Hello, I want to ask, how is your work progressing?"

Chen Xin asked him crying...

She knew that when she asked, the other party would definitely blame her...

But she didn't want to either!

The Rockets called and asked her to ask, what can she do? !

You can't resist and resist. If she causes casualties, she will be the one who will be unlucky...

The other prosecutors all looked here. Zhang Kai glanced at the mobile phone she was holding, took a deep breath and stood up and looked at Chen Xin.

"We sent a large number of heavenly kings and quasi-heavenly super power elves to search. I believe there will be results. Even if the Rockets use naughty bullets and super shields to stop them, we still have the confidence to save the hostages inside!"

Zhang Kai is a bit full...

He knows that if no one is saved in the end, then he will be finished...

But he still said so!

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