Of course, it is naturally impossible to arrange for destiny, let alone so many people present, as long as one person "does not cooperate", then even the goddess of destiny is useless.

"Mushrooms, super suck!"

Although Xu Feng drew mushrooms, a somewhat embarrassing spirit, he would not remain silent forever. Otherwise, wouldn’t it be a burden. If it was really a burden, then Zhou Nan and the others would not be two to three. It's two on four!

Two green energy bars that looked like branches stretched out of the mushroom body, and then directly penetrated the sand thrown by Ibrahimovic, and flew toward the hair ball sprinkled with sleeping powder in circles.

Zhou Jiang nodded to Chen Yongan, regardless of whether he understood it or not, and then shouted: "Maoqiu, rush over!"

Chen Yongan was a little dazed, but he couldn't ask what he meant, so he could only bite the bullet and shout: "Bibi Niao, let us rush over!"

Zhou Jiang glanced at the mosquito coils, tadpoles and mini ice that were beating, without any indication.

Mosquito-repellent-repellent tadpoles are powerful in their physical attacks, especially serial slaps. If they are hit, they will basically be overwhelmed.

And for mini ice...

Flying in the sky, as long as you don't die, it's basically fine. After avoiding the foam light of the mosquito coils, tadpoles, and water guns, it has nothing to do.

This is the advantage of being able to fly...

"Be careful, don't attack easily, just drag her." Zhou Jiang said towards Li Linghui.

It's not that Zhou Jiang doesn't believe her, but that this mini ice belongs to Wang Qingyan. He is worried that Wang Qingyan knows its habits and so on, and then starts with it...

The current lineup is in their favor. Bibi Niao has an advantage no matter whether it is playing against Ibrahimovic or Mushroom.

Zhou Jiang’s Ibrahimovic’s long-range attack only has shadow balls, while Bibi Bird has ordinary attributes and is immune to the ghost system, plus it can fly...

Needless to say, mushrooms.

The flight system itself has double restraint on it, and the lack of mushroom attack methods makes it a disadvantage to face Bibi Bird, which is simply crushing.

As long as Li Linghui drags Wang Qingyan, Zhou Jiang's fluffy ball has high mobility, and it can be dragged even if it is not hit. As long as it is more profitable than the bird, then the game will be stable!

In the end, Zhou Jiang found his Ibrahimovic!

Mushrooms are really the weakest among these elves... Let Bibi Niao do it, the success rate is very high.

If this did not kill the mushrooms, Zhou Jiang felt that Chen Yongan could find a tree with a crooked neck and kill himself.

Ibrahimovic’s speed and physical fitness, thanks to Zhou Jiang’s cultivation, have developed very well, but Xu Feng’s hair ball is not much different.

Maoqiu's own game experience is more abundant than Zhoujiang's Ibrahimovic. Coupled with the compound eye characteristics of Maoqiu, it is easy to hold it.

In addition, Zhou Jiang is very familiar with Ibrahimovic, so there is basically no overturning situation.

Seeing that Mao Qiu found Ibrahimovic, Bibi Niao also went directly to find the mushrooms. So far, from a short period of melee to a 1V1 battle.

Of course, although it is 1V1, they still need to pay attention to other elves. If they are put in a cold gun, it will be uncomfortable.

"Mushrooms, parasitic seeds!"

"Bibi bird, peck!"

Chen Yongan and Xu Feng were the first to fight, while Zhou Jiang and Zhou Nan looked at each other.

"Furry ball, rush in!"

In the end, Zhou Jiang took the lead and let Mao Qiu rush over.

In addition to the three fans, the fur ball's attacks are only melee strikes. As for the power of mind? It was not used very well, its power was not enough, and it was also a waste of mental energy and leaving flaws, so Zhou Jiang directly passed this trick.

But without the power of mind, it also has perverted skills such as ultrasound and Sanfen.

The three fans are not easy to hit in the distance, but what if they are quietly scattered during the battle?

"Ibrahimovic, Shadow Ball!"


The moment Zhou Nan shouted, the shadow ball shot towards the rushing fur ball. Because Ibrahimovic hadn't learned hypnotism, Zhou Jiang didn't let it develop a super large version of the shadow ball.

Facing the flying shadow ball, Mao Qiu turned sideways in the air before hiding, and then rushed towards Ibrahimovic without any loss.

"Run, turn back and attack as you run!" Seeing Mao Qiu getting closer and closer to Ibrahimovic, Zhou Nan panicked a little and let Ibrahimovic start running directly.

Zhou Jiang wants Mao Qiu to get close, so he can't let him get close?

"No, Bibiiao, run away!"

Just when Zhou Jiang was about to order Mao Qiu to continue chasing, Chen Yongan yelled next to him. Zhou Jiang looked and found that Bibi Bird was hit by a parasitic seed from a mushroom...


"Mao Ball, use ultrasound on mushrooms!"

Zhou Jiang really wanted to hammer Chen Yong'an to death. With such a big advantage, he almost capsized in the gutter...

Maoqiu's ultrasonic waves flew towards the mushrooms, and Xu Feng had no choice but to let the mushrooms that were going to continue serving the three powders and other debuffs to retreat.

After the mushrooms retreated, Mao Qiu jumped directly to the side of Bibi Niao, breaking the parasitic vines in twos or twos.

Parasitic vines are difficult for parasitic elves to break away ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but they are difficult to resist external forces.

"Jump behind Bibi Niao!"

Seeing Zhou Nan commanding Ibrahimovic to attack with the shadow ball over there, Zhou Jiang directly let Mao Qiu use Bibi Niao as a shield, anyway it would not be injured.

The shadow ball hit Bibi Bird and exploded directly, but it did not cause any damage to Bibi Bird. At this time, the Mushroom's ability was also super absorbed...

"Tsk! Mao Ball, use ultrasound on the mushrooms after jumping up!"

The Mushroom’s skills are used against Bibi Bird. Bibi Bird doubles the restraint of the hair ball. Even if it is hit by the grass system, it only reduces its physical strength. If the mushroom is hit by ultrasound, it will be dizzy. Then the little bit of blood drawn was not enough for its subsequent loss. It was obvious that Xu Feng didn't do it. The mushrooms could only continue to roll on the ground, avoiding the ultrasonic wave.

At this time, Bibi Bird finally relieved from the pain, and flew high into the sky again.

"Be careful, don't get hit again, pay attention to the opponent before attacking."

"Ahem, don't worry, I won't be careless this time!"

Zhou Jiang gave Chen Yongan an order, then looked at Mao Qiu.

Bibi Niao flew up, and then the hair ball became the target of Ibrahimovic and the mushroom.

It's also thanks to the speed and reaction of the hair ball, otherwise it will be cold.

"Mao Ball, rush towards Ibrahimovic!"

Zhou Jiang felt that the mushroom should be handed over to Chen Yongan.

After suffering a loss, Chen Yongan will never be careless, right?

As long as we fight steadily, mushrooms can't beat Bibi Bird.

"Bibi Bird!"

"Better than~!"

Bibi Niao responded, glanced angrily at the mushroom, and then flew towards it.

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