It has been mentioned before that Big Needle Bee and Zhou Jiang "are connected."

Although it was unilateral, Zhou Jiang could not understand the meaning of Big Needle Bee, but Big Needle Bee was able to pass Zhou Jiang's eyes, and he could understand his meaning in one sentence.

After Zhou Jiang called out the order, Big Needle Bee knew that he wanted to give the big man a bit of face, and then he took more than half of his strength...


It has to be cautious at least to fight the twenty-odd king Nido...

Otherwise, it would pass by with a single shot, and King Nido would probably fly straight away...

That's right, Big Needle Bee is so abnormal now, the gap between the two is so big!

King Nido now only accounts for the power brought about by the huge body, but it is estimated that its speed will not work. This is the disadvantage brought by premature evolution.

Although the Big Needle Bee suppressed the power and so on, the speed at which the tricks gather was unnecessary.

It fine-tunes the energy in the body, and then passes through a special location to convert the energy into venom, and then attaches it to the tip of the spear like an enchantment.


The two elves fought.

Although King Nido's speed is indeed not good, but this field is so big, even if it is not good, he rushed to the Big Needle Bee in twos.

King Nido's tall body formed a sharp contrast with the tiny figure of the Big Needle Bee, but the battle between the two elves was "exciting."

King Nido kept attacking with his long horns, while the Big Needle Bee used the unloading technique given to it by Zhou Jiang to "hold" the long horns of King Nido and sent it out, and then the Big Needle Bee made a burst of output on its back. .

Since Big Needle Bee's strength is not easy to control, it is simply placed to the lowest level, so the damage to King Nido is not high.

Although not high, after three or two visits like this, this weak chicken Nido can't stand it anymore.

Seeing that the long horns were really ineffective, the big man quickly asked King Nido to switch attacks.

King Nido is still very good in close combat.

A tall body, long sharp horns, a long powerful tail, strong limbs and finally that armor covering most of the body.

Can attack and defend, and the means of attack are very diverse.

Although it can't be used for two purposes at the same time, it can attack at any time.

If the horns are not good, come punches and tails, even those terrifying teeth can attack...

However, the only gap between the two is there, and King Nido is doomed to fail.

But failures are also divided into circumstances.

Like now, with the "fake fight" of the Big Needle Bee, King Nido and Big Needle Bee brought a "exciting" game to everyone.

Those who eat melons are at the same level, how can they see the fake beating of Big Needle Bee?

I feel that something is wrong.

In the end, King Nido was defeated.

However, it brought a "wonderful" duel to everyone, so the people who eat melon still gave it applause.

Although the melon-eating people still looked down on Big Needle Bee before, but they had thick skins, and this was really nothing, so now they all closed their mouths, but no one left angrily.

After all, for wild passerby trainers, they need to watch and fight more to grow up.

The battle that can "subvert" their perceptions is their favorite.

Although you will be slapped in the face, you can grow up. Even if you don't learn anything, you can also increase your knowledge.

Of course, this is only limited to the people who want to become stronger. If the mentally retarded...there is no way. After all, they saved the earth in their previous life. Any beauty likes them, and any beast is their little brother. Their face just can't live with the world.

"Amazing game! I didn't expect Ahai and Zhou to bring us such a wonderful game. Will anyone else be on the court to challenge us for the main week?"

Hmm... Zhou Jiang reported his name as Zhou, after all, he felt a little embarrassed if he called his full name...

Of course, if there is no way in the league regular game, then there is no way. Others, if you can't call the full name, you won't be called. After all, as long as you don't call the full name, then he can treat Zhou as another person and won't feel called It's me.

Although he knew it in his consciousness, another thought could ignore it...

The big man took back the fallen King Nido, greeted Zhou Jiang and went down, and then raised a bunch of hands under the ring.

This time, the referee picked a little girl up.

"Okay, both sides are in place, then the contest between Dingxiang and Zhou will officially begin!"

Zhou Jiang didn't change the elves. After all, for these rookies, he estimated that it would not be difficult for a big needle bee to wear 30.

The elf of that girl named Lilac is an evolutionary type of roaring bomb, Gu Niuniu.

Roaring bombs are still powerful, especially when fighting in small places.

Places like caves, laneways, etc.

In those places, the sonic attack of the roar bomb will be increased, and the terror attack itself is even more terrifying.

Although this is a basement, the room is almost airtight so if it uses sonic attacks here, it will be very powerful, but fortunately, sonic attacks are forbidden.

One is that the game can only use melee skills, and the other is to prevent collapse, so those large-scale attack skills such as sonic boom and earthquake cannot be used.

Sonic boom is actually limited to the underground. After all, the underground is like a cave. Once the power is high, it is no joke.

To be honest, the roaring bomb that lost the sonic attack actually lost more than half of its combat effectiveness.

It is such an elf, "race talent" is very important.

And even though it is a general genie and can learn a lot of moves, Zhou Jiang's appraisal is not given for nothing, is it?

It can be found at a glance, except for combinatorial skills or skills that are not skills.

Unfortunately, there are few melee skills in this roaring bomb club.

Bite, slap, trample...

The highest attack is the "65" point attack of trampling. Although biting and trampling both have a chance to make the opposite elves fall into a negative state of "shrinking", but with a level that is so much different from that of Big Needle Bee, Big Needle Bee can be scared. It's really a ghost if you live...

Moreover, with the speed of the Big Needle Bee and those skills, can the Roar Blast bomb hit the Big Needle Bee?

"Roar explosive bomb, bite!"

After the referee called the start of the game, Ding Xiang took the lead.

Zhou Jiang only read the information after the blast bomb arrived in front of Big Needle Bee. However, this had no effect. After all, even if Zhou Jiang did not command, Big Needle Bee could counterattack by himself.

After all, elves are puppets, if they are really trained to be what the trainer says and what the elves do, then the elves will be useless.

No matter how powerful it is, it is still a waste!

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