This distance... less than five meters!

The waterspout that erupted from such a close distance, Heracross would definitely be involved!


Heracross also noticed the abnormal movement behind him and the faint feeling of danger.

Did not hesitate to descend directly in accordance with Fan Tianlei's orders.

If it gets involved, it will be able to guess what will happen to it...

Although he was not directly hit by the "Javelin" in terror, it was not much worse.

After being hit by the "Javelin", the waterspout burst from the body, so the damage was extremely high. Basically, an accident is the ending of death, and being involved in the waterspout is similar.

The inside of the water spout is composed of two water spouts rotating in different directions. After the object is sucked in, it will be torn into pieces by the strong tearing force.

Although the disadvantage is that the duration is not long.

But compared to its advantages, this disadvantage is nothing at all!

Heracross rushed towards the ground.

It must ensure that it reaches the surface before the waterspout is fully formed...

Now the idea of ​​it directly rushing to fight with Menus has disappeared, and now it is better to save its own life. It is now using all the strength of feeding...

The waterspout was formed very fast. Heracross only flew halfway, and the waterspout formed a certain scale. The powerful suction directly affected the flight speed of Heracross.

But instead of giving up, it flew harder.

If it gives up now, then after the waterspout is completely formed, it can only play GG.

Because of its closeness, it can't reach the surface with light, and it needs to keep getting closer to Menus.

Even if it is not intended to attack, it must pass.

After all, there is only one side with extra open space nearby.

If it doesn't want to be caught in the waterspout, it can only run towards there!

Meenas did not attack it, one is that it is still recovering, and the other is that it is also affected by the waterspout...

At a distance of more than 20 meters and nearly 30 meters, the hard vortex water blade that it emits with all its strength is not covered...

Even it has a feeling of being sucked away...

Sure enough, Heracross was still very strong.

It flew close to the ground while being sucked by the waterspout, lowered its body and then flapped its wings with all its strength and flew towards Menus.

The energy on the big horns above its head had already dissipated.

"Menus, aim and attack, don't wait."

Zhou Jiang looked at Heracross and shouted at Menus.

Heracross doesn't seem to be flying very steadily. It is estimated that being able to fly towards Minas slowly has exhausted all its strength, right?

What's to be afraid of then.

I was worried about not being hit before, but now if the slow Heracross still fails to hit...

Then Zhou Jiang will have to consider whether to equip it with a pair of glasses...

Meenas nodded slightly, grabbed the ground with his tail, then gathered the energy to his mouth, and finally shot out after brewing for a while.


A water gun flew toward Heracross.

This squirt gun is far worse than the previous one, but even if it has not recovered well now, the speed and power of this squirt gun is still not weak!

After all, it took a long time before it came out.


Seeing the water gun coming from the blast, Heracross roared, and then fell to the ground. Two powerful feet slammed on the shattered field. Suddenly, its feet sank smoothly!

After stuck her foot in and stabilized her body, Heracross bent over and bowed her head...

The terrifying big horn has already charged up at this time, and the white light glowing from that long horn is unusually rich, which means that Heracross is super serious!

Indeed, Heracross had to be serious about this attack.

If you don't take it seriously, you don't have to think about what will happen to it.

Now, behind it is the maximized waterspout.

That horrible suction power, if it hadn't inserted its feet into the field now, it was afraid that it would not be sucked directly by its current skills.

Behind it is the waterspout, it can't turn its head, and in front is the powerful attack of Menus.

Choose between the two, Heracross naturally chooses the previous one.

One is that the previous attack is weaker than the latter, and the other is its target. Minas is in front!

There was still some room for choice before, and now it's here, and it has no room for choice.

It can only rush forward now!

Super corner attack!

Undoubtedly, Super Horn Strike is the ultimate move of the insect elves!

Up to "120" offensive power, second only to "150" offensive power and other super big moves.

Moreover, the super corner strike is also among the insect skills, the only damage is more than "100".

Although it is a melee, physical attack, and the ones who can learn this skill except for one or two, the others are heavy armored elves, but this does not conceal the shining point of this skill ~ ~ high attack power and consumption Low, no side effects.

The only shortcoming is the need to be close, but compared to others, this shortcoming can be nothing.

And now...

Faced with the powerful water cannon attack of Menus, Heracross chose to use super corner attack defense to be considered good.

Although the water gun has become more powerful after being compressed, the super corner shot used by Heracross is still not enough.

Heracross is known for his strength, not to mention that he is using his own ultimatum now.

Although it now needs to concentrate a lot of power under its feet to avoid being sucked away by the waterspout, it is enough to resist Menus's attack.

The moment Heracross's skill was released, the water column with the thickness of his arm arrived.

The water column hit the big horn of Heracross, and after a stalemate for a while, it was torn apart by the big horn and flowed towards both sides.

Although it did not attack Heracross's body, this does not mean that this skill is ineffective.

Under this powerful impact, Heracross continued to draw back.

Even though it was pushing **** the ground, the ground was full of cracks blasted out by big needle bees, and the surface of the field had become loose and not as strong as before.

What happens when you step on this kind of venue?

The result speaks for itself.

Fortunately, Menus didn't have much strength.

It is overdrawn and the energy has not been recovered. It is already very good to be able to emit a water gun that is not weak. If it is a long-term problem, it should not be considered.

"Ha... Menus, regenerate yourself!"

Hmm... Zhou Jiang cheated.

Meinas had never learned self-regeneration before, and now Zhou Jiang directly replaced it on the spot...

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